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  1. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to WhirlingBlack in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  2. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to SilverEspeon__ in A question to everyone   
    I read about that as well. It's kinda sad. And I know that song is about him as well.
    I am aware that he drinks (in a picture I saw on Instagram, he looked pretty drunk in my opinion, but I don't know) and that he may smoke (sorry if I'm repeating myself here), but I didn't really find a post about him having the birds and the bees or that he has sent d*ck pics... Are they old posts perhaps?
    Nicki Minaj I can kinda understand (I don't despise her, but I find her choice of clothing a bit... Weird...), but I don't see why he would mention Lady Gaga... That's odd... :/ But I don't understand sexism that well so I don't know what qualifies as sexism and what doesn't...
    But like I said, I like him mostly for his music than he himself. I tend to focus a lot more on their work than them as a person, but of course I don't want someone who is rude to everyone either. It has to be a "balance" (or whatever) between the two.
    That's the main thing. I like seeing other people's opinions (as crazy as that sounds since everyone gets butthurt so easily nowadays...) and see what they think about something! It's actually one of my favourite things!  
    To be honest, I actually didn't really believe that he was as famous in Japan as he claimed he was since I didn't really find any proof of it. But I actually thought he (along with his band) would become more famous in Japan after moving there... But oh well. I actually preferred it when he was in Sweden anyway.
    Since I don't know if anything you have said is true, I'm just going to assume they are rumors for now. And hey, this could have been much worse. While I am a bit of a fangirl, I'm at least giving this some benefit of the doubt before I see for myself. A blind fangirl would never have done that.
    But thanks for your opinion and telling me about this! I enjoyed reading it!
  3. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from suji in A question to everyone   
    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well):
    I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase.
    More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well.
    Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well.
    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
  4. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from SilverEspeon__ in A question to everyone   
    He is (more or less) the one who broke up Seremedy. It happened along with their gig at Närcon (I think, someone with more info can correct me) where Seremedy were booked for about 25,000 SEK. This gig was booked 6~ months prior to his debut in Melodifestivalen, but the gig was a month or two after Melodifestivalen. Yohio told the Närcon group that he wanted to change the contract and recieve 125,000 SEK for the gig (if I remember correctly) since he was famous now. And as they didn't want to pay that, Yohio decided to not attend the gig with Seremedy, resulting in the band cancelling the gig and the members of the band fighting. He also went out in Aftonbladet (famous swedish newspaper) and said that he made himself famous in Japan with no help at all, and the reason to Seremedy having fans there was because of him. This made SEIKE (ex. Seremedy) pissed off (since he was the one who had contacts in Japan, not Yohio) and resulted in Kerberas first single, which is about him. 
    I have pictures of him sent to me by friends as recent as from last weekend, with Yohio and his bandmates all drinking alcohol and smoking. I'm not posting them though, obviously. 
    Yes, the topic I linked just repeats what I said in my previous post, but in Japanese. I have friends who I trust dearly in Japan who have experienced same thing as the gya's in the topic, so I don't doubt it for a second. On the swedish forum "Flashback" there's fans of him who has written about their shitty sex, and as Emmny said, there's dickpics as well that he have sent (which originates from Flashback). Regarding sexism, just read some interviews in Swedish from 2011-2013. He mentions Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj several times during those years.
    The last part would probably just be considered rumours to someone who don't have any proof, but I can assure you it's true but it's up to you to believe what you want of course. Also, just like Euthanasia said, he's not the only douchebag in Disreign.
    Of course I respect and have no interest in changing your opinion either, just saying why I dislike him. Despite what a shitty person he is, that is not the main reason to why I don't like him. The main reason is that I don't like his music, which I wouldn't see a point in listening to EVEN if he was as good as your basic visual kei band.
    EDIT: Also, considering how irrelevant he was in Japan until he moved there and started sleeping around just prooves how good PR he had to trick the entire Swedish population into believing he was some big shot superstar who had made it in Japan.
    EDIT 2: Don't get me wrong though, he's still irrelevant. Just not ~*as much*~
  5. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from D1433 in A question to everyone   
    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well):
    I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase.
    More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well.
    Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well.
    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
  6. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Euthanasia in A question to everyone   
    lmao yeah. Let's just say that Yohio isn't the only idiot in Disreign. Someone in that band did something horrible to my friend and thanks to that I've hard time taking the band seriously - even if I would try. 
    They will be home from Japan soon tho, when they realize that working as a musician won't get you any VISA in Jp.
  7. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Seimeisen in A question to everyone   
    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well):
    I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase.
    More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well.
    Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well.
    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
  8. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from emmny in A question to everyone   
    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well):
    I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase.
    More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well.
    Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well.
    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
  9. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to emmny in A question to everyone   
    as usual darkwater comes with logic, reason, and possibly an actually legitimate argument!
    western gya don't like yohio because he's kind of a wanker, there's a lot of funny gossip about him all over the web (including an alleged dick pic lmao). as disposal mentioned, it greatly seems that he made it so far in sweden and japan simply because of his dad's connections and because of that he looks a lot worse in everyone's eyes. thats the trend, few westerners make it in jp as a vk-related act solely through money and connections, which eclipses their talent for the most part. disreign is an exception though, i think thats surprisingly decent gaze-worship.
    so we have someone who fucks around, is mostly a giant poser and probably wouldn't be anywhere close to where he currently is without his dad's money, compared to everyone in japan who has (for the most part) fought for their place in the scene. im sure you can imagine why he'd leave a bad taste in some people's mouths.
  10. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Karma’s Hat in A question to everyone   
    I cannot fathom why this would be a mystery to anyone who has listened to a couple of tracks worth of Seremedy. A bum garage band of the worst order, with an exceptionally untalented vocalist whose ability leaves a lot to be desired even in a scene that takes a lot of liberties with the musical orthodoxy. Yohio also happens to be a rat-faced knacker with a receding hairline and daddy's label connections, so hating him as a jest on the web is not very laborious for anyone.  Having partook in Eurovision doesn't help either among anyone who's over the age of 12 or has any taste. I'm just saying doe, because personally I'd switch places with him any day of the week and live out the weeaboo dream.  
    The reception to Disreign on this site on the other hand has been largely positive actually? Yohio has to literally be the only western bandman who has any real ( or even moderate for that matter ) knowledge of visual kei and it fucking shows, because they must be the only western visual kei band that actually sounds legitimately like visual kei.  I can't hate that and spare his awkward sounding Japanese I can vibe to Disreign. Off the top of my head I can name like three to four users here who don't hate Disreign and zero who do, although I'm sure some exist.
    Not being confrontational, but I have to say I'm not buying you not being a fan or at least invested to the scene over there somehow. You could have just search yohio on the forum and you would have found multiple answers by people who like and don't like him, and then some. Instead you registered for this solitary question come on man 
  11. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Delkmiroph in A question to everyone   
    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well):
    I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase.
    More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well.
    Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well.
    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
  12. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Naaaaani in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    Yoshiki is going to dig poor Hide out one more time, nice. Looks like a necrophilia.
  13. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from r... in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    Golden Bomber and Hide with spread beaver has been announced to participate as well.
  14. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Ito in Trombe has disbanded   
    Trombe, if you had a single ounce of respect, you wouldn't have landed yourself in this situation. We you were banned for reasons that should have been VERY clear to you. Your alternate account was banned because you couldn't stand to wait out your suspension. The entire staff is aligned it this.
    You literally only have yourself to blame. 
  15. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Suuu in Rides In ReVellion International Debut   
    You guys seems to be doing pretty well. Too bad we mostly have shitty companies trying to get vk bands to europe
  16. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from violetchain in Post your Japanese all-time top 50/100 list! -2016 edition-   
    Made it pretty fast but I'd say it's fairly accurate for me, my taste haven't changed very much when it comes to Japanese music (VK is still what I'm here for).
  17. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Valicious in Your last music-related buy!   
    Send help
  18. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from -NOVA- in AvelCain 2 LIVE DVDs release   
    So... you were gone for one day? ayy lmao
    anyway, cool. i was hoping they'd do something like this
  19. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from herpes in AvelCain 2 LIVE DVDs release   
    So... you were gone for one day? ayy lmao
    anyway, cool. i was hoping they'd do something like this
  20. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to r... in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    It will cost an arm and a leg, but I think I`ll go to all three dates. Seeing LUNA SEA has been a life-long dream. Plus, GLAY and X and, who knows who else.
    Hopefully some other cool older bands will join the bill to make it even more special.
  21. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    I started working on cosplay pieces about a week ago. Hmmm.
  22. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to allisapp in Show Yourself (again)   
    My newest selfie!

  23. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Biopanda in Trombe has disbanded   
    MH is the special olympics and everyone is a winner!
  24. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Ro plz in Trombe has disbanded   
    I can't be the only one that's wondering why a group of (what im assuming to be majority) adults can't grasp this simple aspect. 5 pages of this? I got love for a lot of you but my goodness you guys are coming off as idiots. Rules were broken and there was actions taken and unfortunately the person at the center of it all has decided they no longer want to contribute. The end. I've been banned previously as have a couple people in this thread has for breaking the rules. Trombe is no different regardless of the years he's spent providing us news and whatnot. 
    Does it kind of blow? Yeah but guess what...
    This GREAT and AWESOME thing called LIFE goes on. The man said he's done. Leave it at that. The Mods/Admins said their piece. Leave it at that.
    For fucks sake.
  25. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to CAT5 in Trombe has disbanded   
    To just add to the points above - many of the people who have TRIED to contribute news have been constantly antagonized and oppressed by trombe's actions. @Traxanis NOT the only one to have experienced this. What most of you guys DON'T see are the endless complaints about trombe that the staff receives from other members about how their own contributions are being impeded upon. Other great contributors like YNS and numetal were mentioned - the difference is that they don't actively try to prevent other people from contributing as well. They do their part for the community and allow others to do the same. No one has EVER been against trombe posting news. Hell, he's free to post as much news as he wants as often as he wants, but there's no need to step on other people's toes.
    And to even assume that the staff did not value trombe's contributions is absurd. trombe has been problematic for years now and the staff have tried their hardest to work with, honor, and appease trombe because his contributions were so meaningful. But what do you do when you give someone a special rank, color, and their own special set of permissions - when you give them the power to contribute more efficiently and they just abuse that power? What do you do when you're a staff member trying to address a problem and your efforts to communicate and work out said problem are blatantly ignored? What do you do with a user who is constantly praised and literally the member with the most likes on the entire forum BY FAR, yet this member bitches and moans when a few threads (out of hundreds posted every week) don't get any replies (despite plenty of page views)?
    The staff have literally bent over backwards for trombe. If It was up to me, I would have perma-banned his ass ages ago - because I wouldn't want to keep dealing with his constant bullshit, his shitty attitude, and his inability to actually talk shit out and reason. Fuck that, he can kick rocks. Dude was fuckin' temp-banned for a week. A MOTHERFUCKING WEEK. Bruh...And yall think the mods don't value this guy? No one in their right minds would continue to put up with this nonsense if they didn't actually give a shit.
    I mean, I get it. I understand that emotions are high and people are upset about losing a contributor as outstanding as trombe, but at the end of the day, It should also be understood that trombe is leaving of his own accord - not because of the staff, or "trolls", or some ridiculous behind-the-scenes plot. So again, I say good. You should leave if you're not willing to cooperate and be a part of this community.
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