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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Hey guys, let's not derail the topic and let's also try to be respectful towards the band and the fans of the band. While everyone's opinions are valid, stop and think to yourself "is this really a good time and place to express my opinion?", "Will my opinion add anything of value at the present?". It's never pleasant when one of your favorites are going away, so at least try to be considerate of the fans.
  2. Pretty awesome to know that MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS are back in action! They were one of the coolest female-fronted indie bands of the 00's.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      *heavy breathing*

      btw. cool avatar-pic, dat nostalgia

    2. saishuu


      kinda sad that Chiemi is not back with them, but I'm still suoer excited about this. :)

    3. beni


      That's neat as hell! Need more musicians doing that please.

    4. Show next comments  171 more
  3. Yeah don't read too deeply into the wording. It's basically for VK/J-Rock (and pretty much every rock and metal related genre) Also, sorry guys, but don't read too much into the wording of my OP either. I was just saying things to hopefully get your gears going. XD
  4. CAT5

    I'll be around if anyone is up for our weekly session!
  5. Great pick! This song actually almost made the list, but the contributor retired from ORz before we published this!
  6. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #40: What are the things you *LOVE* about Visual Kei? HUGE thanks to @paradoxal, @Seimeisen, @kyoselflove, @kyoisKILLINGME and @togz for contributing to this poll! To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  7. I thought this might be an interesting thread. Some of us have been into Visual Kei & J-rock in general for so long that we're familiar with what many others might consider favorites of the previous decade, but now that we're well into the 2010's - which albums have been your all-time favorites so far? Those albums that have aged well with you, the ones that you can put on without skipping a track?
  8. CAT5

    Hello there and welcome to the forum! Enjoy!
  9. It's actually snowing here, this is rare! ^^

    1. Chi


      please send snow.7z to [email protected]

    2. yakihiko


      same file to me plz

  10. CAT5

    I wonder if there are less people who ruin relationships/friendships because of something objectively detrimental that the other person did than there are people who do so because they're unwilling or afraid to confront and overcome the personal obstacles that relationships/friendships often reveal.
  11. Oh feel free to list whatever. Our list isn't comprehensive and it's not supposed to be a best-of or anything, we simply wanted to share some anime songs that we thought were worth a shot. Our only criteria for this list was that the songs had to be an OP or ED and that they had to be J-rock (or j-rock oriented). We then held a small vote to see which selections would make the list, but we wanted to make sure that at least one song by each ORz member that contributed would make the list. But anyways, feel free to mention whatever!
  12. 10 Kick-ass J-rock Anime Themes That You Should Hear! Anime theme songs are often written off as second-rate or derogatorily considered "weeaboo" music, and while this is certainly up for debate, the ORz team has banded together in an attempt to dispel some of those stigmas! While this isn't a best-of list by any means, we've compiled a list of 10 anime OPs and EDs that we feel are musically worthwhile. So check them out and feel free to let us know what you think in the comments! #10 TK from 凛として時雨 (Ling Tosite Shigure) - Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul | 東京喰種 Undoubtly one of the most popular and unforgettable anime theme songs of recent times, TK from Ling Tosite Sigure provides the opening theme song for the animated adaption of 'Tokyo Ghoul'. Having watched Tokyo Ghoul, I'm sure we're all in an agreement of how fitting the song is to such a series, albite a poor series that doesn't really deserve such a perfect track in its soundtrack. Powerfully emotional, sinister, compelling and wickedly catchy, it's perfect for an anime as dark as this. When taking the song out of anime context, it's a masterpiece in all its entirety. TK has proved, both as a solo artist and within his band, that each and every anime song he's credited in grips you instantly, and 'Unravel' is no different. - by @beni #09 スネオヘアー (Suneohair ) - ワルツ (Waltz) from Honey and Clover | ハチミツとクローバー It's been years since I've kept up with anime, so my choice probably gives away the era I'm most familiar with. Most of the anime soundtracks that have stayed with me didn't qualify for this list (R.O.D. the TVs lush jazz tunes, Fruits Basket's beautiful orchestral numbers, etc.), but Honey and Clover just made the cut with its breezy ending theme "Waltz". At least among the series that I'm familiar with, Honey and Clover was unique in its expressive embedding of popular music (such as the legendary band, Spitz) into its soundtrack. The first episode ends with the main character riding his bike through the rain under voiceover. In the background, "Waltz" begins to play, providing a seamless cinematic transition into the ending credits, which skillfully juxtapose the imagery of his spinning bicycle spokes that recurred throughout the episode with that of a fanciful ferris wheel. However, the song definitely works as a standalone track, with its lyrics telling the story of coy first love. All the while, Suneohair's laid-back vocals and smooth synth-rock create the perfect backdrop to the hazy, pastel artwork of this beautiful slice-of-life series. - by @fitear1590 #08 the pillows – Ride on shooting star from FLCL | フリクリ It wouldn't be a huge stretch to claim that this song is the reason that you are on Monochrome Heaven reading this right now. If there was a single genesis in my Japanese Rock interest, and in turn this site, Ride on Shooting Star is it. The Pillows lay down a straight forward rock track filled with simple but addictive riffs. While it's not going to win any awards for technicality, it makes up for that with purity with a driving upbeat energy that really gets me pumped up and in a good mood. About the only downside is how quick the ride is over - at under two and a half minutes I am always craving for more when the track ends, not unlikely the show it is from. - by @Ito #07 Silver Fins - Waiting So Long from Berserk | ベルセルク Seldom do anime themes match the actual tone of the series that they're tied to. More often than not, they seem like their own, seperate entities --promotional placeholders for artists seeking exposure-- instead of aesthetic extensions of the anime's content. Berserk's ending theme, "Waiting So Long", by the incredibly obscure Silver Fins, is quite an exception, though. It's a trudging folk-rock song with an eery Americana-vibe, and a subtely malicious chorus that'll linger in your ears long after the show is over. For a dark-fantasy like Berserk, where happiness is fleeting and sin, corruption, and evil run amok, it's the perfect way to conclude a each episode! - by @CAT5 #06 Plastic Tree - Sink from Glass no Kantai | ガラスの艦隊 This spot might come as a surprise to a few, since it certainly did for me when I discovered that Plastic Tree had a handful of songs as endings for various animes. The lads have only done three anime themes ever since they formed. Glass no Kantai: La Legende du Vent de l'Univers used their twenty third single 'Namida Drop' as its first ending song, Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's had their thirty second single 'Future Colors' as their fifth ending theme, and Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo with my selected tune of 'Sink', their sixth single. While I cannot speak for the anime itself, I think it goes without saying that 'Sink' is one of the classic pieces in Plastic Tree's discography. With profound lyrics, a melodic chorus, and verses that flow like a river - very fitting to the overall sound of the song - it's definitely a stand out Visual Kei song all on its own since this was early Plastic Tree, when they were considered Visual Kei. Equipped with Ryutaro's signature raspy and child-like vocals, catchy riffs, and lyrical perfection (and repetition!), including coverage of Plastic Tree's typical song subjects, from the moon to melancholy and separation, 'Sink' doesn't falter. It's the ending theme within eleven endings of this lengthy one hundred and eight episodes of a series that'll take your breath away. - by @beni #05 凛として時雨 (ling tosite sigure) - abnormalize from PSYCHO-PASS There was a time when the words 'ling tosite sigure' and 'anime' wouldn't be found in the same sentence - an indie band with an incredibly insular sound and two vocalists best described as "acquired tastes" - the thought itself would have been ridiculous. Nowadays, thanks to the success of Psycho-Pass (both seasons) and Tokyo Ghoul, their name is almost synonymous with it. "abnormalize" was the band's very first foray into creating anime themes, and while the prospect of this venture may have looked daunting to fans at the time, the result was a streamlined sound that was amicable enough for anime audiences, but still uncompromisingly "ling". The band had triumphantly transplanted their sound and and it was a hit too - becoming their most successful single to date! A forward-thinking band like ling was the perfect match for Pyscho-Pass's futuristic setting. - by @CAT5 #04 abingdon boys school - HOWLING from DARKER THAN BLACK | 黒の契約者 Howling is hard rock with pop-sensibilities at its best. I've always been of a fan of Takanori's vocals in TM Revolution, but his music always been a bit too poppy (and dear I say cheesy?) for me. Abingdon Boys School is a push against that idea, as Takanori's beautiful vocals are juxtaposed with distorted guitar layered. Howling runs with that idea, taking a hard rock track and sprinkles in DJ scratching and other "bleep-bloops" you would expect more from Takanori's pop work. Normally this is something that doesn't work for me, but it is done so subtly that the end result is a lovely layer of textures is just a joy for the ear. The chuggy break down that transitions to a simple but soaring guitar solo really puts an asterisk on the song for me. And hey, if you don't like the song that much, you will certainly miss it when the anime switches to a An Cafe track halfway through the show. - by @Ito #03 cinema staff - Great Escape from ATTACK ON TITAN | 進撃の巨人 'Shingeki no Kyojin' a.k.a 'Attack on Titan' is without a doubt one of the biggest anime hits this century, having spawned a lucratice franchise of spin-offs, video games, and even two live-action movies. Its massive hype garnered both dauntless fanatics, whom were smitten with the characters and premise, and a fair share of critics that chastised the anime for it's elusive plot and questionable pacing. But whatever you felt about the anime, most people usually agreed about one thing - the music was amazing. Whether it's the epic, Hollywood blockbuster score provided by Hiroyuki Sawano, or the anthemic cheese of Linked Horizon's 'Guren no Yumiya', there was something for everyone to love. Even Japanese-indie fans had something to rejoice in with cinema staff performing the second ending theme "Great Escape". It's a strong, driving tune that showcases the band's pop potential without compromising their indie sensibilities, It's also a song that accurately mirrors the dramatic scale of the series without sounding overblown or unconvincing. - by @CAT5 #02 陰陽座 (Onmyou-za) - 甲賀忍法帖 (Kouga Ninpouchou) from BASILISK | バジリスク 〜甲賀忍法帖〜 The anime BASILISK was gifted with many things; great animation for its time, an amazing story that begins and ends well, and perhaps one of the most iconic opening themes of all time. Without too many spoilers, it's basically Japanese Romeo and Juliet. Many anime fans will immediately recognize the introduction, but most have only heard 甲賀忍法帖 (Kouga Ninpouchou) in its abbreviated form. Even less would know that it is one of twelve songs labeled "Tales of The Ninja Scrolls" (or ninpouchou for short), composed as a tribute to author Futaro Yamada. In fact, BASILISK is the anime adaptation of the manga adaptation one of Yamada's earliest stories, also titled バジリスク 甲賀忍法帖 (Basilisk Kouga Ninpouchou), and he won an award for this in 2004! Thus it's only natural that a band whose lyrical material centers around traditional Japanese themes such as oni, dragons, magic, and youkai to extend their reach to ninja tales too! 陰陽座 knocked it out of the park with this one; the tone, lyrics, and theme all match up perfectly with both the anime and the original stories and it was this song which put them on the map. I'm not so sure what's more interesting; the lore or the music... - by @Zeus #01 Maximum the Hormone - What's Up People from DEATH NOTE It was hard to deny Death Note at the height of its popularity, but when I hesitated on checking it out my friends knew me well enough to mention that I'd love the opening theme to give me that last little push. It worked! And naturally my expectations grew. Though, at that time in my limited anime vocabulary 'great opening theme' meant TM Revolution or Anna Tsuchiya rocking out some insanely catchy, energetic number. When Death Note hit the season's half way mark and "What's Up People" blasted through my speakers it was mind-blowing that music this chaotic and heavy was broadcast on such a popular series. Needless to say, I was instantly hooked on their metal-hybrid sound. While I outgrew the Death Note fandom pretty quickly after finishing the show, Maximum The Hormone remain a band I enjoy to this day. Their music continues to be unique and fresh, as well as a gateway to those exploring the alternative metal scene in Japan. - by @doombox
  13. CAT5

    Interesting choice of bands. I've enjoyed some of Lycaon's output, but Rentrer en soi was my favorite band at one point, so I'm gonna have to go with them.
  14. CAT5

    Welcome! mouse on the keys, shiina ringo, backdrop cinderella? I like your taste! Enjoy the forum!
  15. I was always partial to the original ocean Dub for DBZ that lasted from the start until around the middle of the Frieza saga. I thought all of the voices were distinct and animated - Brian Dummond's Vegeta was particularly amazing!
  16. CAT5

    Ah, that is indeed a great one. Distinct and memorable!
  17. CAT5

    Me awkwardly scratching my head while taking a picture
  18. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #39: What are the things you HATE about Visual Kei? poll suggested by: @togz! To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  19. CAT5

    Is anyone around to dub today?
  20. CAT5

    wow, that's just amazing. Your attention to detail is astounding.
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