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Everything posted by doombox

  1. NOTHING TO DECLARE 2nd Album "Louder Than Words" 2016/09/07 National Release ¥1944(tax in) / AILA ENTERTAINMENT
  2. Just now previewed the pv (a hundred years laaaaaate) and huh, sounds a little heavier than before, or is it just me? I need to hear the other songs now. But I dig the new look and the new tune.
  3. doombox

    Seriously!! I would have picked some differently (Anyone else feel like Brienne is the ultimate Taurus? Or even Stannis. Lol) But it was a fun read and I liked the extreme sides of everyone, that's what makes it GoT. Lol
  4. doombox

    *goes to cry in gemini corner*
  5. VAMPS featuring Chris Motionless? Wat? How did this even.. 


    1. tetsu_sama69


      They're apparently working with the guitarist of rammstein as well

  6. doombox

    This band is gonna be the end of meeeee
  7. doombox

    That preview is sounding wonderful. <3
  8. The only part that sounds hollow for me is the vocals. But I wasn't expecting Adam to be the strongest vocalist. I could use a tad more bass too, but I'm hoping that's just youtube compression. Really digging the music though. I think they'll solidify their sound with the next release as far as the mix goes.
  9. doombox

    Nice mix of Apocalyze and Xeno with this one. Looks like they got the old "Monolith" DP/Director back on this video too. And Tatsuya's big fuzzy drum kit. <3
  10. doombox

    I think you would do well to read this thread again.
  11. doombox

    We've always had an open news forum where anyone can post.
  12. doombox

    Banned would imply they can not access or post on the forum, which they are currently doing at this time, so I'm not sure what you're trying to insinuate at this point. All members abide by the same rules, no one is special. If you are trying to say we should give anyone special treatment, I would tell you that... is kinda idiotic.
  13. doombox

    @filth_yI can tell you I have posted news directly from band members mouths before official announcements more than once and know other MH users who have as well. Trombe is not alone in that. Jsyk.
  14. doombox

    Sounds pretty melodic for them? But not bad. Maybe the other songs will have some of the old heaviness.
  15. doombox

    Okay let me stop you here. Who is siding with trolls? You mean the mods made a decision and certain members actually understand why and aren't sad about it. How about you try not to instigate this being something it is not.
  16. Holy shit this is lightyears better than Extrance, thank goodness. Hallelujah!!!! I think the point was more that Adam, Tomo, and Eiji didn't want to do this anymore. Joy Opposites already sounds very different.
  17. 24 hours left to get entries in for the cosplay contest guys. Don't miss out!

    1. togz


      I wanna but I could t finish my horns I time ;;

    2. togz


      Wow typos couldn't in time *

  18. ◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦

    1. yakihiko


      ฅ(^ •ω•*^ฅ)

    2. doombox



    3. enyx


      ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

  19. doombox

    I'd be good for an earlier session on sundays. It's my only day off so usually the evenings include me being dragged out of my house.
  20. More SNO meets Vidoll feels for me on this song. I like it. And I'm in love with Yutori's look this time around.
  21. doombox

    Yep. I'm gonna need this.
  22. doombox

    Then I guess I better go get acquainted with more of their releases since this! Thank you. <3 Edit: If anyone feels like recommending me their favorite releases I'd be game!
  23. doombox

    Ahhhhh my childhood. The skating rink was my jam and they'd play this stuff all day. Stevie B was one of my faves. It's really interesting to learn that this and para para have a connection. The world keeps getting smaller and smaller! XD
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