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Status Updates posted by Champ213

  1. It's Friday, friday! Let's spin a few tunes on TT! Which seat will you take? http://turntable.fm/mhturntable

    1. Jigsaw9


      Good idea! :3

    2. CaRaN


      I don't know when you put this xD but I'm gonna take a shower and then join you! (if you're still there lol

    3. Jigsaw9


      We're still there, yes! :D

  2. Join us for a Mumu session! You know you want it! XD http://www.mumu.io/player/monochrome-heaven

  3. Mumu is broken, so we are trying plug.dj tonight! XD Come and join! http://plug.dj/513741d7/

    1. Ito


      Let me know if you start before 5:00 my time (-5 UTC)

    2. CAT5
  4. One day I would like to get one of those "Blindly buy 100 old random vk Cds for just a few thousand Yen"-offers on Yahoo Auctions, but I'm afraid that the shipping costs from Japan to Germany would break my neck.

    1. Ito


      If only there wasn't that stupid shipping factor...


    2. Keiyuu


      + customs D:

    3. Biopanda


      Most of the ones there are pretty butt though(at least from closet child) unless you really want like 50 ViViD CDs and another 50 Phantasmagoria CDs :<

  5. One week of hollidays!

    1. CAT5


      Nice, hope to see you around a bit more. Perhaps we can TT at your leisure one day.

    2. Champ213


      I will try to make it!

    3. CAT5
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Sending me an invoice over twice the amount of what I ordered? Nice try, Closetchild! XD

    1. Champ213


      https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50992601/MH/invoice.PNG Pretty obvious since the sum was so much higher, but I think I will double-check my invoices from now on, lol.
    2. Gaz


      lol shit happens. cdjewpan once played even more tricky shit with me >(

    3. togz



    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Since a lot of people seem to think that I'm a very serious and stern person, I changed my avatar to an appropriate picture. (Wat? Champ with a new avatar? What is this black magic?)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Champ213


      What do you mean? Those are damn serious topics! XD

    3. sai


      can we please make benedict cumberbatch with shiba inus happen

    4. sai


      wow, such cheekbones, so intelligence, very sherlock

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  8. So, I created a MH player at mumu.io. Anyone willing to test it out a bit with me is welcome to join! http://www.mumu.io/player/monochrome-heaven No proxy or registration necessary, though there is a user limit, I believe.

  9. Someone in the mood for plug.dj? I'll be sitting in the MH room, if someone's interested! http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  10. Spambots aren't what they used to be anymore. Apparently they can't tell the difference between the "Reply" and "Report" button anymore...

    1. Zeus


      They also are sleeper agents. They want until the time is right to sell me galaxy shoes and then report themselves to us :o

  11. Still having a coupon for a 48-hour premium account at uploaded.net. I got when getting a premium account for myself and it has to be redeemed within the next 10 days, so I can't use it myself. Would be a waste to just let it expire, if anyone wants it, step forward!

    1. CAT5


      I would, but...I don't really know any sites that use this service

    2. CaRaN


      *steps forward* If you haven't given it to anybody else already, could I have it? :P

    3. Champ213


      Sure, I'll send you a PM. And Cat, I got an account there because there's a german site with a lot of TV series that uses Uploaded.net, and it's a pain to download split archives with a free account. They also have english TV shows, but the site itself is german, so it wouldn't be much use to you, I guess.

  12. Thank you, Microsoft, for forcing a Win10-Upgrade-Icon into my taskbar that I cannot quit except via task manager. -__-

    1. togz


      I got the same thing. : |

  13. The awkward moment when you spent hours trying to find a working link for a really obscure band/release, only to find out you had it sitting on your HD for years already.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Same happened to me the other day! lol

    2. nick


      What would make you feel more awkward is having even made a request topic for it. XD

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      sometimes i find 3 different instances of download for the same release somewhere in my "have yet to listen to"-folder...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. The cats have withdrawn. Hope you had fun, we certainly did. ;)

    1. allisapp



    2. paradoxal



    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      in better now ^^

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. The problem about holidays is that you run out of things not to do.

    1. Jigsaw9


      The other problem is that the holiday eventually runs out too... :<

    2. CAT5


      Bored? Think of the many reasons you love CAT and write them down. I'm sure you'll be occupied for hours. :P

    3. Champ213


      I am not THAT bored.

  16. To stalk or not to stalk some very obscure japanese Wannabe-Kamijo for Rarez of his previous bands that are so rare he probably doesn't even have them himself anymore....

    1. Zeus


      To stalk. Stalk, hunt down at auctions, buy a contraption that can rip tapes, trade his rarez for more of his rarez, then store them on a hard drive somewhere and lever listen to them 8D

    2. CaRaN
    3. fitear1590


      Stalk, woman.

      Naoki is god!

  17. Today was a crappy day. Weekend come soon!

    1. Ito


      Today needed to be Friday so bad...but alas, it was not.

  18. We are plugging again, come join us! http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      nothing like a good sunday evening plugging

  19. We haven't mumu'd in a while! Come and join us! http://www.mumu.io/player/monochrome-heaven

  20. Week of night shift over! Anyone interested in hanging out on TT a bit?

  21. When did Jishuban Club start offering overseas shipping? I never noticed, lol. Has anyone tried this? Do they also accept paypal, or just credit cards?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. inartistic


      I found Jishuban to be sort of poor at communication (which isn't unexpected, I guess). If you do order, and they don't say anything about having shipped your items, don't panic lol

      (I think I used credit card as well :x)

    3. fitear1590


      Cool, always nice to have more options when getting CDs. Plus, Jishuban usually has abundant "privilege items" that come with the CDs, right?

    4. hiroki


      hmm i found Jishuban to have decent customer service. i asked them about some out-of-print CDs and they actually helped to search their closed stock for remaining copies. as for shipping notification, when your order is ready to ship you'll receive an email through their system telling you that your item will be shipped in 2-3 days.

      @fitear: yup you're right! Zeal Link and Like an Edison may have even more, but those don't do direct shipping so yeah.

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  22. When my anti-virus programme starts its daily run, I know it's time to go to bed, because I scheduled the check to be at a time where I'm usually not awake. =/

  23. Why am I already awake at this time of day?

    1. CAT5


      Bcuz u love me amirite ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Champ213


      Errrm, sure! ^_______^

      *sneaks back into bed*

    3. CAT5
  24. With all those norse-themed song titles I should probably check out Femme Fatale, eh? This better be some pure, brvtal kvlt viking metal!!

    1. nekkichi


      brvtal dragqveen-core

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Unfortunately, they're not really. On the plus side, "Crimson Nail" is pretty good.

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