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nekkichi last won the day on January 17 2022

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About nekkichi

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    your fav disney song? I feel like I'm missing out


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nekkichi


      inspiration-struck queen!


      question: why do americans spell "meme" as "mime", it literally bursts my brain when I hear it ://

    3. nekkichi


      (it's been over a week and I'm still very bothered that sienna's voice transformation in and out Jiz' character is legit a parody of at least 2 former friends of mine who would typically speak in their dood voice, but randomly go a tone or two higher when talking to me. this used to bother me a lot more in the past tho)

    4. nekkichi


      it's been over three weeks or w/e I can't math and I am here, triggedT by this homophobic piece of shit ://////


      which is also a reminder for every1 that straight/"straight"/" "straight" " men likely do this more often


      I can't think of any single gay guy I know who does this I am s e e t h i n g

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