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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    looks cool. maybe i should try them out
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    Their name is delphinium, they were on Yayoi's climax label and released a mini album and some other stuff. I actually uploaded the mini this song is on a couple of months ago so check the DL-forum if you want to try them. Two (or maybe just one) of the members is in Unite. nowadays.
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    god how could i forget sharurotto. i even have 2 of their cd's in physical copies lmao. love those guys
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    These are basically the 3 oshare kei bands I like (and early an cafe), so im def. checking this thread again for more oshare goodness.
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    ^ we all do.
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    I'm more and more convinced every day that I should cut my hair :v
  7. Seeing at it's Champs birthday today I just realized I haven't seen her here in ages? Did she leave the forum officially? 

    1. Mamo


      Nope, she is just really inactive I got this from Ito I asked this a few days ago.

  8. Takadanobabaalien

  9. Takadanobabaalien

    rip in peace download section 20015 - 2016
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    Yuuga is just as big idiot as Yayoi anyway so they match pretty well. I've seen people write that Yuuga ran Luciffer record's in the same way as Yayoi did with his labels. As a matter of fact, Yuuga is the one who convinced Yayoi to start up Deadly Sanctuary again (after like asking him for 2 years), so he might be the one who pushed him into creating a new label as well. Anyway, the kohai/senpai relationship is difficult to understand eitherway. But it seems the duo finally broke up.
  11. Basically what Naaaani said. Can you upload the Malice Mizer cover somewhere again btw? Would like to hear it.
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    30 year old man? is he Yuuna? jk
  13. doesnt this sound like a kuroyume song? i can't put my finger on which... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN1Qmf32a0Y

    1. violetchain


      This part?

    2. nekkichi


      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6cV_USJJO0 this track givem me an intense deja vu as well but I can't think of any particular source they've lifted off

      (might be their overall lack of integrity/original ideas backfiring this time, but the part around 2.45 is also incredibly familiar sounding)

    3. herpes
    4. Show next comments  129 more
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    Kawaii minpha was mental. edit: inb4 kawaii_minpha reveals she was the one who started the hate spree on minpha's instagram because she couldn't meet him even for 7000 usd.
  15. Am I the only one who really don't care about the DL-section? I barrely download anyway. I'm mainly here for all of you awesome people.

    1. orange~


      I don't download much. I can always get my Mejibray fix from shitty blogspots, so no worries..

    2. Show next comments  129 more
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    They really don't though. It's a misunderstanding. The Japanese word feminism used to mean "man who dresses feminine", and apparently Kenzi didn't like dresses and stuff in vk. He actually was questioned about the band name during their EU/US tour and he said he had no idea that feminism had a different meaning in the west. Anyway, musically I don't really care for either of them. But i've seen both live and AF are better live then Piass, so AF.
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    Noah is an idiot lmao
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Changed the topic title lol.
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    Thanks for the correction. I appreciate it Now that you mention it, I've heard about the slang before, but I'll blame it on me being up way too late two days in a row instead of my poor japanese skills! Also, I probably won't be on MH so much for the comming 2-3 days so go ahead and translate the rest if you feel like it. Otherwise I'll do it on sunday
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    There's a lot of dirt on Noah @ tanuki so I don't doubt kiryu.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    I feel bad for him lol
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    From Kiryu (Betty)'s twitter: "Sorry for whitewashing everything for so long. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone now, it's just that I no longer want to keep on lying to the fans who have supported us for so long. Also, my fellow label mates, band friends and senpai's think I should talk about this as well - so I'm doing it. First of all, there's really no reason for our disbandment, but it's not like any of us really wanted it to end like this. We've been active for a year and a half without having a single flyer made and no music released. No matter how many years we would continue it would still be the same, so we see no reason to do so. We've always had in mind to get more fans and increase our sales. But no matter how long we waited, we got no studio time or any flyers made. Despite all this we always kept on cheering on each other, believing in each other and giving it our all. We though "maybe it's easier if we just use our own money and do this?" But we weren't allowed by our management. No goods, no releases and we never felt "free". But we still had to pay for our own costumes, all our traveling expenses, expenses for support member. Some members even had to lend money to the label. Not letting us do anything was basically our labels policy. I'm just explaining simple now but for example at gigs, our money were used for other bands without us even knowing about it. In the end, NOTHING was used for us. So where the hell did all the money go? I think I don't need to tell you, because you guys probably already know. In our label there's a certain band that stands out from the rest of us, which has been using much more money than us, well... If our labels policy was for them to drag in money for us I don't have any complaints but it wasn't like that, and I have no understanding for how ZERO money ended up being spent on us. ALL of our money was spent on Avanchick. And everything bad had to been payed by us, Betty. Flyers, CD's, Goods, NOTHING was OK for us to make. If we can't get any fans, then we're the ones who get called a bad band, even though in reality it's not our fault as we haven't been given a chance. Just for how long was this supposed to go on? The limit has been reached not only by me, but for all members in Betty. We were told in DM "If you guys want fans, then fucking get to work" I kept repeating for myself that time has changed, and in the vk scene today you have to work much more for yourself as well. I kept on doing it for a while even though I always felt it was very strange, and I wasn't able to understand why we had to do it. And at that time I was called by Noa from Avanchick. "Would you please stop approaching our fans?" "Can you please stop inviting our fans to your gig?" Was what he told me. I felt a lot of different things, especially that there was enormous misunderstandings. But as a Kouhai I bowed my head and asked him for forgiveness. As his label mate, his friend and his kouhai I simply felt that asking for forgiveness would be the only right thing after having made him feel uncomfortable. "You can't go to this bands live" "You're not allowed to become someone elses fan" I think having lots of bands that you like is totally fine, all bands are fun in different ways, isn't that what music is about? But if this is a rule that Avanchick has then I simply thought that there's nothing to do about it. This is not about if I'm right, or if Avanchick is right. Everyone thinks differently and everyone is different. If that is Noa's rule then I guess in his own way he is right. We never had intentions of being in the way for someone or causing any trouble. I think that using another band this much is very wrong. But I always saw us as good friends, and them as good senpais and us as good kouhais. Therefore I really wanted us to do a last live together. I wanted us to end this on good terms. But apparently he thought differntly -Kiryu posts a picture from Line where Nao says that he doesn't want to attend their gig because they will lose fans for giging with them- " Okay this is all for now. I think he might continue writing a bit more, if so I'll translate it tomorrow cus I need to sleep. Be aware there might be some errors in the text, but all in all i'd say it's correct.
  23. LUNA SEA is my favorite band ever and I like all their albums so it's difficult, but I'd say MOTHER would be a good start. For Kuroyume I would recommend Mayoeru yurichitachi romance of scarlet. X Japan - Blue Blood I guess (someone else might be better at recommending here). BOOWY - JUST A HERO BUCK-TICK - Seventh Heaven
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