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Status Updates posted by Rize

  1. I'm addicted to that ameba restaurant game lol ♪

  2. I'm back with FB. :3 Previously closed my account and now I made a page instead. :P -> https://www.facebook.com/LittleLinhchan Feel free to like my page and say hi ( ^ o ^ )/

  3. I'm dying hahaha.

    This is so true though XDD
  4. I'm eating white chocolate, anyone who wants some :3 it's yummmmm~

    1. Yasupon


      White chocolate is the best chocolate!

  5. I'm in love with my Rilakkuma cape~♥ aishiteru~ ww

  6. I'm mentally dying, I worked 13+ hours yesterday and today I've got a normal workday... that combination is really bad. (T_T) *cries*

    1. MaikoMizu


      You can do it! Just as the people at work say to me, "Think about your next paycheck" and "You can never make too much money!".

    2. beni


      What MaikoMizu said~ I hope you get the rest you need in between such long hours. Look forward to those lengthy breaks you'll get and know what you're doing is worth it! All the best and take care!

  7. I'm studying during my summer holidays, how good am I? :D

    1. Gaz


      lazing at school-time. how bad am i?

    2. Slsr


      respect XD

  8. I'm such a good sensei lol. Letting my kiddos do the Kameleo move -> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BNn6psXCIAAZw0K.jpg XD (Some tried really hard XD) And some minutes later Hikaru replied to me lol: https://twitter.com/KAMELEOHIKARU/status/349597016323657730

    1. fitear1590


      :D That's awesome, haha.
  9. In ~15 hours my flight journey back to the Netherlands begins~ Lots of cookies & snacks... CHECK. :'D

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I just survived 22 hours of flying -- you got this qurl

  10. Is it OK to get the blame all the time? It seems it is...

  11. Is Yuhma from Luzmelt coming back?! He just updated some info about he joined a group a year ago and that there will be more info soon! The link he also posted to the OHP: http://the-canvase.com/

  12. It feels good to work like a die-hard on schoolwork like I did 3 years ago. Hope I can stay this motivated til the end. Teaching license.... here I come!♥ www *Puts sensei-glasses on*

    1. Gaz


      sensei glasses is sekkusi <3

    2. orangetarts


      Good luck <33 wish I had that kind of motivation XD

  13. It seems glue was very tasty. From a kid who had glue in his mouth and came to me ''Teacher linhhhh.... I have glue in my mouth... '' I was so shocked and felt like throwing up to see that stuff in his mouth while he was talking to me.. so gross. XD

    1. CaRaN


      Holy shit xDDDDD

    2. Rize



  14. It's been a while since the sun have been shining this beautiful ^_^ ) It brights up my mood *\( ^ o ^ )/*

    1. allisapp


      I agree! It's really nice to wake up in the morning to sunshine. :D

    2. stylelover
    3. Tetora


      Praise the Sun!

  15. It's scary to see how heartless someone can be who meant the world to me. I'm dissapointed.

    1. Rize


      The people you least expect to be like this... it's so cruel :(

    2. Elazmus


      I'm thankful we are just good enough at convincing ourselves we care about other people at least for a little while

    3. beni


      Those kind of people are sad. Stay strong.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. It's stormy outside! It's even worser than yesterday (O.O ; ) Don't even feel like to go to school now, but I have to... *puts wings on* imma gonna fly... very high! XD

    1. nick


      I believe I can fly

    2. Rize


      :D ^ inmiddels heel veel stroom storingen op Utrecht Centraal :P
  17. It's too hot *jumps in a freezer*

    1. Rize


      lol nostalgia XD *frozen*

      ahw fitear :< that's a shame

    2. stylelover


      cold in here :D

    3. togz


      it. is. hot.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. Japanese Green tea makes you hyped up... really. :'D ♥

    1. Gaz


      linh pls T_T you promised me...

  19. Judgement day!!! Omgod! My teacher is proud of me! So glad! She judged my work positive!(^O^)?? Now I'm back on track and ready for graduation in January!(≧∇≦)Keeping my motivation up even more!!! Yeah!!*\(^o^)/*

  20. Just created an extra facebook account, feel free to add me. ;'3 https://www.facebook.com/linh.chan.39 (This is not my personal one though ;p)

  21. Just got home from the ONE OK ROCK concert! It was fuckin crazy and amazing! Pictures will be up on my Facebook: Linh Chan for view!^^

  22. Just picked up my mom from the airport! She said she had a small present for me... well it wasn't that small~~ I got an Iphone 5?! XD Thank you dear Auntie, uncle and my nephew! :P

  23. Just received my MEJIBRAY CD at work ^.^ Why the heck is MiA's signature far below the poster than the others though XDD. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12072652_1004191952955507_8167250450318739906_n.jpg?oh=10cf1dec8cf37202abb30cd08c0fa6bf&oe=56D1D473

    1. Rize


      hahaha I know right lol. It's like he want to be noticed because his sign is so outstanding xD

    2. Chi


      MiA "im too good to sign like the others!"

    3. Show next comments  9 more
  24. Kameleo did it again lol. ;> That 5/5 mini is brilliant. Each member singing a song, just amazing lol. ♪

    1. nick


      I listened to the previews on iTunes, it must be an amazing mini-album. I like the one sung by Kouichi. His voice is so good. Haha.

    2. Rize


      My favorite is Takashi's song :D But they all do have amazing voices ^^

  25. Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus opening: SID - ENAMEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6JdxfoIHj4 <3

    1. Tetora


      SID is the best.

    2. Mihenno


      omg this is a jam <3

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