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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    please marry me
  2. Not too many j-rock bands can fuck with 88kayso. :3

    1. Number Girl

      Number Girl

      new album is dank

    2. CAT5


      yes, it's amazing as usual

    3. Ito


      I'll have to check it out.

    4. Show next comments  378 more
  3. "To get your tracks into Turntable, upload them to SoundCloud and then search for them here. This will allow anyone to find and play your music."....Just when I thought tt.fm couldn't get any worse...

    1. Ito


      yeah, if that's the case, I'm out.

    2. Biopanda


      Whelp. It was good while it lasted :(

    3. Slsr
    4. Show next comments  378 more
  4. CAT5

    vice versa....I often feel like I'm the only person around that's not sane ^^;;; Do you consider yourself a positive person?
  5. CAT5

    Cinema Staff 9mm parabellum bullet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu-4W4I7tTE アルカラ (arukara) オワリカラ (owarikara) サカナクション (sakanaction) 東京カランコロン (tokyo karan koron) sleepy.ab THE NOVEMBERS THE BACK HORN
  6. I download hella shit. I buy hella shit. I share hella shit. The end.
  7. CAT5

    UNCHAIN, lynch, Queen Adreena, Nahoko Kakiage, caroline rocks....me likes! 01. school food punishment - you may crawl 02. Lillies and Remains - wreckage 03. school food punishment - feedback 04. uhnellys - back door man 05. Jazztronik - the piano 06. Thao & Mirah - Eleven 07. Dungeon Family - Emergency 08. オワリカラ - ガイガンガール?ガイガンボーイ 09. Sister Crayon - Cynic 10. ALICE Pack - water seven lmao...SFP appeared twice on shuffle. FOOBAR YOU FUNNEH. I choose Thao & Mirah because Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn's voice gives me a hard on >.>
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PH!!!!!!!!!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. Licio123


      Happy Birthday! =D

    3. Jigsaw9


      Heavy birthday, dude! (:

  9. CAT5

    ↑ gazette, 9GBO, amber gris, woodkid, and alt-j....Nice playlist!!! 01. SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS - RED CLAY 02. Eternal Elysium - Cashed 03. world's end girlfriend - -echo-: NieR 夏ノ雪~全テヲ破壊スル黒キ巨人 04. Shugo Tokumaru - Katachi 05. school food punishment - loop, share 06. Wienners - MUSASHINO CITY 07. 3nd - waltz for lilly 08. 阿部芙蓉美 - 革命前夜 09. NightingeiL - 歪んで走る 10. Likkle Mai - Spin Control All good songs, but that WEG song is a beast!
  10. CAT5

    Hm...Their latest output hasn't been very appealing, but I'll check it out when it's released.
  11. CAT5

    I've been a casual fan of the GazettE since around 2005/2006, and while DIM exceeded my expectations for Ruki and the gang, I've always considered these guys a "middle-of-the-road" kind of band - not bad, but not particularly special. Admittedly, I was on a "DIM high" for a while and shunned nearly every subsequent release that didn't measure up to that album's caliber. With the quality of the band's material on a steep decline, it was safe to say that my hopes for them ever producing anything remotely DIM-like were shattered and then swept into a grave - never to be seen again. While FADELESS is in no way a return to DIM's stature, I do feel like the band has managed to climb back from six feet under and at least plant their feet on solid ground again. The electro-infused "blah-core" that plagued their 2 previous releases has been replaced with more thoughtful songwriting and more attention to detail. Both Aoi and Uruha are actually playing separate guitar lines more often and mirroring each other less often. Guitar solos have returned - all of which work wonderfully with the pop/modern music song structure that the GazettE has been employing since ever. These songs are also much less reliant on digital wizardry and electronics, as the band's instrumentation is forced to take center stage. Ruki's vocal performance is free of any cringe-worthy moments - which I find to be a rare occurrence in VK. Overall, I'm quite pleased with FADELESS! It neither treads any new ground for the GazettE nor the world of music in general, but it doesn't have to. The GazettE has returned to that "middle-of-the-road" band that I enjoyed hearing pop up on my playlist every now and then. For me, that's more than enough. There's a plethora of music being released in Japan alone - so I'm glad that the Gazette can once again safely fit back into my own little musical equilibrium - even if they're nowhere near the top of the musical food chain. ;3 It would seem that my opinion on this single falls somewhere within the minority, haha :')
  12. CAT5

    Welcome back to MH! Hope you enjoy your stay even more this time!
  13. CAT5

    The new Orgone album. Ah, yes. Feel the funk!
  14. CAT5

    Greetings and welcome to MH! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask me or any of the other staff members (aka the ppl with the blue and red names!)
  15. CAT5

    The production is kinda neat, but I'm not very fond of the heavily distorted vocals. TAG is a silly name, though.
  16. CAT5

    The irony here is simply astounding. Saying that you don't believe in illegal downloading is silly. You believe in it whether you choose to admit it or not. Without illegal downloading, neither this forum nor the vast majority of the VK/J-rock/Japanese music fanbase would exist overseas. Whether you choose to purchase music or not is your own perogative, but keep the following in mind: 1) Purchasing music doesn't make you any more or less than a fan. 2) If you know beforehand how people are going to react to you talking/gloating about what releases you've bought, why talk about them in the first place? If you're going to get angry at people for requesting releases from you, then you can solve that problem by simply ceasing to talk/post about those releases. That's like waving a steak in front of a lion and acting surprised when it attacks you. Regardless of your intentions, what you're essentially doing is teasing. 3) If you're an overseas fan that purchases Japanese music, there's a damn good chance that your purchase won't do much to "support" whatever band you're buying from. This is ESPECIALLY true if you're purchasing music released through major labels. Hell, most bands make their real money from performing live, not CD sales. I know you want to feel special like you've done some kind of good deed for buying music instead of downloading it illegally, but I'm sorry, you don't get a cookie for spending your hard-earned cash on ridiculously overpriced Japanese CDs. To be honest with you, you'd probably be supporting these bands more by distributing their music digitally.
  17. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  18. So...I'm in Love. With, like, an actual human being...and...it's mutual

    1. Ito


      You finally discovered our feelings for each other to be true?!? :D

    2. Rize


      That's great Cat! GO GO GOOOOOOHHH~ www :D

    3. Umi_Niwa


      Good for you :D

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  19. CAT5

    Might be awesome if they do away with the engrrrish lyricz
  20. Where has my time gone? I don't seem to have much lately @__@

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