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    chemicalpictures got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  2. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    I feel like this should be a cosplay in your future:
  3. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from efuru in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  4. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from JRD in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  5. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from -jibakurei- in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
  6. Like
  7. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with my cheap-kei wig and guitar today on Rio's carnival:
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    chemicalpictures got a reaction from hiroki in FoLLoW   
    You, kind sir, is doing the holy work by spreading Masashi's message. thank you so much again!
  10. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from echo in FoLLoW   
    You, kind sir, is doing the holy work by spreading Masashi's message. thank you so much again!
  11. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to hiroki in FoLLoW   
    will type it out later!
    here you go:
    作詞 MASASHI  作曲 潤正
    what's up? 過去と未来への融合 what's up? 幻想郷のリアリティ
    what's up? 後回しの日常に what's up? 己の力を放て
    what's up? 秘められしこの力は what's up? 人間への欲望が
    what's up? 生み出した世界情勢 what's up? 今「自分」を解き放て

    もう何も怖くないから さぁ記憶の欠片を集め

    ※アカシックレコード 君の色に染め上げて欲しい
    大好きな君のDNA 吸い込み
    壊れてしまうほど 過去の君も 未来への君も
    大好きです 頭がクラクラと 回っているのです

    目に見えない 答え探し 自己陶酔 繰り返し
    僕と君の先祖達も 繋がってる

    (RAP)賛歌を歌う人々を尻目に 自分の価値観を問いただして
    この場所には何もないと感じ 一人探してる桃源郷に
    君との未来を共有しよう 脳内参照 推奨しよう
    瞑想している自分の人生 見えない未来は手の中にある

    パノラマの様に映っている 風景は本物なのかな?

    終わらない夢でも 見てるみたい 今この世界は
    僕の手の中で踊っている 玩具さ
    手に入れたいものは 君が全て最初から持ってる
    これからは 自分が主役の物語なのさ

    現実逃避がお得意 少年のお話さ
  12. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from echo in FoLLoW   
    So SO GOOD!
    It will be a shame if they don't release the full scene of this live. So many of my fave songs!
  13. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to echo in FoLLoW   
    FoLLoW posted a digest video of their last one-man
  14. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from catborja in MIYAVI new best album "DAY 2" release   
    would be interesting to see a re-recording of the second disc. Also, real nice from him not to pretend those oldies did not exist and only focus on the new shit....
  15. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to doombox in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    I'd be happy to move it back as well if the OP is edited. 
  16. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Komorebi in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    I don't think I'll be able to enjoy this one. I'm a huge tenten fan (heck, look at my username) but even him won't be able to salvage something here. I thought they finally had something good going on for them on "百足", but WTF were those watered down guitars, the half assed breakdown, bland sound structure? It sounds so disappointing, specially in the 02:04 to 02:50, tenten actually sounds great there, and the instrumentals ain't bad either, but they do not really fit, seems like someone took tenten's recorded track and threw some instrumentals on it. And to make things worse, it was actually an interesting buildup, but what comes next is pure disappointment.
    I'll keep listening to every release by them cuz such talented musicians couldn't have forgotten how to write songs, but this clearly sounds like a band without any direction or idea of concept, it's like a bunch of ideas thrown in the mix to see if it glues. but it hasn't, so far.
  17. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from r... in MIYAVI new best album "DAY 2" release   
    would be interesting to see a re-recording of the second disc. Also, real nice from him not to pretend those oldies did not exist and only focus on the new shit....
  18. Like
    chemicalpictures reacted to Valicious in Anyone with disabilities?   
    I was diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) at 18 months old.  CMT is a degenerative neuromuscular dirorder that effects the myelin sheath around the nerves.  Motor signals  don't get sent as well to the muscles,  it bt becomes harder to use them, and eventually you forget what it was ever like to use them.   CMT gets progressively worse and starts at the fingers and toes and works its way up over the years.  I still have some function in my shoulders, hips, neck, and torso, but I can't use any muscles in my legs or arms.
    Things my specific type of CMT affects (We think it's all related)
    My vocal chords are partially paralyzed, so my voice sounds like the bastard lovechild of Gollum and Darth Vader. My eyeballs are broke.  My vision without glasses is about 20/300 without glasses, 20/100 with.  I'm legally blind. My diaphragm is slightly weaken, so I can't breathe in or out as strongly and pretty bad stress, anxiety, and depression from all this and knowing it's going to get worse. The cool ways I adapt and cope
    I use the tip of my nose to use phones/tablets/anything with a touchscreen.  It works really well (especially since I have to be that close to see the screen anyways), and I use a toothbrush in my mouth to type on a regular computer. Playing video games is fun, and I play Overwatch a lot with @Zeus  I sit on the floor in front of the monitor, use a mouse on the floor on my right (moving and clicking buttons with my palm), an xbox controller on the floor in front of me (using the left joystick to move/click in for an ability), and the toothbrush keyboard method to type/hit keys for abilities etc. I try to deal with all the anxiety and depression by throwing myself into working on RarezHut.  I know I must seem to a lot of people that I only use MH to mostly promote RarezHut, but constantly working is how I stat (mostly) sane. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for @Biopanda though.  He works as my caregiver, co-owner of RarezHut, and my best friend in the world.  We've been roommates and he's been helping me since 2008, and I'm surprised we haven't killed eachother yet since we see eachother every day all day.  Every day he helps me get dressed, eat meals, take a shower, even as simple as grabbing something from across the room.  Panda has been there at my darkest moments when the weight of everything and the knowledge that there is no light at the end of the tunnel causes me to just collapse into a quivering mess of tears.
  19. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Euronymous in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    I don't think I'll be able to enjoy this one. I'm a huge tenten fan (heck, look at my username) but even him won't be able to salvage something here. I thought they finally had something good going on for them on "百足", but WTF were those watered down guitars, the half assed breakdown, bland sound structure? It sounds so disappointing, specially in the 02:04 to 02:50, tenten actually sounds great there, and the instrumentals ain't bad either, but they do not really fit, seems like someone took tenten's recorded track and threw some instrumentals on it. And to make things worse, it was actually an interesting buildup, but what comes next is pure disappointment.
    I'll keep listening to every release by them cuz such talented musicians couldn't have forgotten how to write songs, but this clearly sounds like a band without any direction or idea of concept, it's like a bunch of ideas thrown in the mix to see if it glues. but it hasn't, so far.
  20. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from Elazmus in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    I don't think I'll be able to enjoy this one. I'm a huge tenten fan (heck, look at my username) but even him won't be able to salvage something here. I thought they finally had something good going on for them on "百足", but WTF were those watered down guitars, the half assed breakdown, bland sound structure? It sounds so disappointing, specially in the 02:04 to 02:50, tenten actually sounds great there, and the instrumentals ain't bad either, but they do not really fit, seems like someone took tenten's recorded track and threw some instrumentals on it. And to make things worse, it was actually an interesting buildup, but what comes next is pure disappointment.
    I'll keep listening to every release by them cuz such talented musicians couldn't have forgotten how to write songs, but this clearly sounds like a band without any direction or idea of concept, it's like a bunch of ideas thrown in the mix to see if it glues. but it hasn't, so far.
  21. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from tetsu_sama69 in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    Janne da Arc. For some reason I've stumbled upon 'Feel the Wind', was love at first sight.
    Couldn't find the PV on youtube, so here goes a live ver:
  22. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Lycaon = overhyped band that has more bad songs than good ones. I'll give you that when they hit it is GOOD, but no soooo better than several other bands that doesn't get half of the acknowledgement;
    Can't understand the appeal behind Kiryu. Really tried to like it, but it is not for me, I guess. If I want classic japanese infused-VK, I'd spin some Kagrra,;
    I think visuals impair a lot of bands from shining on. Yeah, the V part on VK gets more in the way than help it. I can't shake the feeling that bands like xTRiPx, Develop One's Faculties, yazzmad, DIV could go/have gone a long way if they drop/had dropped the act;
  23. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from platanity in SHADOWS new single, live DVD & album release   
    SHADOWS new single + live DVD "chain reaction" will be released on 2017.03.08, ¥2,500.
    single tracklist:
    01 All I Want 
    02 Chain Reaction
    01 Push 
    02 Justify
    03 Fail
    04 Doubt
    05 Expectations
    06 Progress
    07 BEK
    08 Forest
    also, their 1st full album will be released on 2017.04.26, details yet to be announced.
  24. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from pawzord in MIYAVI new best album "DAY 2" release   
    would be interesting to see a re-recording of the second disc. Also, real nice from him not to pretend those oldies did not exist and only focus on the new shit....
  25. Like
    chemicalpictures got a reaction from gekiai in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    anyone a bit familiar with the stereotype of jrock listeners already know the answer: pure and simple obsession with anything that comes from Japan. Most of japanese vocalists sucks balls compared to their western genre equivalent (rap, vkei/rock, pop, indie...), and people care? no they don't. Several VK bands rehashes riffs/song structures from more sucessful western acts. people care? no, they still do not care. They just need a nippon tag and any problem suddenly doesn't matter.
    and it is what it is, you are looking for common sense in a pool of unreasonable, fanatic people. better save your breath.
    ps: Deviloof is terrible, jeeeesus
    also, cheers!
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