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  1. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    The full PV is out and it's fucking P-E-R-F-E-C-T ! Check it out:

    Aside from that ratchet white wig guy, it's flawless. The chorus is so good and catchy. Love the falsettos and all. Also, good guitar riffs and the song is very dramatic. I love overdramatic kei. Can we all agree that this band is the best thing to happen in the VK world in 2014 ?
  2. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from kyoisKILLINGME in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    The full PV is out and it's fucking P-E-R-F-E-C-T ! Check it out:

    Aside from that ratchet white wig guy, it's flawless. The chorus is so good and catchy. Love the falsettos and all. Also, good guitar riffs and the song is very dramatic. I love overdramatic kei. Can we all agree that this band is the best thing to happen in the VK world in 2014 ?
  3. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Ada Suilen in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    The full PV is out and it's fucking P-E-R-F-E-C-T ! Check it out:

    Aside from that ratchet white wig guy, it's flawless. The chorus is so good and catchy. Love the falsettos and all. Also, good guitar riffs and the song is very dramatic. I love overdramatic kei. Can we all agree that this band is the best thing to happen in the VK world in 2014 ?
  4. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Elazmus in new band "the Dice" has formed   
    YAS ! The dude that was from Sacrifice makes the best DIR EN GREY plagios in the history of ever. I hope he keeps making br00tal stuff instead of that weak ass B.C shit. Looking forward to this. Great line-up indeed.
  5. Like
    jon_jonz reacted to nekkichi in sukekiyo new mini album "vitium" release   
    tipping fedora-kei
  6. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in V.A. DVD "DNA -Do you have VK-DNA?-" release   
    Except for IN SHADE, Kogure and the bands from the asian countries NONE of those sound like a VK band. I think that's the problem with non-jap VK bands. They don't actually sound like VK. Like Disposable said, it's just a shitty mix of lots of stuff and the result sounds more like early 2000's nu-metal and it's disgusting. Most of them aren't even trying. They don't even wear make-up or look like an EBM band. I really, reaaaaaaaaaally wish I could like a western VK band. I'm totally in for the globalization of VK and all, but unfortunately most of the bands ain't helping the scene get any better. In my opinion, this will only help japs keep making fun of us and by us I mean, everyone that isn't japanese.
    Congratulations to MaleRose, though. They look and sound way better than everything else in this V.A. and seem to be the only band taking this seriously.
  7. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from NICKT in [Off-topic] bandmen brothers   
    Thanks for considering my request and making this list, Trombe. Much appreciated, srsly. Maybe we should have a thread for trivia or something like that. I mean, a collection of interesting facts about those bandmen. Not only news and gossip.
  8. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Serox in Moi dix Mois Gt.K has passed away   
    WTF ? He looks like HIZAKI. Is Mana trying to plagiarize HIZAKI who once plagiarized Mana ? What is this ? Inception Kei ?
  9. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Elazmus in V.A. DVD "DNA -Do you have VK-DNA?-" release   
    Well, YOHIO has personally been involved with the jap bands. I mean, he went to Japan, played with lots of VK bands, got jap VK guys to produce his stuff, etc. In this aspect, he is better than the others, but it only happens because he has the money to do it and there are some bands in this preview that still sound more VK-ish than he does, but even though it requires a decent aesthetic production, VK has nothing to do with money. There are many bands that get to do decent stuff with a low budget, but they give their best and look/sound VK-ish and most of the bands in this V.A. ain't even trying.
  10. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Ikna in Crimson Shiva new maxi single "Feather Pray" release   
    Yes. This shit is gorgeous. Flawless ! I love this band so much. Their PVs are THE shit. And this is the best look of 2k14. As someone mentioned above, I too miss their more br00tal stuff, since this is the 2nd PV they release out of a ballad, but it's really great. Too bad they don't get the recognition they deserve. This band is way better than most of those indies people idolize nowadays.
  11. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from tetsu_sama69 in Crimson Shiva new maxi single "Feather Pray" release   
    Yes. This shit is gorgeous. Flawless ! I love this band so much. Their PVs are THE shit. And this is the best look of 2k14. As someone mentioned above, I too miss their more br00tal stuff, since this is the 2nd PV they release out of a ballad, but it's really great. Too bad they don't get the recognition they deserve. This band is way better than most of those indies people idolize nowadays.
  12. Like
    jon_jonz reacted to Karma’s Hat in V.A. DVD "DNA -Do you have VK-DNA?-" release   
    The western interpretation of visual kei is this bastardised mix of corny melodramatic lyricism, poor low budget Gazette visuals and Linkin Park-esque musical stylings taken to an extent that the shittiest Japanese visual kei bands couldn't even begin to dream of.
  13. Like
    jon_jonz reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in ex-A(エース) members session "Z" will perform   
    zzzzzz is right
  14. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in X JAPAN important announcement   
    Avril Lavigne > YOSHIKI
  15. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from tetsu_sama69 in 鐘-ベル-(vell) special band "OMEGA YOUTH" presents live   
    I miss vell & 【_Vani;lla】 so much. Good to see he still looks the same. I hope he gets in a full-fledged band soon.
  16. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Gaz in SaTaN will be indefinitely on hiatus   
    I may be a cunt but at least I'm not a pussy (?)
  17. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in new band "グリザイユ(grisaille)" has formed   
    Sounds a lot like Crimson Shiva. I like it.
    When will you guys stop bitch whining about bands taking pics and recording their stuff in the same places ? Yes, it IS annoying to see the same thing over and over again, but they don't have much money. Those are probably the less expensive studios. You can't expect much from poor bands.
  18. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in new band "グリザイユ(grisaille)" has formed   
    Sounds a lot like Crimson Shiva. I like it.
    When will you guys stop bitch whining about bands taking pics and recording their stuff in the same places ? Yes, it IS annoying to see the same thing over and over again, but they don't have much money. Those are probably the less expensive studios. You can't expect much from poor bands.
  19. Like
    jon_jonz reacted to nekkichi in NIGHTMARE new single "blur" release   
    this is not a pierrot thread.
  20. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from nekkichi in 0801弐209XX6 Vo.ゆかり(yukari) will be absent in live performance   
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    jon_jonz got a reaction from nekkichi in LM.C new album "PERFECT RAINBOW" release   
    I hate this band but this actually ok. Surprising.
  22. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from appl- in Neverland new maxi single "Evergreen." release   
    Their label is clearly investing more money in the production for this band than the others, which is good, because they're their best band. This looks gorgeous.
  23. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from Pretsy in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    Why is Toshiya wearing a garbage plastic bag ?
  24. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from sugibo in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    Why is Toshiya wearing a garbage plastic bag ?
  25. Like
    jon_jonz got a reaction from nullmoon in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    Why is Toshiya wearing a garbage plastic bag ?
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