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Posts posted by VESSMIER

  1. 2 minutes ago, ricchubunny said:

    It will be when it become 28th in your region! 
    It's already out in Asia/Australia etc 

    Well it's still the 27th here, but I was able to buy and download it anyway, so I guess it's not region-dependent. 

  2. 480788.jpeg






    This is my current living room setup. I updated my speakers and amp in October of last year and so far I'm pretty happy with everything. The turntable will probably need some upgrading soon to get it on par with the rest of the components but it's alright. I mainly listen to vinyl and digital music which I stream from TIDAL or directly from my music library which is located on my PC.

    I'm very happy with how the speakers sound in my living room, they are by nature very revealing / analytical but the amp (thanks to the tube) kinda softens that edge a bit and makes them more palatable. The tape deck is mainly for VK demo tapes 😅


    Here's a list of the components:

    • Amp: Vincent SV-500 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier
    • Speakers: ATC SCM 11
    • Streamer: Bluesound Node 2i
    • Tape deck: Yamaha KX-200
    • Turntable: Project Debut III (with an Ortofon OM 5E cartridge and a HAMA PA 506 phono preamp)

  3. Vincent SV-500 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier




    ATC SCM 11 speakers




    Bluesound Node 2i streamer




    Big update to my HIFI setup. The ATCs truly are something special... first time auditioning a pair of speakers actually moved me to tears 🙈

  4. On 7/24/2019 at 11:35 AM, Tanishi said:

    NOISY CROWDS  - Mizuiro no Taiyou/Sa.n.da.ru

    ^^especially amazing

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    That demo tape is pure gold... They fuckin butchered サ・ン・ダ・ル on "mousse", the demo version is far superior. I've always loved Ryota's vocals and his part in that song is especially sweet 💕

  5. On 6/18/2019 at 1:49 AM, EzraEroguro said:

    I have to rescind my statement. ADORATIO is better live. Mania no Shikan was amazing.

    Yes! I actually can’t think of a single track where I prefer the studio version over the live one 🤔

  6. After a couple listens, I have to say that I quite enjoy INFINITUM. It's not the album I was wishing for but it's interesting and engaging and in the end, that's more valuable.


    I guess the real challenge with every new sukekiyo album is letting go of your preconceptions of what they "should" sound like. My personal concept of their sound is primarily influenced by songs like elisabeth addict, in all weathers, focus, 12時20分金輪際, foster mother etc... this blend of something delicate and intimate with something strange and feral, this almost operatic sense and scope of drama and the patience in balancing the subtleties and intricacies of silence and melody with excessive temperament and chaos. ADORATIO went a slightly different route and partly exchanged a wider arc of cohesion and emotional immersion for structural liberty and immediacy. INFINITUM feels similar in that way but it's even more direct and "short of breath"... which is fine but it just doesn't make me feel as involved.

  7. 1 hour ago, cybernated said:

    What about their new release Ever After? The first time I listened, I thought is this Sirius from domiNATE?


    My thoughts exactly :D 


    To be honest I don't have a lot to say about Ever After, it's a perfectly unspectacular single. The thing that struck me most is the production tbh, it sounds so much better than on Immortal Verses, let alone Recurrence of Hallucination; much silkier, smoother and dynamic. The beats have weight, the bass is tangible and there's a much more "natural" contrast between the lower frequencies and the sparklier side of the synths and percussion. At last, the instrumentals don't sound like they were filtered through Tupperware, yay!


    Other than that I was a little disappointed in the overly predictable, meandering and simplistic vocal melodies. Also, the super cheesy hook on Ever After kinda ruins an otherwise okay track :< 


    I still regard this single as an improvement over Immortal Verses though, albeit small. 

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