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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    @Seelentau Then it's probably correct I suppose. Also if they use their first names as artist names I can see why they also don't see no point in being all secretive about it.
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    Yes, these names are what the Japanese fanbase consider as their actual names (I'm assuming these originate from tanuki, but I'm definitely not sure). I do however believe that the members (or any official source) have never confirmed them to be real. I've never heard Kaoru and Shinya being confirmed either, but then again I'm not a huge Dir en grey stan to begin with, so if you have any actual proof then go ahead.
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    These have never been confirmed to be their real names, but yes, this is what people (for some reason?) think are their actual names. Readings for people who can't read the post above: Andou Masaru (Die) Nishimura Hironori (Kyo)* Niikura Kaoru (Kaoru) Hara Toshimasa (Toshiya) Terachi Shinya (Shinya) *A lot of western fans thinks Kyo's real name is Tooru, but this has been proved wrong before. Iirc it was Kyo trolling in an interview (a Japanese source states it was in the magazine KERA) and said that his name is Tooru. The fan translation never mentioned it being a joke and then people ended up believing it was real. Or something along those lines.
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    wow this sounds amazing tbh
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    1. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — デスピクニック 2. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — ピエトロの風船 3. 黒百合と影 — キミの薬指はボクのシチュー。 4. Da'vidノ使徒:aL — 12月にできた曲 5. LUNA SEA — FATE 6. 黒百合と影 — チョコレート階段 7. 黒百合と影 — 蜥蜴-トカゲ- 8. 黒百合と影 — 児童公園 9. 黒百合と影 — 「未遂」 10. LUNA SEA — TIME IS DEAD
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    Speaking of Saki, here's a fun clip of two worlds colliding. Shit tier kei and swed kei (BatAAR ft. Saki covering ASOM)
  7. lOL you guys are great. Thanks for writing on my profile. Very appreciated!! 🤔🤔🤔

  8. Takadanobabaalien

    I'm not sure but I guess the reason for this is that Japan has a strange view on malformation/handicap etc. Stuff like this is usually censored in national television, same with the word Kichigai (crazy), they're never said out loud and always written with censor. I'm not exactly sure why it's like this, I'm assuming it's based in the culture/taboo. Maybe @cvlticcan explain this better? As an example, the movie "horrors of malformed men" was banned in japan for a very long time, despite actually being a japanese horror film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0142257/). From imdb: Why was this film banned? People who see this film are mystified as to why it was banned which there were more violent and grotesque films available at the time. The answer is simple: taboo. In Japan it is The Highest Taboo to speak of or make reference to someone's deformity. The worst of the worse in Japanese swear words all refer to physical handicaps and you will never hear them on TV or in reputable films, nor will you see a handicapped person in a derogatory role. As you can see from the title, this film raised eyebrows. It had nothing to do with the sex or violence within.
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Not a fan of this sound but I can't believe you forgot to mention the kings of brutal kei, Deviloof.
  10. Until you open the cd case there can be a cd in it or it could be empty.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    Yes. The backdrop in the clip also says Rokumeikan so..
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    The tweet says there will be 2 types of the single sold at the gig on 3/31.
  13. when you've been around since 1990 and still do oneman at rokumeikan #dedication
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    Didnt know where to write it but I guess this is as good as place as any, anyway, Yuugo made a new twitter: https://twitter.com/yu_gomw
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Yeah, that is basically what I'm expecting. Banjo Kazooie is one of my fav. game franchises as well so I feel that I need to get it eventually. I don't expect another Super Mario Odyssey, as long as it's a fun platformer with the same feeling as Banjo Kazooie then I'm all good. And as they've improved what people apparently didn't like with it I'm sure I'll enjoy it... I just can't decide if I should get a digital copy or not (I will regret doing so if, in 6 months a physical release will come). Anyway, this game is being released in a couple of days, I think it looks pretty entertaining: Not sure if I should buy it or just wait for a discount/buy Yooka and Laylee first. This seems interesting as well: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Never-Stop-Sneakin--1323913.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=NeverStopSneakin|OutNow|w2
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    Yes, I listen way too much to Kuroyuri to kage.
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    4 seconds of noise? uhm, sure.
  18. Takadanobabaalien

  19. Takadanobabaalien

    Have anyone got Yooka and Laylee yet? It's pretty cheap on the switch and I've read that it is much better than the versions on ps4/xbox1/pc, but I want it as a physical copy so I haven't decided what to do yet...
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    Best Overall Artist/Band Kuroyuri to kage Best Album LUNA SEA - LUV Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP Kuroyuri to kage - Kinou no kowai yume Best Cover Art La'veil Mizeria - Jakumetsukyouen (Type Best Newcomer Mamireta Best Veteran LUNA SEA Saddest Disbandment Kuroyuri to kage Most Overhyped Band Pentagon Most Underhyped Band La'veil Mizeria Most Underhyped Release Kuroyuri to kage - Kinou no kowai yume Most Disappointing Release Gossip - Shikkoku no yami Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse Grieva Band that you spent most of your money on in 2017 La'veil Mizeria
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Trying to find their name on that flyer is like playing where's Waldo. Literally took me 5 minutes.
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    If this is the best Kisaki can do for a so called Matina all-stars band he should just retire lmao
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    Already did it on twitter but let's do it here as well 1. Kuroyuri to kage One of my favorite bands, I listen to them very much so it's no surprise they're on the top. 2. Gossip I think I didn't listen that much to Gossip, but I guess I did. Most plays are probably from right before and after my Tokyo trip. 3. LUNA SEA They released a new album that I've been listening to a lot the last week, also they're one of the bands I always listen to (similar to Kuroyuri). 4. The Smiths I've been obsessed with their The queen is dead album. 5. MUCC I also didn't think I had listened that much to MUCC but I guess I was wrong. Mainly Tsuuzetsu and ANTIQUE I think. 6. Broder Daniel Legendary swedish indie pop group. Hard to get tired of this band. 7. Grieva Similar to Kuroyuri and LUNA SEA (I listen to them regularly). 8. La'veil Mizeria I started liking them more and more this year. Both the mini and their single were amazing! 9. Sanpun Been trying to get into Eiji's band more this year, mainly Sanpun. They're really great. 10. Henrik Berggren Vocalist of Broder Daniel (number 6 on this list) released his long awaited debut album this year! 11. Laakso Another Swedish pop act. Great band, I follow the vocalist since 2010~ 12. Kent One of Swedens biggest rock bands. 13. the GazettE I love early GazettE, also been trying out Dogma as of lately. Great album so far. 14. DIR EN GREY Really didn't expect them here... 15. Explosions in the sky Amazing band, I expected them to be higher on this list tbh lol 16. Markus Krunegård Vocalist of Laakso (number 11 on this list). Great artist and i've been listening to his early albums for nostalgia.
  24. Takadanobabaalien

    Yeah, I think Mei can do better without K and Kuro. Although I like Kuro's songwriting so I hope he don't retire, I just don't need to see him with Mei tbh.
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