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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 13 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    also today they announced that at their drummer Issei birthday oneman live which takes place at 2017.10.21 名古屋MUSIC FARM that their distributed CD, title not yet finalized, will contain 2 songs:

    1.4(仮) (tentative title)
    2.15(仮) (tentative title)

    So awesome!!! That's my birthday.

  2. So I have previously had this discussion with "JILUKA" winning beating "FIXER" by 72% of the votes. So with their new mini-albums released last month I thought this would be a good time to re-open this discussion. So this one can be view two different ways  either you can judge weather "JILUKA" is still better than "FIXER" or you simply judge the mini-albums only. I'll set up the poll so you can't vote for the minis and the bands themselves or just the bands if you prefer.


    Oh and unrelated but they toured together recently as well which is pretty awesome :tw_astonished:









  3. 7 minutes ago, EzraEroguro said:

    Can we just talk about how this new audio and video collection is a game changer for all VK?


    Seriously, I'm only on track 5, and it's the most interesting thing I've heard from these guys ever.


    Same here, on every point. HOLY SHIT!!!  It's brilliant. Hopefully this will be a game changer for vk because I wouldn't mind more bands doing shit like this. 

  4. Got one that I've been working on. Promotes energy and rage. lol: 


    Far East Dizain-Counterfeit Virtue

    ザアザア- ぐちゃぐちゃ

    Maximum the Hormone-薄気味ビリー ~濃気味再録編~



    Since1889- celtic

    Unsraw- Saliva of God

    Xodiack- Meteoroid

    JILUKA- Lethal Affection

    Re:dis- Passion

    MEJIBRAY- 羽花


    Dir en grey- 業

    Blood Stain Child- NEXUS




  5. 20 minutes ago, chocobuzz said:

    I wonder if anyone would have any electronic visual kei music to recommend? I've been listening to Schwarz Stein quite a lot lately and I really like their style, especially songs like Last hallucination, Lilith and Fleeting beauty are really to my liking. So, I'd kinda want to find more stuff like that, but I don't really know where to search. ^^'

    I'd try Far East Dizain: 






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