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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 13 minutes ago, Shir0 said:

    @sume7you almost gave me a heartattack with this topic title!!! XD already thought it might be about disbanding or going on hiatus lol

    well I hope he (who ever got sick) gets well soon!


    So sorry I actually titled it the same as KRAD's twitter. I was scared myself and hoping for a quick translation because I really like this band a lot as well. lol Glad it's nothing bad.

  2. I think I 'd like to point out something everyone here has seem to have overlooked. This is a Japanese music forum correct? Could this be a reason for the preferences and biases mentioned in this thread? Also from my personal experience American's tend to do the same with music of other languages and almost seem to only enjoy a band if they speak English but as mentioned here perhaps that in itself is also merely a  "phonetic" preference on their part. But let's assume we were on an American music forum. Would you not expect the same type of biases? 

  3. 11 minutes ago, -Tetsu- said:

    sadly Yuuki is pretty inactive rn T-T (probably composing new songs and planning a new project... would be great)

    Hopefully they'll have an event like this again.
    I wish UnsraW would come back some day... I miss them so much,  but I don't think this will ever happen again.


    Same but a boy can dream. lol

  4. Also @chemicalpictures agree with you 100% about girugamesh. Such a fuckin' shame, I would've loved to see just one more album. Just one. I'm not even joking man they've been my favorite band for years and to hear such a fucking epic last song, well it literally brings me to tears sitting here right now.  Maybe a reunion in the future, I'll wait the rest of my life for that to happen.

  5. Not sure why I didn't before but I've finally come around and I actually love "RAZOR" and from what we've heard from them so far I think I can safely say 100x better than "BORN". Need to hear more from them before I can truly decide if they are one of the best vk bands going or not. Waiting for "「DNA」" which will only have 3 tracks but this will allow me to judge further. And hoping for an album after this, because so far it seems possible for this band to actually do it. After that I could really determine how good they are.


    I wish more vk bands would follow their direction and start with a mini album so we could get a better feel for them from the beginning. I also must commend them for that because it was a much better option for getting a fan base started early on. 


    Also on a slightly unrelated note does anyone know if "My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND" will be disbanding since this band has two members from them? 

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