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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. So SAN is stealing looks now too, eh ? I mean:
  2. YAS ! One of my fave vocalists is back. I hope they sound as kickass as they look.
  3. Can't you see this is where they got the inspiration from for this look ? Also, if you dunno Guy Fieri you're missing out.
  4. It breaks my heart to see that whenever a VK band performs in Budokan it's never at its full capacity. This has even less people than in that ViViD DVD.
  5. Text stolen from ANN because I'm lazy: The January issue of Coro Coro Comics announced the new opening and ending themes for the Duel Masters VS R (Duel Masters Versus Revolution) anime on Tuesday. An Café (Darker than Black) will perform the new ending theme. The theme songs will change in the January 10 episode of the anime. Since the group formed in 2003, An Cafe has performed "Kakusei Heroism ~The Hero Without A Name~," the second opening theme song to the Darker than Black anime series. The group also performed "Ryūsei Rocket" ("Comet Rocket"), the opening theme to the live-action drama adaptation of Masami Kurumada's Fuuma no Kojirou manga.
  6. jon_jonz

    Holy shit. This is beyond awful.
  7. I bet SAN is lowkey the reason why NEGA disbanded.
  9. jon_jonz

    Oh, shit. I bet he's gonna come up with some corny ass pop crap being all sexy and shit like that. Here goes one of the very few vocalists in VK that could actually do all sorts of brutal vocals. R.I.P. Ice.
  10. jon_jonz

    This looks to me like some leftover footage they decided to put together in order to make some money. I saw some gossip about HIZAKI dumping the drummer and bassist because producers from around the world didn't want to pay for the whole band to come, so they dumped the guys that didn't matter so they can tour and use some playback or support members. It may just be a lie, but it sounds believable..
  11. jon_jonz

    I was excited when I saw the line-up, but then I watched the video and all the excitement went away.
  12. They kind of look like Moran meets amber gris. If only their sound had half the quality of those bands had it'd be nice. And what's that red haired dude copying Chanty's vocalist signature hair ? Shame on him.
  13. Such a small venue for a band that has just performed at Budokan... Was their gig there even crowded or did they do like that joke PSC pulled with ViViD playing for 30% of Budokkan's full capacity ?
  14. It breaks my heart to see how people still fall for those talks about them pursuing a carreer outside of music by becoming whatever else, mainly when he's such an amazing singer. It almost never works. What are the possibilities ? 1. He'll be a model 2. He'll be an actor 3. He'll be a porn "star" 4. He'll be a pop singer 5. He'll be in one of those shitty host bands I don't see him suceeding in any of those. I just hope he realizes his mistake soon and goes back to music, but honestly, I'm affraid of what kind of music he'll make now...
  15. This is gonna be their worst CD ever. Why did they put so much autotune in it ? Kouki's voice is pretty good. They don't need that. Plus, all of the songs sound the same. Ugh.
  16. jon_jonz

    They look a lot like NAINE indeed. Never knew Renga was in this band. Good to know. I never really paid attention to this band, but then, when they decided to change their name I've listened to them again and they do have some amazing and catchy as fuck choruses. I'll e rooting for them because they have lots of potential.
  17. jon_jonz

    "bride now recruiting" I LOLed at this pathetic bullshit IRL, but this is kinda sad, actually. This is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen a person come up with, and I've seen many fucked up stuff... Why are jap musicians so full of shit ? Ugh... So he's planning to retire based on something he doesn't even have ? WTF ? Just pick up a fan or whatevs. What a lame person, holy shit.
  18. So, it's a cover, right ? Who did the original song ?
  19. Can you share the songs ?
  20. jon_jonz

    Vocals suck, but the songs ain't that bad. They've uploaded a bunch of their songs on Youtube, but the names of the videos are all fucked up. Does anyone one know what the correct names for the tracks are ?
  21. jon_jonz

    I don't think anyone cares, but I'll post it anyway: The intro in this video is the same as "Silence" by Portished. It's in in brazilian portuguese and it translates to something like "Be alert to the rule of three. What you give will return to you. This lesson you have to learn. You only get what you deserve"
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