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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 6 minutes ago, herpes said:


    there was a code in that message hidden very very very subtlety hun!!

    Oh lol emmurée. Just got that. lol But no I actually think that Chaos System were even less prolific.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:



    Their albums include:


    -Splendor of Sanctuary

    -Synthesis Songs

    -subjective or ideal

    -signs of fragment

    -Requiem -Funeral Edition-

    -Requiem -Floral Edition-

    -No Imagination 

    -Dejavu ~Sanctuary of Revival~

    -Wailing Wall

    Damn really and only 26 original songs. Dafuq? A lot of remixes I guess then.

  3. 1 minute ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    Phantasmagoria released 26 ~unique~ songs in the span of 6 years, which is an average of 4 and 1/3 songs a year.


    Keep in mind, they also had 10 or so "albums" 


    10 albums and 26 songs? Are you sure? Because that doesn't seem like it could add up. Are you calling singles albums.

  4. 14 minutes ago, herpes said:


    this is a good quEstion, iM trying to think of prolific, infaMoUs bands who aRe notable foR doing this, but my mind is drawing a blank


    As I already said Chaos System. 7 years 3 releases, 4 if you count monstropolis  and a grand total of  10 songs  that's 1 song per year. lol And their most active year was 2010 which was the same year they disbanded. lol They released 2 singles that year and 6 songs total. If it weren't for that they would only have released 4 songs.

  5. 13 minutes ago, PsychoΔelica said:

    Yeah, but tbh I don't like him as a model either. Maybe like 10 years ago he looked cool. Let' hope we'll hear him in a not shitty band sometime soon. 

    eh, I'm indifferent about his model work. I've never kept up with modeling besides the occasional season of "America's Next Top Model" and I only watch that for entertainment.  lol But yeah I'd love to see him in another band and I'm not even against it being a pop band as long as it's not as generic as the crap he was playing in "REDMAN."

  6. 11 minutes ago, Tokage said:

    Would be interesting if someone could like investigate the opposite... Investigate which bands have been around the longest while barely releasing any new material and/or just subsisting on remakes of remakes of remakes, things like that

    Shit I have your answer. Chaos System easily 7 years 3 releases, 4 if you count monstropolis which was an unreleased demo. 

  7. 1 hour ago, PsychoΔelica said:

    What happened to his non-vk band?

    They did one single and a mini then nothing, no announcement of disbandment or anything but I just assume it was a limited project. You are referring to REDMAN  right?


    They were pretty bad imo anyway though.

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