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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Excuse you his name is Daisuke Naoto Taiyaki Okonomiyaki Yakisoba
  2. [req] Dir en grey - Blue Blood

    1. Takadanobabaalien
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      [REQ] GOSSIP - 午前0時のとらうまラジオ

    3. Tokage


      [req] dir en grey - sea_of_retards.wmv

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    agitated screams of maggots is his best album
  4. we need to go back to soulseek - kawaii minpha probably doesn't know how to use it

    1. Ikna


      well, considering how special he was/is, I doubt his threats would even have had any effect. Hence the DL section closing is even more funny, because how afraid can you be of a mere hysterical weeb.

    2. Keiyuu


      good old days :')

    3. Ikna


      ^True, my friend. RIP MH XD

  5. Takadanobabaalien

    you need to register to the forum my zapdawg
  6. huh??? kawaii minpha at it again? 

  7. ok but seriously. There's 219~ million people who can vote in the U.S. About 110 million people voted. Why the fuck is 50% of the country not voting at all?? wtf is wrong with you

    1. YuyoDrift


      @DarkWaterno you cannot.


      you will get in trouble. 

      I believe you will not be allowed to vote in the next election.

    2. Show next comments  132 more
  8. I didn't expect Trump to win /: wth america

    1. Biopanda


      Lycaon did this.

  9. Sounds nice. Kinda miss mbhi though.
  10. I'm always disappointed when I see a song named moon light dance and it's not this: Fortunately it doesn't happen a lot. Edit: oh I thought it was called moon light dance. w/e mirage slays this anyway
  11. I can't believe a new era of vk has started with this band 


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If a snake is in a track suit, is that just not a tube sock?

  12. Not my cup of tea, but I was never a lycaon fan to begin with also lmao @ theres ppl who prefer memento mori over kuroyuritokage
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    Only a fool would prefer the 1993 performance though so I kinda get them.
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    ^ we can all thank memeshikute for that. that fucking song was playing at every god damn conbini for at least 2 years straight (almost worse than the frozen theme song /ari no mama plague of 2014).
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Btw, this is not just for Japanese but I used anki (http://ankisrs.net/) flashcards A LOT when I studied in Japanese. Not for words only but kanji as well. I really recommend it.
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    I studied Japanese full-time from autumn of 2013 until spring of 2015 in Tokyo. I think being exposed to Japanese daily helped me a lot. I did from beginner to upper intermediate courses when I was there. In total 7 semesters. To keep it up I tweet in Japanese and try to read as much as possible. Although that obviously doesn't work if you're a complete beginner. My advice to someone who's just starting out: start by learning hiragana and katakana. Then pick up a text book (or download) and complete the entire thing. From there you'll have the very basics and can move on in whatever way you'd feel comfortable with (for me personally it would be picking up a new book though).
  17. lmao, saz from dezert's comment about VJS "When I saw myself on the monitor I thought I should probably lose some wieght". 

  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Can this topic be about funny parts (basically the entire thing) from the AMA? like this:
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    They are an amazing live band. Need to buy it
  20. What do y'all think of Kuroyuri's new single? I'm always excited to see what ppl think about them.

    1. filth_y


      Enjoyed it a lot, even tho i felt that i've heard all riffs before. Also got some late 90's/early 00's "nu metal" vibes from it which really suprised me. While 90% of their discography is super repetetive to listen (but amazing live) with  the same song structures, same riffs over and over and over again, the good songs they have are really good, with this single being their best thing yet for me (as a closed piece; albums with 90% fillers suck).

    2. Kiryu999


      I liked the mini more but it's really good! Benjo 2  is my favorite off the single 

  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Frypan reincarnated!!
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    tfw when you offer a band member 1000$ instead of buying their cd and go to their instore lmao also yes, vk bars are common. go to kabukichou, find out where birth shinjuku live house is and you'll have like 10 bars run by visual kei bandmen within 100 meter.
  23. wth happened here tonight you crazy mofos

    1. orange~


      what happened here? I totally missed whatever was going on :o

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I think there was some drama with kawaii_minpha again? not sure

    3. eiheartx


      Its on the rumors section.

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