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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. You can add "RAZOR's" version of "secret base ~君がくれたもの~" Original by "ZONE" to the List of songs that are played on lives that are still unreleased:




    And here's a yt rip : https://mega.nz/#!AzJmVQAb!auZvGg7rhMUoNbQFoBkHYPsVdoGaQFdjafCZ5zWaQyw


    Edit: Also I found this unreleased song on a set list too "mind circus": http://nabi816.hateblo.jp/entry/2016/12/01/213148


    Also "the CORE's" album art:





  2. 26 minutes ago, -Tetsu- said:

    they officially didn't release anything, if I remember right they only recorded some parts of a few songs and gave those CDs away via atari cheki.
    the only full song they recorded was OVER and there are only 69 copies of it so I'm like really proud to own a copy haha

    Your know anything about this?  LICKER-Trial Ver.- 2014.10.11

  3. 45 minutes ago, emmny said:

    im cackling i didn't expect ryoga to go off into secret base i had literally repressed that from my memory for years hfdbjdbjshd this is so funny

    Who uploaded this? A "ZONE" cover, I can honestly say I never saw that coming. lol :tw_lol: Where is this live?

  4. I just hope they do anything lol They've been pretty inactive for years now.



    Also does anyone know if they've had live limited cds? Because as far as I can tell they haven't released anything since 2015 "2015.12.23 MINI ALBUM『V.I.O』". Is that right?

  5. I don't know if this counts but (a sort lived vk band from 06-07) had a final release  "2007.12.11 女朗花"  I've been searching for it for years but never found anything anywhere about it, although I do vaguely  remember  reading something about it on Ameba possibly confirming it's existence but I've never been able to find any Ameba post about it again. lol So I'm not even sure if I ever actually did see a post about it. Also part of the reason why it hard to find any info. on this release is because the band's name ℃ making it nearly impossible. About the only way tho find any info. on the band at all is to search the names of their releases. lol



    Long needed update and sadly they'll be down KAZ and on hiatus at least temporarily.



    chariots will pause activities on November 23.

    Back on September 9, guitarist KAZ took a leave of absence due to being hospitalized for poor health. Unfortunately, it seems that KAZ has had little contact with the band, and has not made any plan for returning--as such, as of today, KAZ has seceded.

    For the remainder of the band's live schedule through November 23, they will perform with the 3 current members plus a support guitarist. They'll hold a oneman, Zankyou CRADLE (残響クレイドル), on 2017-11-23 at EDGE IKEBUKURO, and will then pause activities.

    After pausing activities, it seems that the members of chariots will continue under the pseudonym 37564-MINAGORO- (37564-ミナゴロ-), with intentions of completely reviving as chariots when possible.


    Translation by @inartistic



    And if you use last.fm vote for the new and possibly last look of chariots: https://www.last.fm/music/Chariots/+images/9c5eb0ff4277b209e1c0ba8889472c5e 



    Also Revenir for anyone wanting to hear it




  7. 10 hours ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    Kyouka said they've been in studio lately and he also posted a preview on some lyrics at twitter, but that's Kyouka after all, who knows. He seems to be very busy with daily instagram lives about shit nobody cares about instead.

    That's a shame because I must be the only one who doesn't care for glamscure's music.

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