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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Welp, looks like I'm gonna miss them when they come to ATL
  2. 2013 is has been a wonderful year for music in general, but there hasn't been an abundance of great Japanese rock this year. WUT UP WIT DAT!?

  3. I'm starting an internet gang. I'd like to recruit turtels, zess, ph (we need the muscle), sai, dwi, arithmetica, nekkichi, dispo and senedjem. I just want to go around and harass ppl in the name of bullshittery.

    1. nekkichi


      can we start w. gazette threads bc. my most recent humble effort sort of went there itself. I'm glad to see harassment decriminalized, bless you (love/light)

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Do we get matching shirts???

    3. sai


      do we get matching shirts [2] we should all get code names too. I want to be "the hime"

    4. Show next comments  372 more
  4. go CAT go CAT go

    1. sai


      trainer CAT5 sent out BIG BOOTY HOE. What will BIG BOOTY HOE do?

    2. nick


      don't go CAT don't go CAT don't

  5. so...geek sleep sheep is pretty pedestrian. I was expecting something half-way interesting since 345 of rin toshite shigure is in the band.

  6. I wonder if music nerds make better music than casual music fans?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Or they try harder to be super pretentious. LOOK AT ALL OF MY KEY CHANGES M|O|D|U|L|8 M|O|D|U|L|8 M|O|D|U|L|8

    2. CAT5


      Perhaps in some cases. This question came to mind because I was wondering how Ruki, for instance, would respond to attending a té or a toe concert or something.

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      the question suffers from this shortness (like what "better music" actually is for example) and would probably deserve it's own topic... i know i could write whole essays about this and still wouldn't be able to answer it...

  7. Do dope fuck hope

    1. CAT5


      Funny, cuz I was just thinking that jeezus needed deez nuts

    2. Tokage


      [ascends quickly inside a helicpoter] goodbye my son

    3. Original Saku
    4. Show next comments  372 more
  8. greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

  9. CAT5

    Are there any bands that you already know?
  10. I've had an unholy amount of mcdonalds this past week. Jesus take the wheel! :[

  11. CAT5

    haha, Turtles Sr. sounds pretty awesome! Recommending anything to my father was a dead issue lol. Back in the day, he thought I only listened to "Chinese" music. He did admit to enjoying an old, jazzy Mika Nakashima tune once. I'll NEVER forget that! Interesting, especially considering how expansive your music taste is! Does she know about anything you listen to? Your parents sound bad-ass, haha! Awesome. I can see where some of your affinity for certain styles of Japanese music comes from! :')
  12. CAT5

    Hey cupcakes, wassup? I know most of those names, but haven't heard music by all of them. FLiP and noanowa are pretty cool, though. 01. Ovall - STAR 02. TK from 凛として時雨 - 12th laser 03. Big K.R.I.T. - Me And My Old School 04. Colleen - Raven 05. LOSTAGE - 瘡蓋 06. Katatonia - Journey Through Pressure 07. Tyme. × Tujiko - あけて、あけて 08. Sigur Rós - Brennisteinn 09. Gary Clark Jr. - You Saved Me 10. The Memorials - Enough All good songs, but I'll probably roll with Big K.R.I.T. on this one! Southern hip hop lives!
  13. Niiice! I always used http://www.cafeastrology.com/, but I like this one too! It's funny because my moon is in scorpio too lmao. Well, yes you are indeed opinionated - probably one of the most opinionated people on mh, haha. I can be opinionated...sometimes, right? XD Dude, I met one of the sweetest women ever last year and she was a virgo. Our life circumstances (and age difference), kind of made a relationship between us impractical, but I could only imagine how cool it would have been to meet someone like her that was closer to my age, and without so many obligations. Nekkichi, have you ever dated/crossed any signs that you just didn't mesh with?
  14. CAT5

    Hey there. Welcome to MH!
  15. CAT5

    Yeah man, check that album out! I'm not very well-versed in non-jp post-rock, but man, that album is great. Although it was my first time listening to an album by ef, so I have no clue how it stacks up to their previous works. Check your pms shortly, man! :'D
  16. I'm curious, what do/did everyone's parents here listen to? What do you think about their taste in music? Are there any particular songs that they enjoyed that you hated or enjoyed as well? Did your parents have any favorite songs? Did you think their taste influenced you at all? I always find these kinds of things interesting! As for me, well, my father was strictly a soul, funk, and old-school R&B fan. He absolutely loved The Temptations, Curtis Mayfield, Al Green, The Staple Singers and many of the old motown greats. He pretty much shunned any music outside of that, although he did admit to enjoying a few songs from our generation (a bit of hip hop and modern r&b.) One of his favs: My mother, on the other hand, was much more open-minded. She enjoyed everything my father did, but she also listened to variety of pop and rock from her era as well - like the carpenters, the mamas and the papas, black sabbath, yes, and so on. When I was growing up, I enjoyed a good amount of music that my parents did, but I always considered it "old people music". It wasn't until I actually got older (say around 19 or 20) that I actually began to appreciate the music they listened to. So yes, I think their taste has had a huge impact on me. Not only do I enjoy most of things they did, but I also seek out more recent bands/artists with similar sounds. I certainly have my mother to thank for her open-mindedness...although I listen to quite a few things now that she would confuse her, haha... lastly, both of my parents were huge Curtis Mayfield fans, although I remember my dad pointing out his genius to me in particular. The entire "Superfly" album is bad-ass and I'll jam to this even today!
  17. CAT5

    This album is all over the net now. I can probably fetch you a link if you need it! As for post-rock I've been enjoying, the new ef album "Ceremonies" is splendid!!!
  18. CAT5

    Started mine earlier this year! I've got about 449 followers now! http://surreallustration.tumblr.com/ I just blog pictures mostly. Art, women, photography, and some odds an ends. Whatever I find appealing at the time, really.
  19. CAT5

    gaht dayum u fine, arith.
  20. Necro'ing this thread lol. Yes, I am indeed a pisces. I've learned quite a bit about astrology over the past year and I've even discussed this to some extent with sai (I forgot you even made this thread lol!). Supposedly, pisces are most compatible with Capricorns, Scorpio, and Cancer. Interestingly, I've been involved with 2 different capricorn females over the past year and a half and both were...trying experiences lol. I did, however, meet a scorpio female earlier this year that I'm quite fond of. We haven't been really involved romantically, but I do enjoy being around her...she has a nice, chill temperament like I do. But for what it's worth, two of my favorite people on this forum are both respectively a cancer and a scorpio (sai and Champ) - which helps to explain why we get along quite well I suppose, haha. ;')
  21. I'm a fan of both 9mm and MERRY (past and present) and...even I can admit that this single already sounds MEHHHHH
  22. The vocalist of indie-rock band itsue sounds like It? Kanako...

    1. orangetarts


      Ha, how funny my friend just rec'd them to me today

  23. CAT5

    I don't think changing the staff will change the state of the forum in itself, but I think it could be a step in the right direction and it's a visible change that will improve the forum's morale. Speaking of visible changes, perhaps changing or improving the current forum theme and the forum banner would help to refresh MH and revive moral. (Personally, I've always been a fan of rotating banners). However, we can sit here and talk about cosmetics all day, but visible changes aren't truly substantial changes. I think what this forum needs most of all is a solitary purpose. I feel as if everyone wants mh to change, but every seems to have different ideas (or no ideas at all) on what they want MH to be. If we establish a clear identity and singular goal, then we can proceed from there. Ask yourselves this, what do you consider MH to be? A VK forum? A J-rock forum? A Japanese music forum? A forum for kpop and VK? What are we exactly? Personally, I've always viewed MH as a Japanese rock forum. Sure, we've always had an abundance of visual kei fans here. So with that in mind, I've tried to do my part to share, discuss, and promote non-visual bands with the hopes of cultivating appreciation for Japanese rock as a whole and not just one scene in particular. That's what I've been trying to do personally, but to be completely honest, I have no idea if the rest of the staff shares my sentiments. That's why I ask you all, before you jump and try to change the staff, I urge you all to come up with a goal, a singular purpose that you all can devote yourselves to as part of the staff. If you guys have no goal, then you're not going to get very far. I think that's the problem with the current staff. Everyone means well, but we've kind of lost sight of what our goal(s) should be. When you guys come up with a purpose, a goal, or some kind of mission, then I will gladly abdicate my position to anyone you deem worthy. But as of now, with no goal in mind, we don't really have much of a standard to judge the current staff by other than their activity level - to which you guys have stated will take much more to be a mod. So, once again. I'll charge you all with this task. Decide where you want to go with MH. Decide what you'd like MH to be. And from there, develop a criteria that you think the staff should be able to meet. If I don't meet the criteria, I will gladly step down. I'm all for reconstruction. But before you guys start detaching pieces and putting them back together, have a clear vision of what you want to build first. Let's see a blueprint and then go from there. At the end of the day, I'll do whatever is best for MH.
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