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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    Thanks for sharing this, but just for future reference, things like interviews and behind the scenes videos are probably best posted in the artist thread here. Awww hearing that about "Tears Fall" just made it like 10x more sad. Dx
  2. doombox

    I'm diggin' it, especially track 2. Still gonna try to get that single, not sure if I need the best of but we'll see. lol
  3. doombox

    Hope its better than last year's.
  4. doombox

    Sounds like they've gone a bit more straight forward with their sound. Still has a few songs I can tell I'm gonna really like, and a couple I already do.
  5. A lot of my PSC band obsession is dead. GazettE, Alice Nine (even though I had a bit of hope for them again just recently they aren't back in my faves list yet), ViViD, BORN, all started out super strong for me but I eventually got bored with all of them.
  6. If it's just the wifi that's out I read a book or watch a movie. If all of the power is out then I do try to find a person to talk to until it comes back on, or just sleep. lol I sleep like the dead so I can sleep through just about anything tbh.
  7. doombox

    Not gonna be my favorite song from them but they look super cute in the video.
  8. I definitely have preferences. But they only affect what kind of person I'm most comfortable approaching, not necessarily who I would take issue with approaching me. I was raised in a large Hispanic family, and so I feel most comfortable approaching Hispanic and Latino men and women. But, I tend to think there are attractive people in every ethnicity and I've pretty much dated the rainbow; White, Black, Hispanic, Asian. I'm open to anyone who has the right kind of personality and similar interests as me.
  9. doombox

    I need this album. I love these guys.
  10. I was wondering why they'd make a video for an old fan favorite one of their newer songs, but it does show how hype their crowd gets which is pretty awesome.
  11. doombox

    Ex Machina I had some really high hopes for this movie because I love this genre and the visuals are positively STUNNING. But I had huge issues with the tone and overplaying how "intellectual" it was by treating its viewer like they couldn't understand the plot without it being spelled out in the narrative for them at every. single. turn. It got to feel condescending by the end of the film. I think the greatest brain-bending movies are the ones that let their audience do the math for themselves or continue to debate about it long after the film is over. I didn't like some of the casting and there's plotholes with the ending so that didn't help it much ether. It's a good thing to watch if you just wanna see some cool CGI and sexy robots, though. 2/5 Trailer:
  12. doombox

    That moment you're 100% someone is editing all their photos themselves. They were better off downloading a purikura app on their phone, tbh.
  13. doombox

    This photo messes with my head so badly lol
  14. doombox

    Same here. I could never get into Ayabie until after the Ryohei years. My friends tried pretty hard to get me into them but they just never clicked with me until "Cubic'「L/R」ock". girugamesh however won me over right away with "Volcano" and that has stayed one of my favorite tracks from them ever since. I've never really stopped enjoying them either, some stuff I like more than the others, but overall I have enjoyed them consistently so their "old" work wins for me. Interesting factoid that "Cubic'「L/R」ock" and "Volcano" came out within 3 months of each other.
  15. doombox

    Sounds like their shooting for anime themes? It's not that bad, really. I just usually like them better in darker concepts.
  16. That tracklist Taka uploaded to instagram. lmaooooo

    1. freesia


      Haha, but where's Always Coming Back?

    2. doombox


      Maybe it will be a stand-alone single? The instagram post did say "Almost" so it may be added when they are done with these other songs.

  17. This isn't quite living up to my expectations tbh, but I like "Forest" so far. Maybe the others will grow on me with time.
  18. Wow, that's a fast announcement, they're still in the studio! lol Looking forward to new tunes from them, though.
  19. doombox

    I used to love Evanescence, but for some reason stopped following them. I should probably see what Amy and the gang has been up to. Outside of Japanese stuff lately I listen to a lot of In This Moment, Butcher Babies, Conquer Divide, Icon For Hire, Paramore (long time favorite), Florence + The Machine (though I guess maybe they're pop-ish?), and Walls of Jericho.
  20. doombox

    Song is nice enough but you would think for an album called "EDR" they'd have a bit more energy in the video.
  21. doombox

    I follow some other meatcube acts and randomly checked out these guys. Apparently one of them also plays in Low-Pass. I've been listening to them a lot more than I anticipated. Just nice chill stuff.
  22. Okay, my interest has now been piqued. Some of these previews are a whole lot better than I was expecting.
  23. doombox

    Some threads are worth bringing back. lol
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