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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    死化粧 is usually romanised as Shigeshou Also Jaki mentioned that they will release a cover song at todays one man. It's either the song they are distributing as La'veil Mizeria (Suicide Labirynth) or the Rasen song Setsudan. I don't recall any vk song called suicide labyrinth so I'm think Setsudan could be a la:sadie's cover? Edit: also it's Ebisu, not Enbisu. Edit 2: Wait, I might have misinprented that. It's possible they will be covering artists at the one man, I'm not 100% sure tbh.
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    Anybody bought Mighty Gunvold Burst? I love Megaman and as it's only 10$ I am considering getting it.
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    yes, yes it is.
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Anybody in Japan now who can tell us if Yukika is overestimating Gossips popularity or if they just got really popular the last year? Anyway, glad to see them getting to do a oneman at blitz. Info for the first album should be out soon though? Just a bit over a month left for release. Kimi ga ano yo ni was great so I'm really excited for new stuff.
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    Kuroyuri to kage is a regular visual kei band and that's that. Despite never having said a word about it (that I know of) Karasuna Mei seem to be inspired by angura kei to some extent, but that's about it. If anything they are more influenced by Nagoya kei. But no, they're a visual kei band. As far as it goes for Angura/Shironuri I've basically only listened to Guruguru Eigakan (one of my fav. bands), Inugami Circus Dan, Sex-Android, Floppy, Metronome, Kalavinka, Sandwich de 120pun?, some of Eiji's other weird side projects. I've been post-poning trying out Shinjuku Gewalt for way too long so I should probably do that. Anyone got any recommendations for releases? Btw I always thought KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND had a Angura vibe thing going on, although not really in the same way as many of the "real" angura kei bands, if that makes any sense EDIT: And what about Deathmarch Kantai btw? It's been very long since I listened to them, I'm not even sure they're actually related to the visual kei scene? I always assumed they were an angura kei band at least
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    Alright so I decided to translate them anyway, so here they are: Too all [MAD]ist Delivering news like this to everyone who kept believing in us, and for us to not keeping our promise until the end is very hurtful to say the least. These five years with Grieva is something that I won't be able to exchange for anything ever. We managed to get great members, [MAD]ist's and lots of valueable friends. We laughed a lot We cried a lot There's been a lot of stuff we've regret And we've seen a lot of beautiful things In all of this I managed to find my reason to live, and the place where I belong Spending days as Grieva was nothing but happiness to me. I wanted to protect it forever, but in the end I couldn't. I'm terribly sorry. I can't thank all of you enough. Us actually existing for five years as band is all thanks to you. For the remaining gigs, I want to express this feeling and create even more beautiful atmosphere than what we have been able to do so far, therefore please stay with us until the very end Grieva KYOUKI Thank you for always supporting Grieva! We started Grieva in 1st of july 2012, but 30th of december it has to come to an end. To me, Grieva is like a family and the life I have built up. We've been troubled and thought a lot together Smiling together everyday, trying to become a better Grieva together Seeing fans getting happy because of us Wondering how we're going to face new fans, how to get new fans We've searched for answers for all these things together. The fact that we managed to do all this, with all these amazing members is something I proudly boast about. Five years is definitely not little time, and if all of you weren't here for us then nothing of this would ever be possible, and I also wouldn't have been able to grow as much as I have. Thank you all so much. The time we have left together is barely none, but I want to give back the favor to each one of you during the remaining gigs. If you think "Grieva was such a great band" when you're thinking back on us, then surely nothing will actually change and we'll continue to grow. We'll keep on fighting until the very end, so please continue support us! Grieva ROKU Thank you for always supporting us. From 2012 we've changed a lot, we said goodbye to members but still kept looking forward and doing activity. However, at 30th december this year we have decided to call it quits. We're all very good friends and we've felt a lot of stuff together. We've always encouraged each other so much, and to be honest, for the first time in my life I've thought "So this is what friends are!". I really think we managed to create one of the best bands. If I'm going to be honest, had I not been invited to join Grieva at that time then me today would be very different. These five years has been a rocky road, but because of that we have all been able to grow personally and as a band. Being able to keep doing this for five years has been all thanks to you. Getting up on stage, seeing all of you has always made me think "this is my reason for living". These five years has been the absolute best of my life so far. I feel nothing but gratefulness because you made me be able to be this happy with my band, all of you, and all our staff. Thanks for supporting us for five years! There's not much time left but I want you all to come to our final gig and leave no regrets behind as we close up this band. We're going to do our best for every last show we still got up until then, so please come support us until the end! Grieva HARU It's been five long years, huh. Time goes fast! I wonder if you're all mad when you're reading this announcement? Or maybe you're sad? Sorry for such a sudden announcement. For me personally I could continue play in this band with these members for the rest of my life. Every day we've had a gig I've been so happy. A lot of you have told me "Grieva has saved me" and it always made me happy to hear. On the contrary, I think hearing those words have saved me in a way. Being able to play bass in this band as Hisame, and having all of you fans has always made me so happy. There's not much time left but we have a lot of gigs, let's enjoy them to the fullest together! Grieva HISAME This band Grieva is the band I've done most things in The band I laughed with the most The band I cried with the most The band I thought "I am so happy" with the most The band I've regret most things with All of this as Yuugo from Grieva And me as a person Is something I thought I'd never experience. And this is my fortune, in a life I thought nothing about me ever would change. We've fought so hard together, done stupid shit together and discussed our dreams together. It all comes to and end 30th of december. Grieva has been active for five years, and it's been three years since I was invited. I don't think if I'm the one to say this but in a good way it feels as if Grieva has combusted. Either way Grieva will be Grieva until the very end. None of us are on bad terms or anything like that. If we all can treasure each day as it is and have fun together then I'll be happy. Feast your eyes on Grieva until the very end, if we're able to leave a mark on your heart forever then I'll be happy. Sorry for everything ending. Please support us until the very end. Grieva YUUGO
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    All members have left comments actually, I've just been too lazy to translate them. I'll do it during the weekend. Anyway, none of the members seem to be happy with disbanding actually, which is what initially made think it might be more of Yukika's decision than anything else (the Japanese fans seem to think so too).
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    Välkommen Martin! (Antar att det är du, baserat på ditt nick). Nice to see that you're listening to Kuroyuri to kage now as well! Hit me up if you're missing any releases you want to hear.
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Awesome. I just listened through their (1st?) full album Tranquilizer for the first time today. Solid release and I'll definitely go to at least one date if they gig anywhere close to me that doesn't cost a fortune to travel to... which is basically anywhere in europe but like.. Greece.
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    it would be pretty hilarious if grieva formed under goemon with a new name lmao.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    As of currently, Gossip, Diaura, Amanjaku. and MIZTAVLA are handled by Yukika. Possibly LIM as well. (although I believe that Gossip and Diaura are the only ones who are officially under the ains label).
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    This sucks so much. For some reason I get the feeling that it might be Yukika who's partly behind this as Grieva has not been growing at all. I really hope to see Kyouki, Hisame and Yuugo in a band together again. Really need to buy the best of album now ;_;
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    Grieva will disband at their one man final at 30th of December at takadanobaba area. Source: twitter, ameba etc
  14. yeah, the early 90's were amazing. lately i've been down nostalgia lane and picked up DIE IN CRIES eros album from 1994. it's a great release, especially this song They were basically a super band (consisting of kyo from d'erlanger and yukihiro from zi:kill among others). funny enough they never seem to have had an overseas fanbase, despite being quite popular at the time in japan.
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Been listening to swedish female-fronted Makthaverskan (post-punk/indie(?)). They call themselves death pop, but there's clearly post-punk influences. Their first two albums are great, really loving this song
  16. also it's sad that Misa is no longer in a band. he seem to be good at producing bands as well anyway, but his composing and his voice is really unique and I think he should continue playing in a band instead (although it doesn't seem to be what he wants to do anyway, so it doesnt really matter). also miss Yayoi, sure he was back for rockstar records for a while, and the deadly session but I'd like him to (despite him being an idiot) start singing again.
  17. @sheepprincessgaradidn't know you liked luna sea! very cool. and yes, da'vid was far too short lived. to this day they're still one of my fav. bands. they were really unique and their twin bass is amazing. misa's solo demo is also an amazing release, iirc (long time since i listened to it), the only instrument used in the demo is synth. I used to listen a lot to old school vk in high school, almost exclusively. had 70gb old school vk on my old hdd before it died, i haven't re-collected any of it though. some fav bands would probably be: luna sea, da'vid no shito:aL, Aioria, Klein Kaiser, Misa, Ruellia (not the re-formed version), Deshabillz, Angel+dust, vice risk, la'miss fairy, NéiL, La feerie... There's just too many to mention them all lmao. listening to lastly by luna sea now (the one @sheepprincessgara posted) and it just amazes me how great this band was (is imo). their early releases are insane. edit: gdi noir fleurir. they were such a gulity pleasure of mine. i always thought they were lame compared to deflower but i eventually started liking them. this song is a++
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    why do i like shit music help me
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    Slightly switching the topic, but if the online service does not have stable servers and still depend on players using p2p then Nintendo can fuck right off.
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    Oh, totally missed it lol. Mods can delete this one then.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Yeah, I'm also getting Monster Hunter! I've only played the one for 3DS so I'm pretty excited. Cool, I'll add you! My FC is SW-1019-1011-9057
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    Figured we should get a Nintendo Switch topic here! Has anybody bought it yet? Any specific titles your excited for? Want to play online with fellow MH-people? Considering the lack of titles so far I realize most people haven't bought it yet, however I bought mine last week with Splatoon 2 and I am Setsuna as well. Haven't been playing Splatoon 2 yet, but I am Setsuna is a really fun JRPG. Looking forward to the new mario game, fire emblem, metroid prime 4 among others. I think that Nintendo will get a lot of positive response if they just play their cards right this time (*coughs* wii u was shite *coughs*). If anyone here wants to play multiplayer then just drop your FC and I'll add you. I plan on buying Mario Kart Deluxe soon as well.
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    me to me when im hungover:
  24. Takadanobabaalien

    ^ when you find out you need 50 posts to see the DL-forum and try to get them in an hour.
  25. Takadanobabaalien

    Have way too much games on my hands atm... As of currently I am playing: I am setsuna (Nintendo Switch) Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch) Pokemon Sun (Nintendo 3DS) WoW (PC) Also have Majoras Mask 3DS waiting for me to pick up, but I decided to not start playing it yet.
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