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  1. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    A few random thoughts that have been bouncing around my head this past week:
    #1: People trying to cancel T.I. for essentially being a father. Firstly, it's really no one's business how this man chooses to govern his household. Secondly, there are over 60,000 missing African American girls and women in the U.S., sex-trafficking is at an all-time high, new strands of HIV and STDs are still being discovered, the rate of single-motherhood among African American homes is THROUGH THE ROOF, but T.I. is getting shit for being "overprotective"???? Fuck outta here. We NEED more overprotective parents.
    #2: The way ppl have responded to this is yet another indicator that society has gone far, far off the rails. But I do think there is a silver-lining to this massive attack on men and masculinity. A lot of ppl have been hurt and traumatized by the abuse and misuse of masculinity. I get it. But swinging the pendulum in the opposite extreme through feminism  and attacking any and everything that is masculine is definitely not the answer. I just hope people wake up and realize that both genders are equal in worth, but different in function. We balance each other. We need each other. You'd think this would be obvious by the fact that all of us are alive because of *GASP* a man, and a woman, but we just complicate things endlessly with vain rhetoric that obscures that reality.
    #3: I saw someone post this on fb recently and it made me chuckle a bit:

    it's obviously satirical, but it wouldn't be so funny if it didn't reflect our reality in some way. I've come across a lot of people (on and offline) that are triggered by new or different viewpoints, and I think it's pretty troublesome...I think it's worse online because ppl will unfriend, unfollow, or block you. It's like everyone creates their own little, self-contained echo-chambers. I don't see how this is helpful to anyone. We live in a big world. With people of all kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. So what good is it to live in a world like this and not be able to interface with people of different mindsets without getting emotional, defensive, or hostile? Why can't people simply hear each other out and try to understand each other's perspectives? I think the reason is that people simply do not like being uncomfortable. I can understand it. It's uncomfortable to have your beliefs questioned or challenged by others, and probably even moreso for one to question their own beliefs and ideas...and whatever they hold to be true.
    It's wild to me tho, because ppl would rather get hostile or cut ppl off for having different views before they even try to understand the other person. Which also makes no sense to me, because what if that other person has some wisdom to offer you? What if they could provide some insight that might be resourceful to you? What if they could offer some knowledge that might help you see things in a more well-rounded, or truthful light? So many ppl cut themselves off from this potential out of the fear that they might actually be wrong. Because being wrong doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel...comfortable. But it's ok to be wrong. It's also ok to be corrected. How would you know not to put your hand in a fire if you didn't know what fire felt like?
    People like that, who avoid the discomfort, stunt their own growth. And i've realized that people ultimately value comfort more than they do truth. And the irony there is this: how is anything outside of the truth truly comfortable? If it's not truth, it's a lie. So it's not actual comfort, It's just an illusion. Many people are comfortable living in delusion. And most of us happily delude ourselves daily. I'm not exempt from this either. I mean, i'm damn sure guilty of this too. But it took my delusions being shattered (which is painful as fuck) to realize that I didn't and still don't know a thing. It took one strong wind for me to realize the house I thought I was "comfortable" in was actually a house built of sand. I had to realize that I didn't know a thing. And how could I? This world is vast and infinite (GITS quote ), and i'm just little ol me. I'm just one speck of dust amongst billions, so who am I to walk around thinking i got everything figured out? It's entirely possible that some of those other specks just might know something that I don't They might just have another piece that I can add to this jigsaw puzzle called life. They might not. But i'm never gonna know if I only interact with the specks of dust that only think things that I agree with, or things that make me feel "comfortable".
    Anyways, i can ramble on and on. I'll stop here.
    CAT5 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Aika (ex- Werkmare / 2nd Awake / Rodwell) Taking Votes for Next Cover   
    Aika will conditionally delete himself on June 15th, 2020 if his YouTube videos do not exceed 10,000 views.
  3. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Karma’s Hat in Yoshiki documentary from YouTube, March 2020   
    It’s obvious the label owes him favours/he invests his own money on this. 
    There was a shill article on the Conde Nast owned pitchfork about the movie that was coming up on p4k’s sponsored fb adverts for well over an year, and writing about a band like X is 100% out of their usual MO. Another one to get such a baffling spotlight on p4k is BTS where their ”How BTS stays radically korean” is still appearing on my feed. This is obviously a paid deal with Conde Nast, and I have no doubt in my mind that this and stuff like X’s american festival gigs are more backroom deals than ”fuck guys, we got to get this dude from the market where no one speaks english and who’s recognised in the west only by crusty power metal fans and weebs who grew up in the early 2000’s on this next to Grande and McCartney.”
  4. Thanks
    CAT5 reacted to nekkichi in Yoshiki documentary from YouTube, March 2020   
    FLCL chanteuses the pillows, ryuichi sakamoto, yoko kanno come to mind far ahead of mcdonalds collab sensation tbh
    nobuo uematsu p much too
  5. LOLOL
    CAT5 reacted to Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    I just wanna go on record & say that there has literally never been a person identifying as 'sapiosexual' that wasn't dumb as a sack of fucking rocks themselves
  6. I feel ya..
    CAT5 reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    I fear that DIMLIM is not long for this world. 
    Retsu is a great songwriter, but clearly a shitty businessman. I’m willing to bet that the band’s troubles rest squarely on him making poor decisions. Anyone that will bitch at fans on Instagram for finding alternate means of hearing music that was sold at one show in Japan – and NOWHERE ELSE – obviously doesn’t have their head on straight. 
    Also, for a band that records such densely layered music to continue on playing live without a second guitarist and bass player is asinine. Retsu is clearly in too deep, and Sho and Hiroshi are probably ready to GTFO. The live shows matter; that’s what brings people in. Record sales don’t mean shit anymore, so even if DIMLIM manages to squeak out a new album, it won’t matter if they promote it with pathetic live performances. 
    I wonder if Retsu is the type that doesn’t want any outsiders handling the music, and he just wants to do it all himself to keep his integrity or whatever. If that’s the case he needs to get over himself and find some management. 
    the other guys probably saw this coming and that’s why they bounced. 
  7. LOVE!
    CAT5 reacted to freesia in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    This shoegaze/indie rock band is so obscure and underrated!
  8. LOVE!
    CAT5 reacted to colorful人生 in What are you listening to 2?   
  9. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    A few random thoughts that have been bouncing around my head this past week:
    #1: People trying to cancel T.I. for essentially being a father. Firstly, it's really no one's business how this man chooses to govern his household. Secondly, there are over 60,000 missing African American girls and women in the U.S., sex-trafficking is at an all-time high, new strands of HIV and STDs are still being discovered, the rate of single-motherhood among African American homes is THROUGH THE ROOF, but T.I. is getting shit for being "overprotective"???? Fuck outta here. We NEED more overprotective parents.
    #2: The way ppl have responded to this is yet another indicator that society has gone far, far off the rails. But I do think there is a silver-lining to this massive attack on men and masculinity. A lot of ppl have been hurt and traumatized by the abuse and misuse of masculinity. I get it. But swinging the pendulum in the opposite extreme through feminism  and attacking any and everything that is masculine is definitely not the answer. I just hope people wake up and realize that both genders are equal in worth, but different in function. We balance each other. We need each other. You'd think this would be obvious by the fact that all of us are alive because of *GASP* a man, and a woman, but we just complicate things endlessly with vain rhetoric that obscures that reality.
    #3: I saw someone post this on fb recently and it made me chuckle a bit:

    it's obviously satirical, but it wouldn't be so funny if it didn't reflect our reality in some way. I've come across a lot of people (on and offline) that are triggered by new or different viewpoints, and I think it's pretty troublesome...I think it's worse online because ppl will unfriend, unfollow, or block you. It's like everyone creates their own little, self-contained echo-chambers. I don't see how this is helpful to anyone. We live in a big world. With people of all kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. So what good is it to live in a world like this and not be able to interface with people of different mindsets without getting emotional, defensive, or hostile? Why can't people simply hear each other out and try to understand each other's perspectives? I think the reason is that people simply do not like being uncomfortable. I can understand it. It's uncomfortable to have your beliefs questioned or challenged by others, and probably even moreso for one to question their own beliefs and ideas...and whatever they hold to be true.
    It's wild to me tho, because ppl would rather get hostile or cut ppl off for having different views before they even try to understand the other person. Which also makes no sense to me, because what if that other person has some wisdom to offer you? What if they could provide some insight that might be resourceful to you? What if they could offer some knowledge that might help you see things in a more well-rounded, or truthful light? So many ppl cut themselves off from this potential out of the fear that they might actually be wrong. Because being wrong doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel...comfortable. But it's ok to be wrong. It's also ok to be corrected. How would you know not to put your hand in a fire if you didn't know what fire felt like?
    People like that, who avoid the discomfort, stunt their own growth. And i've realized that people ultimately value comfort more than they do truth. And the irony there is this: how is anything outside of the truth truly comfortable? If it's not truth, it's a lie. So it's not actual comfort, It's just an illusion. Many people are comfortable living in delusion. And most of us happily delude ourselves daily. I'm not exempt from this either. I mean, i'm damn sure guilty of this too. But it took my delusions being shattered (which is painful as fuck) to realize that I didn't and still don't know a thing. It took one strong wind for me to realize the house I thought I was "comfortable" in was actually a house built of sand. I had to realize that I didn't know a thing. And how could I? This world is vast and infinite (GITS quote ), and i'm just little ol me. I'm just one speck of dust amongst billions, so who am I to walk around thinking i got everything figured out? It's entirely possible that some of those other specks just might know something that I don't They might just have another piece that I can add to this jigsaw puzzle called life. They might not. But i'm never gonna know if I only interact with the specks of dust that only think things that I agree with, or things that make me feel "comfortable".
    Anyways, i can ramble on and on. I'll stop here.
  10. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Ashe in Long time lurker finally joining   
    Heya everyone, name's Ashe!

    I've been on and off of this site for years getting information and just laughing at comments and I figured now was the perfect time to join since there's been so much new stuff. Lately I've been listening a lot to these new bands, I'm really really into ザアザア (fight me), DADAROMA, キズ, and gulu gulu. I started listening back when I found The GazettE with their Filth in the Beauty MV, which was years ago... haha. I don't listen to them as much now? Their newer stuff isn't doing it for me anymore. 

    I'm really excited to see what's up for 2020 in all of this, I think it'll be cool to see how all of these bands improve. It's been fun watching these newer bands improve exponentially with each single, but it's also not always like that, and they fumble sometimes. 

    Usually I like to look at instrumentals in the tracks, I'm really slow with singles and mini albums because I listen to them on loop for a day or so before I formulate my opinion. 

    Either way, thanks for having me! 
    Hope to have fun interacting with you all!
  11. Thanks
    CAT5 reacted to Zeus in Hong Kong's Protest for Democracy and Freedom   
    The situation in Hong Kong is a dreadful one. I wish that there was a peaceful way to resolve the situation, but as long as countries and leaders subscribe to the doctrine of might makes right, we will continue to have these same problems take new form. 

    However, I do not want the pressing immediacy of the topic to supercede the rules we've established. In case you need a refresher these are the two rules.


    The administration will be monitoring this topic very closely and will close it if it reaches a point where we feel uncomfortable.
  12. Like
    CAT5 reacted to freesia in Hong Kong's Protest for Democracy and Freedom   
    I think there are still people who don't know about what's going on in Hong Kong. What's going on is not just happening in Hong Kong, but all over the world. Hong Kong is facing China's suppress on stripping off of our freedom and democracy, from little by little to finally revealing its fangs. This is happening to all the places where China's money is involved. The most noticable are China's control on the limitation of creation like Hollywood movies, games, literature, etc.. If we don't fight for it now, we don't want to imagine how it's like to have China fully controlling our city. China's leader, Xi Jinping, is already throwing out bibles from China's churches and replacing them with the book he wrote himself.
    Please take a look at this newspage to see what's happening in Hong Kong:
    Please stand with Hong Kong. Even only your words matter and we are more than grateful for them.
  13. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from nullmoon in random thoughts thread   
    o stahp it you! nah, but forreal tho, that's a very heartwarming thing for you to say! 
    for that, I give all praise, honor, and glory to The Most High, Yahuah Elohim (aka "GOD"). Anything good that I speak is of him and his word. I take no credit.
    as for me, i'm just a royal fuck-up that's trying to do better
    I think I may try to invest more time in drawing/sketching. I used to love to do it as a kid/teen, but fell away from it through years depression. Lately tho, my lady has been inspiring me to do it more often, and I've been surprised at the results! I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it as well.
  14. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    I agree with you here to an extent. I do think there are functional and dysfunctional ways to raise children and i'm all for informing others on what's healthy and functional, but here's why I think it's no one's business: we simply do not know enough details to judge the matter. Everyone is in an uproar over a soundbite, essentially. We don't know the relationship that T.I. has with his daughter. We don't know anything about their family, their dynamics, or their history. We don't know his daughter's perspective and we barely know anything about T.I.'s perspective. outside of a 15 sec. audio clip. So everyone is making assumptions based on very limited information. Not a wise thing to do in my opinion.
    I do think that T.I. may have made a mistake by making this public knowledge. But who knows? Maybe it's not a mistake? Maybe the discussions that have spawned out of this are conversations that need to be had?
    This really depends on how you view family, fatherhood, and sex. I can't speak for T.I., but I can tell you that from a Hebraic/Biblical perspective, a daughter is supposed to remain under the protection/covering of her father until she is married, and then she becomes her husband's responsibility. And this has nothing to do with trying to control women, or women being "weak" or "helpless" - certainly not -  it's about protecting that which is valuable. Sex outside of marriage is also viewed as dysfunctional, because it doesn't serve any sustainable purpose and the harm it causes is not worth the pleasure of a 15-second orgasm.
    Personally, I subscribe to the Hebraic worldview simply because it's functional and it emphasizes unity, harmony, and peace. I've experienced and observed in horror how ideas like feminism/the "independent woman" and unbridled sex have absolutely decimated black families and given rise to nothing but division,chaos, confusion, and pain. Those aren't the only culprits, but they are major contributors. Before blacks started adopting these ideologies, our families were generally intact. Not only does history clearly illustrate this, but almost every black woman I know that was alive before these ideologies started taking root tells me the same thing: "we didn't need no damn feminism". Why? Because the black man and woman worked together, and black men were not lording over their women. Black women did not feel oppressed by their men. The oppression and racism black ppl faced was much more overt back in those days, so we worked together and relied on one another. Because we're all we had. And we realized the strength that came from family and unity. Feminism was largely a movement headed by white women that eventually recruited black women, much to our demise.
    (note: when I say "independent woman" - i'm referring to the notion that black women (or women in general) don't need a man, because that's destructive. there's absolutely nothing wrong with women being autonomous and being able to fend for themselves tho. in fact, women should be able to. but as i stated earlier, the notion that men and women don't need each other is antithetical to life itself).
    But I digress. I'm not sure how T.I. views things, but If I were as famous and rich as he is, I'd probably be overprotective too.
    You're not being hostile and and I don't feel attacked at all! I'm just glad that you're willing to discuss and share your opinion. Discussions like this can get pretty intense and heavy, so I have nothing but respect for you for engaging with me in a mature manner and speaking your mind! That's a very brave thing to do, especially on the internet where you have cowards that would sooner attack ppl for having different opinions or go talk shit in private amongst a bunch of yes-men like hoe-ass simps instead of just addressing people directly. Believe it or not, you've got more balls than a lot of grown-ass men . But yeah, Gesu, I got nothing but love for ya!
    And I feel where you're coming from. I do think we have to have a critical eye towards our past generations, as to learn from their mistakes and not continue to reproduce their dysfunction. But I also think it's wise to take into consideration advice and admonishment from older generations too.
    Personally, I remember being a kid and pretty much hating my dad. I disagreed with a lot of his ways well into my adulthood. But now as i've gotten older myself, and as i've been seeking to take on a lot of the same responsibilities he did, I'm starting to understand why he did things the way he did. And i'm thankful that I had him as a father. Some things I don't think we can understand until we actually have children ourselves.
    That said, I do think that there needs to be open and honest dialogue between children and parents, youth and elders. And I think both parties should keep an open ear, and an open heart towards one another. Because gray hair doesn't guarantee wisdom, and youth doesn't guarantee the lack thereof.
  15. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    o stahp it you! nah, but forreal tho, that's a very heartwarming thing for you to say! 
    for that, I give all praise, honor, and glory to The Most High, Yahuah Elohim (aka "GOD"). Anything good that I speak is of him and his word. I take no credit.
    as for me, i'm just a royal fuck-up that's trying to do better
    I think I may try to invest more time in drawing/sketching. I used to love to do it as a kid/teen, but fell away from it through years depression. Lately tho, my lady has been inspiring me to do it more often, and I've been surprised at the results! I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it as well.
  16. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    o stahp it you! nah, but forreal tho, that's a very heartwarming thing for you to say! 
    for that, I give all praise, honor, and glory to The Most High, Yahuah Elohim (aka "GOD"). Anything good that I speak is of him and his word. I take no credit.
    as for me, i'm just a royal fuck-up that's trying to do better
    I think I may try to invest more time in drawing/sketching. I used to love to do it as a kid/teen, but fell away from it through years depression. Lately tho, my lady has been inspiring me to do it more often, and I've been surprised at the results! I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it as well.
  17. Interesting
    CAT5 got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    I agree with you here to an extent. I do think there are functional and dysfunctional ways to raise children and i'm all for informing others on what's healthy and functional, but here's why I think it's no one's business: we simply do not know enough details to judge the matter. Everyone is in an uproar over a soundbite, essentially. We don't know the relationship that T.I. has with his daughter. We don't know anything about their family, their dynamics, or their history. We don't know his daughter's perspective and we barely know anything about T.I.'s perspective. outside of a 15 sec. audio clip. So everyone is making assumptions based on very limited information. Not a wise thing to do in my opinion.
    I do think that T.I. may have made a mistake by making this public knowledge. But who knows? Maybe it's not a mistake? Maybe the discussions that have spawned out of this are conversations that need to be had?
    This really depends on how you view family, fatherhood, and sex. I can't speak for T.I., but I can tell you that from a Hebraic/Biblical perspective, a daughter is supposed to remain under the protection/covering of her father until she is married, and then she becomes her husband's responsibility. And this has nothing to do with trying to control women, or women being "weak" or "helpless" - certainly not -  it's about protecting that which is valuable. Sex outside of marriage is also viewed as dysfunctional, because it doesn't serve any sustainable purpose and the harm it causes is not worth the pleasure of a 15-second orgasm.
    Personally, I subscribe to the Hebraic worldview simply because it's functional and it emphasizes unity, harmony, and peace. I've experienced and observed in horror how ideas like feminism/the "independent woman" and unbridled sex have absolutely decimated black families and given rise to nothing but division,chaos, confusion, and pain. Those aren't the only culprits, but they are major contributors. Before blacks started adopting these ideologies, our families were generally intact. Not only does history clearly illustrate this, but almost every black woman I know that was alive before these ideologies started taking root tells me the same thing: "we didn't need no damn feminism". Why? Because the black man and woman worked together, and black men were not lording over their women. Black women did not feel oppressed by their men. The oppression and racism black ppl faced was much more overt back in those days, so we worked together and relied on one another. Because we're all we had. And we realized the strength that came from family and unity. Feminism was largely a movement headed by white women that eventually recruited black women, much to our demise.
    (note: when I say "independent woman" - i'm referring to the notion that black women (or women in general) don't need a man, because that's destructive. there's absolutely nothing wrong with women being autonomous and being able to fend for themselves tho. in fact, women should be able to. but as i stated earlier, the notion that men and women don't need each other is antithetical to life itself).
    But I digress. I'm not sure how T.I. views things, but If I were as famous and rich as he is, I'd probably be overprotective too.
    You're not being hostile and and I don't feel attacked at all! I'm just glad that you're willing to discuss and share your opinion. Discussions like this can get pretty intense and heavy, so I have nothing but respect for you for engaging with me in a mature manner and speaking your mind! That's a very brave thing to do, especially on the internet where you have cowards that would sooner attack ppl for having different opinions or go talk shit in private amongst a bunch of yes-men like hoe-ass simps instead of just addressing people directly. Believe it or not, you've got more balls than a lot of grown-ass men . But yeah, Gesu, I got nothing but love for ya!
    And I feel where you're coming from. I do think we have to have a critical eye towards our past generations, as to learn from their mistakes and not continue to reproduce their dysfunction. But I also think it's wise to take into consideration advice and admonishment from older generations too.
    Personally, I remember being a kid and pretty much hating my dad. I disagreed with a lot of his ways well into my adulthood. But now as i've gotten older myself, and as i've been seeking to take on a lot of the same responsibilities he did, I'm starting to understand why he did things the way he did. And i'm thankful that I had him as a father. Some things I don't think we can understand until we actually have children ourselves.
    That said, I do think that there needs to be open and honest dialogue between children and parents, youth and elders. And I think both parties should keep an open ear, and an open heart towards one another. Because gray hair doesn't guarantee wisdom, and youth doesn't guarantee the lack thereof.
  18. wow
    CAT5 reacted to Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    Everytime Cat5 writes a lenghty paragraph on the forum I fall deeper in love with his morals.
  19. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Rahzel in random thoughts thread   
    I agree with you here to an extent. I do think there are functional and dysfunctional ways to raise children and i'm all for informing others on what's healthy and functional, but here's why I think it's no one's business: we simply do not know enough details to judge the matter. Everyone is in an uproar over a soundbite, essentially. We don't know the relationship that T.I. has with his daughter. We don't know anything about their family, their dynamics, or their history. We don't know his daughter's perspective and we barely know anything about T.I.'s perspective. outside of a 15 sec. audio clip. So everyone is making assumptions based on very limited information. Not a wise thing to do in my opinion.
    I do think that T.I. may have made a mistake by making this public knowledge. But who knows? Maybe it's not a mistake? Maybe the discussions that have spawned out of this are conversations that need to be had?
    This really depends on how you view family, fatherhood, and sex. I can't speak for T.I., but I can tell you that from a Hebraic/Biblical perspective, a daughter is supposed to remain under the protection/covering of her father until she is married, and then she becomes her husband's responsibility. And this has nothing to do with trying to control women, or women being "weak" or "helpless" - certainly not -  it's about protecting that which is valuable. Sex outside of marriage is also viewed as dysfunctional, because it doesn't serve any sustainable purpose and the harm it causes is not worth the pleasure of a 15-second orgasm.
    Personally, I subscribe to the Hebraic worldview simply because it's functional and it emphasizes unity, harmony, and peace. I've experienced and observed in horror how ideas like feminism/the "independent woman" and unbridled sex have absolutely decimated black families and given rise to nothing but division,chaos, confusion, and pain. Those aren't the only culprits, but they are major contributors. Before blacks started adopting these ideologies, our families were generally intact. Not only does history clearly illustrate this, but almost every black woman I know that was alive before these ideologies started taking root tells me the same thing: "we didn't need no damn feminism". Why? Because the black man and woman worked together, and black men were not lording over their women. Black women did not feel oppressed by their men. The oppression and racism black ppl faced was much more overt back in those days, so we worked together and relied on one another. Because we're all we had. And we realized the strength that came from family and unity. Feminism was largely a movement headed by white women that eventually recruited black women, much to our demise.
    (note: when I say "independent woman" - i'm referring to the notion that black women (or women in general) don't need a man, because that's destructive. there's absolutely nothing wrong with women being autonomous and being able to fend for themselves tho. in fact, women should be able to. but as i stated earlier, the notion that men and women don't need each other is antithetical to life itself).
    But I digress. I'm not sure how T.I. views things, but If I were as famous and rich as he is, I'd probably be overprotective too.
    You're not being hostile and and I don't feel attacked at all! I'm just glad that you're willing to discuss and share your opinion. Discussions like this can get pretty intense and heavy, so I have nothing but respect for you for engaging with me in a mature manner and speaking your mind! That's a very brave thing to do, especially on the internet where you have cowards that would sooner attack ppl for having different opinions or go talk shit in private amongst a bunch of yes-men like hoe-ass simps instead of just addressing people directly. Believe it or not, you've got more balls than a lot of grown-ass men . But yeah, Gesu, I got nothing but love for ya!
    And I feel where you're coming from. I do think we have to have a critical eye towards our past generations, as to learn from their mistakes and not continue to reproduce their dysfunction. But I also think it's wise to take into consideration advice and admonishment from older generations too.
    Personally, I remember being a kid and pretty much hating my dad. I disagreed with a lot of his ways well into my adulthood. But now as i've gotten older myself, and as i've been seeking to take on a lot of the same responsibilities he did, I'm starting to understand why he did things the way he did. And i'm thankful that I had him as a father. Some things I don't think we can understand until we actually have children ourselves.
    That said, I do think that there needs to be open and honest dialogue between children and parents, youth and elders. And I think both parties should keep an open ear, and an open heart towards one another. Because gray hair doesn't guarantee wisdom, and youth doesn't guarantee the lack thereof.
  20. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    I gotta disagree with you here. Maybe this is one for the unpopular opinion thread but I think you have every right to tell someone how to raise their children. The argument I often hear against this is "raising children is hard" but the way I see it, if it's hard, you should be taking every piece of advice in your stride and even if you're not following it, you should at least give it a chance. His daughter is eighteen years old, he is no longer legally responsible for her and her virginity is none of his business. I'm not saying he can't be there for her when she needs him, nor am I saying that sex trafficking/STDs/single-motherhood isn't a problem, but just because someone is having sex that doesn't mean they're in danger and it sounds to me like he's demonising sex when he could just be having a civil conversation about it with her. This whole "daddy's little princess" mentality is so backwards and all it does is regress young women instead of encouraging security, freedom and healthy father-daughter relationships. It may seem all very well and good now but how's she gonna fare when she has to be completely independent? Is she gonna have any idea what to do when she's faced with an adult issue or is she just gonna turn to her father to bail her out of every situation?
    To clarify, I don't mean to sound hostile nor do I mean to attack you personally. In fact, I agree with your last few paragraphs... but if the generation before us can't take a bit of criticism when it comes to the way they parent, why should we take any criticism from them? This is why children don't listen to their parents, because many parents unfortunately feel like they can do whatever and get away with it because "how dare you question my parenting style". There's no such thing as a parenting style. Either you parent or you don't but how you interact with them on a personal level is dependent on you and I can't separate the way someone raises their kids from the way they are as a person.
  21. LOLOL
    CAT5 reacted to nekkichi in New project "Fleur Tentation" has formed   
    who asked for this vocaloid gospel mess
  22. LOLOL
    CAT5 reacted to colorful人生 in New project "Fleur Tentation" has formed   
    fleur xxxtentation
  23. I feel ya..
    CAT5 reacted to Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    I tweeted something about teenagers being horny towards adults all the time made me really uncomfortable and VK twitter turned it into me being an anti-lgbt incel or something. 
    Also, wtf is "ok boomer" supposed to mean?
    I'm really sick about everyone demanding respect for minorities but the minute I say I'm asexual and excess of sex in conversations makes me uncomfortable I'm ostracized and/or bullied.
    My mental health took a bad turn and I caught myself about to google what was the right way to cut yourself. I'm exhausted. Of society.
  24. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in random thoughts thread   
    A few random thoughts that have been bouncing around my head this past week:
    #1: People trying to cancel T.I. for essentially being a father. Firstly, it's really no one's business how this man chooses to govern his household. Secondly, there are over 60,000 missing African American girls and women in the U.S., sex-trafficking is at an all-time high, new strands of HIV and STDs are still being discovered, the rate of single-motherhood among African American homes is THROUGH THE ROOF, but T.I. is getting shit for being "overprotective"???? Fuck outta here. We NEED more overprotective parents.
    #2: The way ppl have responded to this is yet another indicator that society has gone far, far off the rails. But I do think there is a silver-lining to this massive attack on men and masculinity. A lot of ppl have been hurt and traumatized by the abuse and misuse of masculinity. I get it. But swinging the pendulum in the opposite extreme through feminism  and attacking any and everything that is masculine is definitely not the answer. I just hope people wake up and realize that both genders are equal in worth, but different in function. We balance each other. We need each other. You'd think this would be obvious by the fact that all of us are alive because of *GASP* a man, and a woman, but we just complicate things endlessly with vain rhetoric that obscures that reality.
    #3: I saw someone post this on fb recently and it made me chuckle a bit:

    it's obviously satirical, but it wouldn't be so funny if it didn't reflect our reality in some way. I've come across a lot of people (on and offline) that are triggered by new or different viewpoints, and I think it's pretty troublesome...I think it's worse online because ppl will unfriend, unfollow, or block you. It's like everyone creates their own little, self-contained echo-chambers. I don't see how this is helpful to anyone. We live in a big world. With people of all kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. So what good is it to live in a world like this and not be able to interface with people of different mindsets without getting emotional, defensive, or hostile? Why can't people simply hear each other out and try to understand each other's perspectives? I think the reason is that people simply do not like being uncomfortable. I can understand it. It's uncomfortable to have your beliefs questioned or challenged by others, and probably even moreso for one to question their own beliefs and ideas...and whatever they hold to be true.
    It's wild to me tho, because ppl would rather get hostile or cut ppl off for having different views before they even try to understand the other person. Which also makes no sense to me, because what if that other person has some wisdom to offer you? What if they could provide some insight that might be resourceful to you? What if they could offer some knowledge that might help you see things in a more well-rounded, or truthful light? So many ppl cut themselves off from this potential out of the fear that they might actually be wrong. Because being wrong doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel...comfortable. But it's ok to be wrong. It's also ok to be corrected. How would you know not to put your hand in a fire if you didn't know what fire felt like?
    People like that, who avoid the discomfort, stunt their own growth. And i've realized that people ultimately value comfort more than they do truth. And the irony there is this: how is anything outside of the truth truly comfortable? If it's not truth, it's a lie. So it's not actual comfort, It's just an illusion. Many people are comfortable living in delusion. And most of us happily delude ourselves daily. I'm not exempt from this either. I mean, i'm damn sure guilty of this too. But it took my delusions being shattered (which is painful as fuck) to realize that I didn't and still don't know a thing. It took one strong wind for me to realize the house I thought I was "comfortable" in was actually a house built of sand. I had to realize that I didn't know a thing. And how could I? This world is vast and infinite (GITS quote ), and i'm just little ol me. I'm just one speck of dust amongst billions, so who am I to walk around thinking i got everything figured out? It's entirely possible that some of those other specks just might know something that I don't They might just have another piece that I can add to this jigsaw puzzle called life. They might not. But i'm never gonna know if I only interact with the specks of dust that only think things that I agree with, or things that make me feel "comfortable".
    Anyways, i can ramble on and on. I'll stop here.
  25. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    A few random thoughts that have been bouncing around my head this past week:
    #1: People trying to cancel T.I. for essentially being a father. Firstly, it's really no one's business how this man chooses to govern his household. Secondly, there are over 60,000 missing African American girls and women in the U.S., sex-trafficking is at an all-time high, new strands of HIV and STDs are still being discovered, the rate of single-motherhood among African American homes is THROUGH THE ROOF, but T.I. is getting shit for being "overprotective"???? Fuck outta here. We NEED more overprotective parents.
    #2: The way ppl have responded to this is yet another indicator that society has gone far, far off the rails. But I do think there is a silver-lining to this massive attack on men and masculinity. A lot of ppl have been hurt and traumatized by the abuse and misuse of masculinity. I get it. But swinging the pendulum in the opposite extreme through feminism  and attacking any and everything that is masculine is definitely not the answer. I just hope people wake up and realize that both genders are equal in worth, but different in function. We balance each other. We need each other. You'd think this would be obvious by the fact that all of us are alive because of *GASP* a man, and a woman, but we just complicate things endlessly with vain rhetoric that obscures that reality.
    #3: I saw someone post this on fb recently and it made me chuckle a bit:

    it's obviously satirical, but it wouldn't be so funny if it didn't reflect our reality in some way. I've come across a lot of people (on and offline) that are triggered by new or different viewpoints, and I think it's pretty troublesome...I think it's worse online because ppl will unfriend, unfollow, or block you. It's like everyone creates their own little, self-contained echo-chambers. I don't see how this is helpful to anyone. We live in a big world. With people of all kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. So what good is it to live in a world like this and not be able to interface with people of different mindsets without getting emotional, defensive, or hostile? Why can't people simply hear each other out and try to understand each other's perspectives? I think the reason is that people simply do not like being uncomfortable. I can understand it. It's uncomfortable to have your beliefs questioned or challenged by others, and probably even moreso for one to question their own beliefs and ideas...and whatever they hold to be true.
    It's wild to me tho, because ppl would rather get hostile or cut ppl off for having different views before they even try to understand the other person. Which also makes no sense to me, because what if that other person has some wisdom to offer you? What if they could provide some insight that might be resourceful to you? What if they could offer some knowledge that might help you see things in a more well-rounded, or truthful light? So many ppl cut themselves off from this potential out of the fear that they might actually be wrong. Because being wrong doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel...comfortable. But it's ok to be wrong. It's also ok to be corrected. How would you know not to put your hand in a fire if you didn't know what fire felt like?
    People like that, who avoid the discomfort, stunt their own growth. And i've realized that people ultimately value comfort more than they do truth. And the irony there is this: how is anything outside of the truth truly comfortable? If it's not truth, it's a lie. So it's not actual comfort, It's just an illusion. Many people are comfortable living in delusion. And most of us happily delude ourselves daily. I'm not exempt from this either. I mean, i'm damn sure guilty of this too. But it took my delusions being shattered (which is painful as fuck) to realize that I didn't and still don't know a thing. It took one strong wind for me to realize the house I thought I was "comfortable" in was actually a house built of sand. I had to realize that I didn't know a thing. And how could I? This world is vast and infinite (GITS quote ), and i'm just little ol me. I'm just one speck of dust amongst billions, so who am I to walk around thinking i got everything figured out? It's entirely possible that some of those other specks just might know something that I don't They might just have another piece that I can add to this jigsaw puzzle called life. They might not. But i'm never gonna know if I only interact with the specks of dust that only think things that I agree with, or things that make me feel "comfortable".
    Anyways, i can ramble on and on. I'll stop here.
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