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Everything posted by doombox

  1. This is her third pregnancy from what I've seen announced. Her first daughter is 5 or 6 now I think. And she's already at the 6 month mark now, she waited to announce this one because of what happened last time she said, so maybe a year or so before she's recording again. But who knows, she's a badass so she might bounce back sooner haha.
  2. I'm happy for her, especially after hearing that she miscarried last time. She seems really excited.
  3. doombox

    I got the last 2 Crystal Lake albums on vinyl for the collection. <3
  4. When you planned to be productive today but then a friend asks you to show them some Japanese music...

    1. tetsu_sama69


      This a lot.... 

  5. Maybe Ryo and Kiki will start a new project together. That would be cool.
  6. Yeah, this doesn't bode well. : | Then again I haven't been into them in a while some maybe some fresh blood will be interesting if they choose to continue.
  7. doombox

    Did you know you can embed tweets just by posting the link? I love this update. So much.
  8. My favorite words: We Shipped Your Order Today

  9. If only the rest of America knew what we know. ;D If OOR is in the opening slot I wish it was for someone bigger like Fall Out Boy or Paramore.
  10. In Japan it is the other way around, though. I fail to the see the irony? OOR is doing amazing considering they've only released one album in the US so far and they do much more aggressive music than bands like 5SOS.
  11. I admire that they've gone through a ton of member changes and keep going. They sound different, but not bad. I'll be interested to hear this.
  12. Damn this summer is the Jrock invasion. So many great shows!! \o/

  13. LOL California and same month as coldrain. Nevermiiiiind. OTL
  14. doombox

  15. Here we go. Teeny-bopper central. Though they made a big deal about hanging out with each other a couple of years back so it's cool they finally worked something out.
  16. They're doing this because of all the bad things @CAT5 said about them. lol. jk, but I hope it's better than their recent stuff. They've been kind of boring.
  17. doombox

    As someone who lives with depression, I don't think you should self diagnose these kinds of things. If you're worried you might have depression or any kind of serious issue you should talk to someone about it. It can't hurt you any more than you're already hurting by the sounds of it. I do highly approve of the taking a week off and trying to find a way to relax. Even if you're still thinking about work, do your best to fit in other things you'd rather be doing that serve your interests. I know I don't work half as much as you do and if I don't take a month or two off every year I get really apathetic to life and responsibility in general. It's not good.
  18. doombox

    You definitely need to make some time for self-care "me time". I would have gone crazy already with that kind of schedule. D;
  19. doombox

  20. Looks like SiM is finally coming to the US. Wish I could go. :(

    1. togz


      Now I don't know if I'm gonna go cuz wagakkiband is coming back ;___; and I could probably only afford one more trip this year

    2. doombox


      Yeah Machiya probably makes that a pretty obvious decision. XD

    3. togz


      You know me well ;___;

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  21. doombox

    YES FINALLY. Amethyst was so good, I can't wait to hear this!
  22. doombox

    This was one of my favorite songs on the album. I love whoever directs their videos. They're always so trippy.
  23. doombox

    One of those times I know all of the names and even have some music from a few of those artists but don't recognize a single song.... Sorry. 1. Don't Cry - 신화 2. 虚言NEUROSE - MY FIRST STORY 3. 欠落の欠片 - THE BLACK SWAN 4. 月影 -GEKKOH- - the Underneath 5. START OVER (feat. MY FIRST STORY) - ナノ 6. White Light - Geri X 7. Sayounara - Peelander-Z 8. 激東京 - 激楽隊 9. Carat - abstracts 10. 失踪FLAME - MY FIRST STORY So shuffle feels like I've been ignoring MFS for too long and spammed me with them..... I'm going with Gekigakutai since everything about that side project still makes me happy. I wish they'd put something new out one of these days. The Geri X song is a close second. She's a brilliant local artist that deserves a lot more attention.
  24. doombox

    I have to hold back every time I see them post about this album on facebook from correcting their Engrish. I don't know why "ARTS" bothers me so much, usually I don't care. Otherwise I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of the album.
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