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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Is that an actual X Japan song? I'm not sure if you guys are trolling or not lol. Toshi isn't even singing?
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    Official track list revealed: 1. Hold You Down 2. Brand New Days 3. 誓い文 (Chikaibumi) 4. piece of a broken heart 5. The LUV 6. Miss Moonlight 7. 闇火 (Yamibi) 8. Ride the Beat, Ride the Dream 9. Thousand Years 10. Limit 11. So Sad 12. BLACK AND BLUE Not really sure what to think.... The names doesn't sound like LUNA SEA at all... Oh well. The album will be played 2nd december from 00:58 on TBS Count down TV in Japan. (http://www.tbs.co.jp/cdtv/)
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    Okay so at this point it is getting confusing to keep track of what bands Yukika signed to Ains/an Ains sub-label or simply is producing outside of Ains, so I thought I'd make a list: Ains: DIAURA MadWink. (official sub-label) Gossip Grieva (are they on Ains or MadWink.?) Yamikakumei (official sub-label, which now (seem to be)) run by someone else(source?)) Kuroyuri to kage Culminate: MALISEND (disbanded) V-Eyes Records: Mediena (disbanded) 天邪組 (ten yokushimagumi*) Amanjaku. XIX BLACK RECORDS (can someone confirm this?) MIZTAVLA Possibly signed by Yukika: LIM. (can somebody confirm this?) Virge (can somebody confirm this?) * not sure about the reading Am I missing something?
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Sounds pretty nice. Kinda similar style to PROMISE. I do hope they have some heavier songs as well on the album though, but I can basically dig anything Ryuichi sings to.
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    you could take advice from this guy:
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    tbh it would be very cool if they made some sort of super band consisting of members by those bands something like: vo. mei (ktk) gt. marya (sibilebasir) gt. itsuki (tbs) ba. hisame (grieva) dr. yuugo (grieva) although it would be very weird at first lol. and well, more than anything I just hope they don't end up disbanding lol.
  7. ex.Ru:natic member doing Kuroyume worshiping? Definitely down for this.
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    Wtd is actually my fav. diru album along with Arche, Gauze and Kisou lol. I always thought it was an album people actually like :v
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    I would also like it to come back, it was fun.
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    Okay so I'm going to try and re-cap what has happened lately. As you probably now, this is the schedule they've had up until now: 黒百合と影“さん”執念記念単独 「解体ツアー。」 2017年 11月10日(金)静岡Sunash 11月11日(土)名古屋MUSIC FARM 11月12日(日)大阪新神楽 ファイナル「“し”の告白。」 11月23日(木)池袋BlackHole Besides this they also have their bounenkai, shinnenkai, and a total of two event gigs (ambush attack with TBS and Visual Parade). Contrary to what Aimi is saying above, this is not a lot of gigs, as a matter of fact it is a surprisingly low amount for a two month span. Their Japanese fans are pissed off at them as of lately because: 1. The name of their latest tour (kaitai tour) kinda implies that they would announce a disbandment (the tour final is named Acknowledgment of Death)* 2. Despite this, the only thing that was announced during this gig was: - K switched name to Yohan - Kuro starting to use his old guitar again, the one he used in: 3. Rosshi was announced to be added to their official line-up several months ago at an instore event, yet that has not happened officially. To summarize it, they are mad at them because they are trolling their fans and making them attend shows where they imply that they are going to announce serious information about the band, yet does not do so. Also, regarding Kuro's instagram - he posted two pictures there after their tour final. One that said that he loves his bandmembers, their staff, making music etc, but he's been doing this for ten years and it is getting very tiresome. He later deleted it and posted a picture of sleeping meds (prescribed ones) and wrote that he's drinking them with alcohol (after a fan apparently advised him to do so instead of spurring bullshit). Some hours later his instagram was gone. * keep in mind, this is not the first time they're doing something like this. Remember their " " tour, where they said the secret meaning would be announced at the tour final? Nothing was announced there either. My personal opinion: I feel bad for their fans (myself included, how do they only release two songs in a year?), and I also feel that they probably have problems within the band that needs to be solved. Perhaps the best solution would be for Mei to start a band without Kuro and K, but I don't think that'll happen. Either way I'll support them until the very end.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    For some reason I am expecting something along the lines of STYLE. it would be awesome to say the least!
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    Wtf did I just read?
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    Kuro removed his instagram btw.
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    Nice! I actually haven't ordered it yet. I planned on doing it but I'll be heading to Tokyo in a week so I kinda wanna save my money lol. I hope it'll get up on Spotify so I at least can listen to it (although I will buy it eventually anyway so).
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Cover art revealed. Further information about the album will be posted here (http://sp.universal-music.co.jp/lunasea/luv/) in the upcoming days. Better picture:
  16. Hmm, that's strange. My spotify scrobbles everything but I am a premium user anyway so I'm not sure if that's the case.
  17. You don't need to pay to listen through spotify, so if you're not planning on buying the release then that's an option @Mamo The single is great so far btw. The first track is very cool, and the overall sounds of farewell is much better than what the preview showed. EDIT: Some parts of the last track sounds very familiar... anyone think so as well? I mean, besides the 90's kotekote worship. Especially from 2:17 an onwards... it sounds like something a key party band already have done, can't recall what band or song though.
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    There's a lot of fake articles and stuff like this about Sweden, and I would like to say that this is one of those cases, but unfortunately it's not. It's cringy as hell. This one is also amazing
  19. Takadanobabaalien

  20. Takadanobabaalien

    I mean there's technically been a small "bring back 90's vkei"-trend going on for the past 2-3 years so... I'm sure they'd have people to gig with if they wanted to.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    I actually like the previews as well. Looking forward to the album.
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    I would personally prefer TOMO but he's never coming back so I guess Akira is ok.
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    inb4 an 8 minute long and boring kisaki ballad. plz release something along the style of moon-light-dance or anything that early mirage did. or just something actual kotekote-ish PLEASE
  24. Takadanobabaalien

    Good thing Yuuga isn't it any of these bands then because he wouldn't fit any of their costumes
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