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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. 10 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    ^ that hurr-durr-deathcore vk band is deviloof LOL and they unfortunately don't fit into the description sume7 posted

    I was going to say that but you said it first, thanks my thoughts exactly lol. Although I am now curious about  "FAR EAST DIZAIN" and "My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND." What do they sound like?


    Edit: btw do are those bands  heavy on base like nagoya kei bands? I'm referring to the ones I mentioned above. And I have heard of deviloff but not the other two. lol

  2. 1 hour ago, doombox said:

    I wish I had something to recc for that. In fact I'm eager to see if anyone can come up with something but I'd be curious to hear it too. I only really know of one band doing low-end djenty stuff in vk currently but they aren't Nagoya or Angura. 

    lol Once again I agree. The real funny thing about this is I got that quote directly for the Visual kei Wikia. Maybe we should try to contact whoever wrote that. lol To bad they offered no examples. :sad:

  3. 9 hours ago, doombox said:

    That would be the biggest mess trying to hold all of that information in a single thread. News on an entire year's worth of a band's activities, you don't want to imagine trying to filter through that. Most of those bullets don't even have any extra info in that thread, or belong in that thread anyway. Events, tours and such go in the event news forum. Having separate threads for the big items on that list makes it much easier for people to find that is relevant to their interests. 


  4. 40 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    ^ i can't make any suggestions, but that sounds pretty damn cool. i hope someone has an idea of some bands who follow that description because i'd love to hear it

    Shit me too. :grin:

  5. Ok I got kind of a rather specific and strange request.

    Extreme metal acts, particularly Nagoya and angura acts, will go as far as tuning to Drop B or A, or even eschewing traditional six-string guitars for seven or eight-string guitars, resulting in a thick, hollow and heavy tone similar to djent/mathcore acts.

    -Visual kei Wikia


    Anyone know bands that fit this description from either Nagoya Kei or Angura Kei? Including the extreme metal part? If so I'd love to here some I think this may be just what I'm looking for.

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