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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    So I'm a little behind on updates in here. A couple months ago I got the Mastadon - "White Walker" Game of Thrones picture disc and I'm so in love with this thing omg. I picked up some disbanded faves while I got to visit the magic that was the church of Puresound. Belmosaic - Acid Girl Belmosaic - ココロガワリ Belmosaic - シアター Belmosaic - 呼吸 ザアザア - したいだけでしょ? Type A & B Puresound pt.2 ハートレス- MASQUERADE ハートレス - Unlimited World ハートレス/MEZE - pupa ハートレス - BURN ONESELF OUT DVD JILUKA - Brave Agnostic Letters Under Segregation MUCC - 我、在ルベキ場所 B Type And I'm excited for July now that I preordered the GUNSHIP picture disc.
  2. doombox

    That couple picture looks so normal. They're pretty cute actually. Now I gotta dig up info on the shitstorm. I'm so curious!
  3. METAFIVE - META girugamesh - chimera NoGoD - renovate Xaa xaa - したいだけでしょ? (it's a single but idc) LOST - Back & Forth abstracts - HOLOGRAM MAN WITH A MISSION - The World's On Fire SiM - THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE SHADOWS - Extrance BABYMETAL - METAL RESISTANCE JILUKA - Faizh Crossfaith x SiM - GET IT OUT (please have an actual release pleeeaase) ザアザア - 雨に殺される Out, but need to get my hands on. sever black paranoia - ELIZA (It's out but I still need to buy it.) Alter - Transition AA= - 5 マイナス人生オーケストラ - 失心
  4. Purple Fever Para Pls Meme confirmed I love this maybe too much. lol
  5. But that's exactly what I'm saying, people need to put their money where their mouth is. Hollywood makes what people will see. But unless there is a discussion about it people won't ever realize why it's wrong and possibly stop supporting these films. I realize talking about it on MH is like preaching to the choir, but outside people need to hear why they shouldn't support films like this just because they have a boner for the lead actor. It's stupid.
  6. doombox

    Is this the same time he was caught on television shopping with a girl for a washing machine? lol They have become a guilty pleasure but LADYBABY's existence is one of the most WTF things to hit me recently.
  7. I really like these guys but this glass shatter effect in every song, why?! Of all things to make a signature, that? :/
  8. doombox

    The modern VK copy-pasta formula song writing. Heavy verse, melodic chorus, heavy verse, breakdown, bridge, rinse, repeat. I know 90 percent of these new shitty kei flavor-of-the-week bands are just learning how to write songs but for fuck's sake try something new.
  9. Yep... I totally understand what you're saying, pretty much said as much on the last page. Indies films are great and all but unless big Hollywood sees that the modern viewer won't support these decisions nothing will change. So the more noise that is made about it, the better, imo. The problem is it happens over and over and over. Her name is Kusanagi and especially in the original series, imo she didn't look white at all. And all but 2 members of the Section 9 team also have Japanese names and look Japanese in the series and the entire show large and by focuses on the corruption of the Japanese government, so how throwing in random white looking characters just makes no sense here, imo. Batou could pass for a white dude, but the Major? This is on the heels of Akira which was planned to be completely white-washed, American name changes and changing the entire setting out of Japan. And if you step out of just anime adaptation you can find HUGE lists of this happening steadily. I can't say I feel this is blown out of proportion at all.
  10. This really made me WTF. What the hell does an ambassador have to do with any GitS story line ever? I can smell convoluted plots already.
  11. doombox

    tricot - KABUKU EP

    Tracklist: 1. Nichijo_Seikatsu 2. 節約家 3. あーあ 4. プラスチック 5. 青い癖
  12. Got to see the new photo of ScarJo as "Major"... :/ I'm still so not happy about this. At least Variety is acknowledging the white washing but it still feels like no one cares what the fans actually want.
  13. doombox

    I like their previous videos for this a little better than the new preview. But still sounds nice.
  14. doombox

    LOL Well at least half of the other songs I knew a bit before this. X"DDD And I did not get the best of. That may change at some point but I'm still on the fence. Aww, Reiya's frog is cute. ;;
  15. doombox

    Sounds amazing already.
  16. doombox

    I'm also a little behind on spending time with the latest single. I just finally got to ripping it to my computer yesterday with all the other CDs I bought on the trip. LULZ omigod that priceless work of art. I can't handle all the beauty. XD
  17. doombox

    I was having blurry issues until I cropped my avatar to 178x178 exactly and that fixed the issue for me. There's no scaling or resizing since.
  18. Okay. I think I'll stay with this avatar for a while. I always hate choosing new ones. >>;

    1. doombox


      3 or 4 is good. I try to re-use some from the past when I get bored. But finding ones to suit the new avatar size is like starting over from nothing.

    2. yakihiko


      I try too, but I get bored on the same day hahaha

    3. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Nah don't change 'em ever.... gotta establish that brand identity. I've worked hard to be associated with this weird old guy holding a ruler and interrupting someone haha.

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  19. I try to stick to the genres they already like so it's not some crazy culture shock, and unless that person has expressed interest in Japanese culture I stick with an English language band. Sometimes I just slip them into a mix of other bands they know and casually explain that one band is Japanese. Their ears usually perk up when half the song went by and they had no idea.
  20. doombox

    Septaluck - MEMORIES and FUTURE

    Tracklist: 1. Flashback 2. It's All Right 3. No Joke 4. Everything 5. Not Android 6. Sleepless Night 7. Memory 8. It's a Meaning Of Your Life
  21. doombox

    Ivy to Fraudulent Game - 行間にて

    Tracklist: 01. 青二才 02. 水泡 03. 劣等 04. she see sea 05. 可憐な花 06. 故郷
  22. doombox


    ■CRAZY VODKA TONIC 1st EP『刹那の一節』2016.4.22! UPST-0003 ¥1,000 Tracklist: 01. 刹那の一節 02. 黒ヤギさんたら食べずに読んだ 03. ラブソング 04. 光源の花
  23. doombox

    Too cute! ;w;
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