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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. Just to keep this discussion going and possibly help promote this topic I'd like to list a few of my nominees for potential categories in the 'M-M J-rock Awards":


    Best of 2017  




    [2017.03.15] ザアザア (Xaa-xaa) - 不幸な迷路 (fukou na meiro)



    [2017.06.22] sukekiyo - ADORATIO



    [2017.08.09] gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy - In incontinence



    [2017.08.02] R指定(R-shitei) - 日本アブノーマル協会(Nihon Abnormal Kyokai)



    [2017.06.21] FIXER - Libra



    [2017.10.25] SAVAGE - 冷血な子守唄 (Reiketsu na Komori Uta) (罪盤 (Tsumi-ban)) &  (罰盤 (Batsu-ban)) 




    Best New Band:






    Vo. 猟牙(ryouga) (ex-BLUEチョコレヱト(BLUE chocolate)–>RENNY AMY–>BORN)


    Gt. 剣(tsurugi) (ex-azure, ex-Sadie)


    Gt. 衍龍(kouryuu) (ex-ASYURA–>Keith–>DOPES.–>My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND)


    Ba. IZA (ex-MiScast–>リスミー(rhythmy)–>sparrow–>FANTOM–>シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER)–>DOWNER)


    Dr. 哲也(tetsuya) (ex-羅刹(rasetsu)–>SKULL–>My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND)








    Gt. 希 (Nozomi) (ex- クロルシアン (clorcian) → ClearVeil → カラット (carat) → ORCALADE)


    Gt. 貴樹 (Takaki) (ex-ASS'n'ARRow → DEATHGAZE (support) → DEATHGAZE → ORCALADE)


    Dr. ゆいぜ (Yuize) (ex- ASS'n'ARRow, ClearVeil (support) → ORCALADE)


    Support Ba. HISAYOSHI (ex-HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ → ClearVeil → ゴン☆素晴バンド → Fuel Pumps, ORCALADE (support))





    Vo. 架神(Kagami) (→ dexcore → DEXCORE)


    Gt. haku (→ Mizaria → AxiL(support) → Alive to Die → Butterfly syndrome → dexcore(support) → DEXCORE)


    Ba. 澄(to-ru) (→ dexcore(support) → DEXCORE)


    Dr. 直樹(Naoki) (→ Cena rate → KUSSE → Berry → deathgaze → DEATHGAZE[hiatus], dexcore → DEXCORE)


  2. Just like the title says this is an attempt to bring back the m-h jrock awards for the year 2017 which last took place way back in 2012 and apparently ended do to lack of participation. Awards were given for best album, single, new band, etc. And all of this was decided by user votes.


    So I asked about reviving this and here's what @Zeussaid, THBfKb0.jpg

    Judging by all of the yearly best album/single reviews I would hope there's still some interest in something like this. So if you want to see the "Monochrome heaven J-Rock Awards 2017" then help me get this topic 50 likes and/or 50 comments by the end of the month.

  3. On 3/23/2017 at 10:01 AM, filth_y said:

    How time flies! Im also one of those coming over from batsu roughly 10 years ago and visting nearly every single day since. Like some, i was actively writing here in the early days but went silent after/leeching and now just post once in a while. Im amazed some people are active here for the same time and im reading their posts since all these years like Ito or Saku. I didnt like that some guys changed their username so i forgot who they were but for me Ramrod, Trombe and Champ213 were legends here that unfortunatly seemed to go away, taking a huge part of this forum for me with them (miss you Trombe!). Shoutout to some guys i remember i havent seen active here anymore like Kagerou, Kuregu, Spike760, DeathlikeS, stylelover, Ichibayo, ed47a, etc.

    Some of the core members here left, but those who stayed aged mindly and have put the discussions to a more respectivly atmosphere imo. I think for many the glitter of vk crumbled when they realized how shitty and untalented 90% of all these hyped bands are, be it for live videos on youtube, a lot more people here going to actual lives in japan or just general increase in life experience. Its funny and a little annoying sometimes to read "newer" people hype those bands because of their photoshop pictures or ghost recorded CDs while you've seen how horrible musicians they are irl/at their live, but well. I've been there myself in the early days so let them be and have their fun :P


    - I remember the time when you could finally join the old VIP section and just saw an huge amount of (mostly shitty) rare stuff you could finally torture your ears with. What time to be alive.

    - I remember drama: Reviews of not yet shared CDs, stuff shared outside old VIP, stuff shared that someone bought at auctions, the person who thought she was robin hood sharing VIP stuff at LJ, etc. etc.

    - I remember the hardcore trolls but some seemed to get bored and left. A few stayed but they finally managed to become partly funny for me (or i just got used to it)

    - I remember shitty bands like Leviathan, unRuSt or brodiaea hyped to no end. The Death Gate CDs from brodiaea seemed like the holy grail. I feel while the amount of really bad bands and people hyping them decreased you really cant compare bad but well produced bands of these days (e.g. AvelCain) with how bad some were back in the days.


    Thanks to everyone who keeps this forum alive! Wishing for many more good times and good new bands.




    I almost cried. @Spike760, DeathlikeS (altough I think he was only on last.fm not tainted world), @Trombe, and @Champ213,and @Yasupon miss you

  4. 12 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    You don't need to pay to listen through spotify, so if you're not planning on buying the release then that's an option @Mamo


    The single is great so far btw. The first track is very cool, and the overall sounds of farewell is much better than what the preview showed. 

    Agreed it's amazing so far and I Kno but for some reason I can't set my Spotify to scrobble to last.fm anymore it's no longer available in my settings. Maybe it's a premium feature now? Idk. But I digress. That's why I want to actually download it so I can scrobble to last.fm. 


    But I'll still listen to it of course  😁😁😁

  5. 3 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    Yes, ten copies exist in total.


    And yes, that entry was made by me^^

    I've been hunting the LP for some time and finally figured out how to acquire the pictures :3

    So you don't own the lp then? 

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