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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 2 hours ago, Euthanasia said:

    They released a live limited song today at their live at 池袋EDGE. It's called ナナキ. 




    (hopefully someone will sell it at mbok or something)

    Fuck, There's another rare one.

  2. 8 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:

    I guess I didn't quite explain what I meant. With nowadays, I meant what is huge TODAY, with the public in general, not rock fans or young people or smth. bands that everyone knows, that are constanly hitting top 10 oricon charts in recent years, the salarymen knows, the waiter knows, the student knows. Always on the TV, and not only living on past sucesses, without any new hit in a while or so... This kind of band. Think Metallica or Coldplay or Foo Fighters eastern equivalent, but would be better if backed up by numbers

    All of the bands said above still apply then as far as I can tell. 

  3. 6 hours ago, cvltic said:

    i'd like deathgaze back too but i think that particular dream is dead, their japanese fanbase kind of rolled over and died at the end of their lifespan

    What evidence do you have of this? Because to me it seems they still have relatively large fanbase for a VK band anyway. I mean Ai's solo career is doing well so far and this band of Naoki's is gaining recognition, so this seems to suggest that DEATHGAZE's member still have a decent size following and why wouldn't DEATHGAZE itself not if it's members do? I think that there may be a lot of different reasons that they went on hiatus but lack of a fanbase isn't one of them, clearly or Ai and Naoki wouldn't be getting promoted so hard with their new projects. 

  4. I voted giru because I think all of their early works are amazing and I believe that "13s Reborn" is better than anything D'espairsRay produced. Also I think that giru had a period of mediocrity but everything after  "Incomplete" was good. Monster was an improvement, Gravitation was really good, Live Best was a very clever way to do a greatest hits album and you must admire that they released all new versions of all of  the songs on the album, Chimera was great, and Period was really great as well. The last 5 releases of girugamesh were just as good as their early works imo. Because of all of this I put giru far above despa, but as I said this is just my opinion.

  5. ギルガメッシュ










    The similarities are there. Both bands lasted about the same amount of time Despa lasted 12 years and Giru lasted around 13, both bands experienced drastic changes in sound towards the later end of their careers, and finally both bands line-ups remained consistent with the exception of girugamesh's early vocalist change. Now the question is who is better.

  6. 7 hours ago, kyoselflove said:

    Fuck that shit was so savage...I couldn't sleep for the whole night, basically because bashing of the head with a baseball bat is very personal to me but I mean I knew it would happen but....fuck.  This is fucking AMC not HBO, I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT! Fuck...sorry still reeling in the emotions....




    Super lame of me, but it kind of made me not want to watch anymore.  And I love gore.

    This entirely, but if they follow the comic book ark at all I may keep watching. This also depends on how long they keep Negan on top in the show for me. Because if they stretch this out for to long I'll get sick of Negan, just like I did with Governer.

  7. 16 minutes ago, TokyoCinderella said:


    I've followed the band the past four years. I have a copy. Also run kuroi-ondori.com . Ummm I don't know what to say, I keep up with their news?

    I'm seriously not trying to be a dick, but I just don't see anything confirming what you said about the EP. You say that you own a copy? Because I've found nothing that says that the EP version of  LUCIFERO only has one track.  


    Love your fansite btw

  8. 11 hours ago, TokyoCinderella said:


    The EP is 1 track, Maou-yamiuta-. It was just meant to be a sneak peek for the album, you're not missing anything.

    Thanks, btw how do you know this? Source?

  9. I actually like "Umbrella" a lot even though nobody is really mentioning them including myself until now, besides @violetchain. I almost considered them over "UNDER FALL JUSTICE," so I was kind of surprised not to see them on other peoples list's somewhere.


    And also where all the Starwave fanboys? They must exist right? lol I now everyone hate Kiwamu but I didn't realize so many people hated the label itself. I personally really like the bands on this label just not it's owner Kiwamu.

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