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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    I'm glad to hear their new material is still getting the crowd going. They haven't been back in my country since Apocalyze, but I've seen them once with Enter Shikari and twice on Warped Tour and they really are fantastic live, I have to agree completely. I hope they come back again soon.
  2. I need this. It will hurt all over again but I need it.
  3. doombox

    I'm with you on this one. I didn't hate it at all. Like you said, I still like their older releases more but I thought this one was nice. I guess I'm option B in the poll?
  4. Happy birthday @beni!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Tetora


      Happy birthday Beni.

    2. beni


      Thanks you two. <3 :'3

  5. doombox

    Everyone has jetpacks to get around. Lol
  6. doombox

    So many fan theories confirmed I can't handle it!!! Also sad @CAT5beat me to posting that gif. XD
  7. At first I was like "damn that school girl has so much swagger" but then I realized it was just the band dressed as her. lol
  8. ヒステリックパニック(Hysteric Panic) new full album ノイジー・マイノリティー(Noisy Minority) 2016.07.20 RELEASE / ¥2,300 (Tax in) / VICL-64602 Tracklist: 1.The New Beginning  2.シンデレラ・シンドローム  3.Blood Ocean 4.エクストリームおっぱいダイナマイト8000  5.Brain Dead 6.Adrenaline  7.しぐなる  8.~Sprout~  9.ハナウタ  10.世界の尾張  11.なんてったってラウドル  12.Holograph  13.おわかれかい
  9. doombox


    1.MARINE SNOW 2.SSFMe 3.CRIMSON CRIMSON 4.砂の星(suna no hoshi) 5.SHAH MAT 6.BUTTERFLY EFFECT 7.アカシックレコード(akashic record) 8.WANDERLUST 9.NEOPOLIS 10.THE MUSMUS RIOT
  10. doombox

    This song is jammin'.
  11. doombox

    I don't see what's so bad about it, I like it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. doombox

    Back to the grind for them. They make it so expensive to love them lol.
  13. doombox

    Not sure why they bothered since they could have just kept the name for appearances but they've been active for so long they deserve a nice retirement, so I totally understand calling it a day. I still love a lot of their music and will continue to enjoy it. I hope they enjoy their free time. So long and thanks for the great tunes.
  14. doombox

    So sleep is still postponed?
  15. doombox

    *sighs for a hundred years* They had a lot of potential, I was pulling for them to do something. Best of luck in the future, I guess.
  16. doombox

    Song sounds nice and I'm happy for them playing Budokan but it does feel surpising. I didn't think they were that popular.
  17. I've been silently watching Purple Stone from the sidelines since "Aoi Yami" (even recommended it for RT a while ago). But I'm too scared to get too attached to indie bands these days. ^^;
  18. Every vk pv needs background dancers from now on. 

    1. inartistic


      Or this pile of barf


      (This status has got me thinking, what are some other vk PVs with background dancers???)

    2. doombox


      Recently Xaa Xaa and I though girugamesh had one too a while back. 


    3. doombox


      Lol yeah this hot mess


    4. Show next comments  84 more
  19. I'm not crazy about the song yet, though I wanna hear the entire thing before I make any rash decisions lol. But that choreo. It is giving me life! XD
  20. doombox

    Well that will be the first period shot I ever saw in a music video.....
  21. doombox

    Koie's cleans are getting so good. The rest of the song is alright but it sounds like they're settling in the sound they had on Xeno which I don't mind too much. I miss the old Crossfaith sometimes but I'll live.
  22. doombox

    Sansa's plot is also interesting for me now because it feels like a parallel with Cersei only Sansa is finally getting what she wants and Cersei no longer is. But they are both being steely-eyed and secretive. And I do think people forget, Jon is the only family she has left but they weren't really that close. I do get the feeling what she just did is going to widen the distance between them too. Maybe Jon needs the push if the fan theories are correct about his parentage. I really want to see Kivara, Melisandre, and possibly Thoros meet. They all have a different champion so it will be wild! I'm really hoping a certain someone shows up at the Lannister/Frey party and pokes some holes in people. I do think we're missing the twists and surprise deaths that made the early seasons so shocking and amazing. Tying up lose ends is great but not everything should be going as expected. The plot armor is getting really really thick these days, and part of the appeal of GoT was anyone could drop at any moment. But we're all so deep into this show no one is gonna give it up this close to the end. lol. Maybe that was part of announcing the number of seasons so viewers don't start dropping off.
  23. 1st Single「In My Bones」 2016.07.20
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