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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    Whoa, congrats! I hope you have a lot of fun. I am visiting @anakuro in Japan next week, that is probably relevant to this thread. lol I'll try to keep track of my spending and give a report on how it goes.
  2. Websites like gekirock are calling it "V-djent" or "visual djent".
  3. Agreed on the slapping too. It got old pretty fast. And I should have clarified, I don't think Keita is a bad vocalist, this project just needs someone a bit more experienced, imo. Keita's previous works sounded awesome.
  4. I wish they'd hire someone like Satsuki. I want to like Keita but he just feels overpowered by everything else. His technique isn't up to the level it needs to be on screams or cleans, tbh.
  5. doombox

    Yay! These guys are always fun.
  6. doombox

    It does kind of look like he got the tip of his nose shaped, but otherwise I think he utilizes make up contouring, angles, and some line/aillis camera magic editing skillz.
  7. doombox

    Welcome, thanks for finally joining! As @seurong said, you will find topics on all kinds of Japanese music and even global artists so don't be shy. Also if you have questions anyone with a blue or red name is here to help you.
  8. doombox

    Thanks to this thread I am never sleeping again.
  9. doombox

    Please don't do that. >>;;;;;;;
  10. doombox

    Still sounds like classic NoGoD. Looking forward to hearing the full release.
  11. doombox

    When your hard work gets noticed by the right people. Feels good, man. ;w;
  12. doombox

    If they were disbanding I think we'd see a spike in posts but since it's just a management change I don't expect most people to have a strong reaction. Maybe if there was a lawsuit involved or something...
  13. doombox

    Recent adventures of a potato
  14. doombox


    No problem, I thought the easier to find, the better. XD We also do a monthly recommendation series that may help you find new artists. They cover a wider range of J-rock than just vk if you're open to it.
  15. doombox


    Welcome to the madhouse! I always love hearing what newer bands got people into vk. I also love the heavier/darker side of it. Some I didn't see mentioned you might find worth checking out are DADAROMA, THE BLACK SWAN, Far East Dizain, Fixer, Kuroyuri to kage, Misanthropist, NoGoD, Rikugo, SCAPEGOAT, Sel'm... They all seem to be fairly popular so maybe you already know of them.
  16. doombox

    Gonna have a dance party listening to Alex Newell and Adam Lambert kill it live tonight.
  17. Miya has been ruining my life for a long ass time now. I also have a thing for Leo Imai lately *cough*... >~>;;;
  18. Whoever made this list is evil. lol http://www.thetoptens.com/japanese-rock-drummers/

    1. doombox


      VK bias? On the internet you say?

    2. Tetora


      Shinpei, Yasuno, Yuuya, Yoshiki, Kanna, Sana.

    3. doombox
    4. Show next comments  117 more
  19. doombox

    Jambinai says hello. I would be careful generalizing Korean music so narrowly. Just because Korean media paints it with a "collective" brush does not mean Korea lacks depth of musical genre variation or contemporary acts that hold onto traditional elements.
  20. doombox

    I agree, there's some flaws in Marty's explanation. There are bands who draw from Japanese folk/traditional and there are many bands who don't and draw from completely western influences. It is also very much the same with Kpop. You will find (more in the solo/ballad/drama theme) side of kpop the Korean folk influenced music, and then the dance oriented "trendy" groups are tuned into the newer western/global musical trends. Let's also not forget VK is a very indie, underground, niche, sub-genre kind of scene. Kpop is meant to appeal to the MASSES. So yes, one is going to intrinsically be more formulaic than the other. There really isn't a comparison as far as musical value. As to the original question of why do people like both? I think for the same reason people can like rock and pop from any country. As a kid you could catch me listening to boy groups like Nsync and New Kids on The Block hand in hand with rock and punk bands, and that's never really changed for me. But the people who have to move from one scene to another and then look down their noses at the people who still like whatever it is they've moved on from are being elitist. Going on about how deep and creative VK is versus how "shallow" and one-dimensional Kpop is just kind of makes people look like jerks to me. There isn't a common thread between the scenes, it's just where that person is at with their life. As long as those people who used to like VK and enjoy Kpop aren't going around talking bad about VK fans, I don't really care what they enjoy. I'd much rather them go spam about something they enjoy instead of being a crab apple who shits on every new VK band for not being "as good as the old bands", tbqh.
  21. doombox

    I really love this cover! I know he's supposed to be showing off the program but he sounded way better than I expected lol.
  22. doombox

    I would hope they aren't mocking another band, that is never a good look. e_e; Unless your friends or something and everyone is IN on the joke. lol it will probably all depend on how broke I am by that point. X"D
  23. doombox

    They had me with that Miami Sound Machine brass intro.
  24. LOST's new album was worth the wait. ♥

    1. Tetora


      Didn't hear it, will investigate.

    2. doombox
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