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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 1 hour ago, IGM_Oficial said:


    Exactly. Not to mention that Nocturnal bloodlust is much bigger.


    "Nocturnal Bloodlust" would Probably be more suited for "D.I.D.," even though "D.I.D." isn't very big now they were back when they were in "Danger Crue" and when they were going to tour with "Pay Money To My Pain." I might do that battle  next.

  2. 2 hours ago, JamesR said:

    Jiluka, D.I.D. and Fixer are the holy trinity of VK metalcore :D 


    Many people seem to think this and I agree. I only wish that D.I.D. would get back to doing something. Hopefully they don't disband but I'm pretty uncertain about their future especially since their ohp went down. But anyway yes D.I.D., FIXER, AND JILUKA are indeed the holy trinity of vk metalcore. Although personally I think D.I.D. is on a whole different level compared to the other two. Perhaps it's because they're slightly more seasoned especially Akane. 


    Btw almost time for "Divine Error" :starry:

  3. These are in my opinion two of the best new visual kei bands going right now and I've been considering pitting them against each other for awhile now. So after discovering that JILUKA  are also from Tokyo (accodring to @Duwang) I finally decided to do it.  So both of these bands formed in Tokyo both formed in 2013 and both have a very heavy and electronic sound. Both often employ growls, screams, and in Fixer's case pig squeals as well.  Both bands have also used clean singing and more melodic songs  in nature as well and tend to combine elements of both within most of their songs. Both bands also tend to use techniques often seen in metalcore such as breakdowns featuring guitar solo's and harsh vocals: including the ones mentioned above.  


    So after that  kind of detailed introduction lol the only question remaining is who is better or rather who does it better I guess since they basically have the same sounds.











  4. 2 hours ago, itsukoii said:


    nah, it's my own prediction. and you're right, deathcore doesn't get anybody very far, so i expect deviloof to stay small and indie (i don't think they'll be disbanding in 2017, though, even if their full album isn't a major success amongst vk. and i'm pretty happy with them staying small and indie lmao)


    Yeah I got no problem with them staying indie either.

  5. On 12/16/2016 at 5:23 PM, itsukoii said:

    3) on the topic of deviloof, they've announced that their first full album will happen in the new year, but after its release, they'll either go big with it or go home.


    Did they say this (What's underlined above)? If so they be going home. lol But I like them a lot though but I really don't know how famous you can expect to get doing deathcore.

  6. 23 hours ago, WhirlingBlack said:

    Okay, I've gathered my thoughts about the new song.


    It's roughly five minutes long, It features an electronic and piano intro which leads into a heavy rhythmic strumming section which then gives way to another softer section which utilizes strong echo effects on the guitar. Kyo starts singing the verse. It's clean singing throughout the whole song. It builds up pretty fast into a powerful chorus which strikes decisively positive tone (musically) while Kyo sings away in the expected falsetto style. Back to the verse. leads into a piano section with Kyo singing (again) gentle falsetto. Then a short drum fill which leads into the chorus again. Kyo strained at some shows to reach the high notes while it was utterly effortless at some other. The piano reappears during the end of the chorus which leads into a short piano interlude which then launches back into the heavy rhythmic strumming from the intro and ends the song.


    I wouldn't say it's anything akin to Jessica or things like that, and while it has a hopeful tinge to it, it doesn't really have the upbeat feel of a track like that. It's a much more mature effort and I would liken it more to a ballad in the vein of LOTUS for example than anything else.

    Quite sorry I hadn't read this.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Ro plz said:


    Either you're trolling or you don't want to understand that playing new songs prior to studio releases is a thing.  You also seem to be  confusing Dir en grey with either Lynch. or the GazettE who are known for recycling more or less of the the same song structures, riffs, etc.  This exact thread , alongside detailed posts from both Whirlingblack and another user confirm that said songs are new. 




    Ok maybe you're right. Also I didn't say that they recycle anything in fact I said the exact opposite 

    44 minutes ago, sume7 said:

    dir en grey often change the melody, lyrics, and overall sound of the original songs in their remakes.

    I said that their remakes are typically significantly different from the originals. So I have no clue where you got the idea that I said they were recycling more or less of the the same song structures, riffs, etc.

  8. 2 minutes ago, WhirlingBlack said:


    I went to the tours. They're not remakes. 

    You got any evidence set lists, videos, anything? Otherwise I don't see how you could know since dir en grey often change the melody, lyrics, and overall sound of the original songs in their remakes.


    Edit: Although I could be wrong and they might release a single in 2017 but I really doubt it. That's all I'm saying.

  9. 1 minute ago, WhirlingBlack said:


    raison detre was performed in October 1997 - released July 1999. 

    Probably the most extreme example. The early build of ZAN which existed since the band formed and was released in January 1999 has a similar time frame too.

    Tsumi to Batsu was performed in Feb/March 1998 and released in July 1999.

    Fukai was performed in October 2002, released in April 2003.

    Itoshisa and GARBAGE was performed in July 2004 and released March 2005.

    And then the famous MARROW songs from the Budokan performance in August 2006 which was released the follow year in Feb.

    GLASS SKIN and STUCK MAN in 2008 being performed in May and being released in September and November respectively. 

    Gaika and Toguro were performed some weeks before release but it's not long enough to be relevant.

    Same with LOTUS, DIFFERENT SENSE and Utafumi.


    So based on this we can draw the conclusions that with very few exceptions songs were released in less than a year after it was first performed, and without exception since the early days of the band. I think we can safely assume there will be some kind of release featuring new music in 2017. And that will be my prediction of the year for now. I'll come back with some more loose speculations later.



    Well as I said maybe they're just remakes for the upcoming best album, deg have plenty of them. Also does anyone actually have footage of these new songs? Or how are they aware?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Tokage said:

    They've been performing 2 new, unreleased songs live recently though, so they'll most likely either deliver a new single or just a full-on new album of some sort in the very near future, i don't think they've ever played new songs EXTREMELY far ahead of their studio version's release, have they? (or was that the case with the MOAB tracks? idr)

    Actually they have played new songs as much as a year in advance before. Do you have any footage of these or how are you aware? And also these may just be remake songs for the best album, which typically don't sound anything like the original so sometimes its hard to tell that its a remake.

  11. Ok so why do so many people keep saying that DeG will release a new single? First of all they've been releasing a single about two years apart and we just got one this year ex. 2012"Rinkaku", 2014"Sustain the Untruth", 2016 "Utafumi" and second they already announced a greatest hits/best album which people can vote for the songs it will include on twitter. Here's the info.: http://direngrey.co.jp/special/bestalbum/ Although no exact release date yet I'd still say more than likely 2017 and also I expect it to include new versions of the songs that appear on the album. So that should keep them busy all year even if they don't record new versions of songs for the album I still find it really unlikely that they will release a single in the same year as well. Especially considering that Kyo and Die both have ongoing side projects that they have to devote time to.


    In short Dir en grey will not release a single in 2017, I'm certain of it.:kthxbai: 

  12. XAA-XAA goes major (maybe)

    Dezert goes major (in someone's dreams maybe nope)

    That Dir en grey greatest hits album

    New Maximum the hormone material (unlikely but a boy can dream)

    X Japan album hopefully, oh and S.K.I.N. willl actually be a thing. lol


    Oh and finally like 200 random underground vk bands will form and disband and at least 1 established veteran vk band will too.


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