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Everything posted by doombox

  1. Dear kamisama let new Shadows be better than Extrance. Still hype for JO. They seem to be taking their time and putting some money behind this release.
  2. doombox

    Really loved their last album so this is wonderful news.
  3. doombox

    Next post to derail this thread is not getting a warning, they will get a ban. Keep it on topic, people. Also all posts not in English should be posted in the International Lounge forum.
  4. So much for yuu saying he wasn't playing anything in the near future lol. Not that I'm complaining. I wonder if this session will release something too?
  5. This is so cute. I want to try to make it. ;w; 


    1. tetsu_sama69


      oh my goodness do it

    2. doombox


      Just gotta go to the store to buy some red bean paste and rice flour. *3* 

  6. doombox

    THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  7. doombox

    That still sounds so young for heart failure. so sad.
  8. Yay Archemi.! Spiritual Is a nice way of putting it. Felt rather cult-ish with all the praying furi they have. But I really enjoyed them when i saw them back in April. The bassist is also previously from Zodia if you remember them. I'll have to give Holyclock a chance, I can't remember if I ever heard them or not before. Name is familiar so maybe. Awesome report. Do you have more concerts planned?
  9. doombox

    About the same amount of time for me. And lol same on the oblivious part. I either assume they don't like me or they are just after a hook up so I get suspicious. >_>
  10. doombox

    Also still living the single life. It's like the longer I'm single the more awkward I get and the less I know how to meet new people. Lol. Oh well~
  11. doombox

    Yeah. The wait on the books is a killer. C'Mon GRRM! I'm not caught up yet but I probably will be by the time the next book gets published...
  12. doombox

    Book readers should be getting used to this by now. They've totally changed characters and merged plot lines left and right to keep using actors they already have on the payroll... And since they are running out of book material it seems like they are giving some nods to fan theories. If any book reader is going to enjoy the show they have to look at it as fan fiction or an alternate universe, otherwise you're just gonna have continuing disappointment for the next 2 seasons. :/ I'm neutral on this episode, personally. They gave me everything I was expecting to happen. Maybe I was expecting a longer scene with Arya and you-know-who, that would have been cool.
  13. doombox

    I'm horrible with keeping track of old photos. I had one with 12012 from years ago but hell only knows what I did with it. Otherwise I have a couple of more recent-ish ones with Crossfaith and coldrain. Ahh I miss my blonde hair now.
  14. doombox

    I was pretty jazzed to find this at my local record store.
  15. doombox

    No they cant. Kazuki's brain hemorrhage caused paralysis in his arm and hand. He can't play many of the older songs.
  16. doombox

    Seconding the hope you can make it and tell us all about it. XD
  17. doombox

    Crying a river that I'm not in Japan for this.
  18. doombox

    If he's still support that's not 6 members, imo. The title made me think he officially joined the band. But Tama is great, I'm glad they are keeping him around so they can play their older songs.
  19. I was wondering what happened to these guys. Sounds pretty good!
  20. Yeah I agree it was a hot mess of a first single but at least they are an interesting hot mess so I'm curious.
  21. doombox

    Also, if anyone wants to join in recommending new tracks next month feel free to contact me about how to do it! We're always accepting guest writers. ------------ Yay! There were a lot of rad songs this month. I couldn't even keep up. I'm cry, how did I not know about SWANKY DANK's acoustic project? Also whoever recorded Koji's voice for this should have worked on Magna Carta because he sounds so much better here. I need to look up if they've got proper releases with this. I can't wait for that a crowd of rebellion album to come out after listening to this song. sdkfhsdjlfhdls They keep getting better! I was hesitent to jump on the DEZERT hype train but I really like this pick. The vk may be small in the list this month but it is MIGHTY. Always happy to see cinima staff getting some more love. I haven't listened to the new album yet but this has me really excited!!! jizue's album is also on my gonna-listen-to-soon list. "atom" sounds fantastic.
  22. doombox

    Ive already seen some people testing out Facebook videos and I really won't be surprised if a lot of the smaller companies and bands begin to move over to it or another video hosting site once red flops.
  23. Hmmm HATE and HOPE. Sounds connected?
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