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    evilcoconut got a reaction from Kaye in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Most enthralled lately with Dimension W and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei ← wtf did I never watch this before
    Honorable mention to K: Return of Kings
    Was most recently obsessed with Noragami, hopefully a season three is coming.
    Most anticipating the Handa-kun anime though.
  2. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Desqui in How important are lyrics to you?   
    My native language is English and I find I do not like a lot of music simply because of the lyrics (and the vocals, but that's a different topic).
    I wouldn't say I've tried really hard to break out of this 'rut', but I think one reason I prefer listening to non-English music is because, though the lyrics may so be terrible, I don't understand them 100% and so don't have to pay attention to them--and I can focus on whether I like how the vocals go with the other instruments as a sound. I have no doubt that were most of these songs in English, I'd tire of them.
    I used to look up lyrics and their translations, but I think it was just for the fun of language learning because I could care less what the song is talking about usually and I've never tried to fully understand every word/nuance. The 'gist' is fine enough for me, if anything. Do you find this to be disrespectful to a vocalist? I do. But I guess I don't care that much.
    That means I categorize songs as such:
    1) good lyrics, good music
    2) good lyrics, bad music
    3) bad lyrics, bad music
    4) bad lyrics, good music
    I wouldn't listen to 2-4. Good and bad are all personal relatives, of course.
    And also, there are songs I have taken a little to heart what they say and it's boosted my like factor. But I find these to be few. I dislike the idea of a song changing my thoughts. I hope that makes sense.
    Main point: I can't listen to a lot of English songs even if I like the music because understanding the lyrics gets in the way of my enjoying it. Understanding any lyrics I find terrible ruin a good song.
    Main question: How about you? Are you the type to memorize lyrics to sing along and understand everything? Or are you like me and you just want some good noise? And how does that tie into you liking songs sung in a language not your native?
  3. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to doombox in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    My interest in Dir en grey pretty much died at Uroboros. So I voted for 97-05. *kanye shrug*
  4. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to saishuu in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    Dir en grey for me. All my favorite albums were released before they went the chugga-chugga route. After they "transitioned", I've only been able to enjoy ARCHE and some of TMOAB.
  5. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Trombe in リライゾ(liraizo) new album "子供天国(kodomo tengoku)" release   
    リライゾ(liraizo) new album "子供天国(kodomo tengoku)" will be released at 2015/10/07 (3 TYPE)
    TYPE A & B (3,780yen each) will include CD (10 songs)+DVD (including 2PVs), and TYPE C (3,240yen) will include CD (11 songs) only
  6. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to PsychoΔelica in What are you listening to?   
    MIЯROR - D'espairsRay
  7. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to ghost in #57: DOGMA by the GazettE   
    I think DOGMA really badly wanted to be a mini-album, but Ruki bullied it into becoming a full-fledged album with mostly fillers.
    Seriously, just have something like this for a tracklist:
    *bam* perfect mini.
    But then they don't have a good excuse to charge 10,000 yen for a release (although I wouldn't be surprised if they did it anyways).
  8. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from CAT5 in #57: DOGMA by the GazettE   
    re:the last sentence, those are my thoughts exactly. it stands out, but it's far from any kind of masterpiece and considering the album, you might say standing out isn't exactly hard....lol
  9. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Ikna in random thoughts thread   
    Am I the only one who is allergic to typical tumblr speak? Something like:
    “Umm, excuse me? Can u not??? You are literally offending me right now, omg, I can't believe this????? You are literally shit???”
    I am sorry, but writing like that makes me angry and puts me off, because it sounds extremely passive aggressive, spiteful and rude. I also always read it in my head with a really conceiting voice. Also the overexeggareted use of question marks and hyperboles is an eysore. And I am saying that as someone who is terrible at writing (especially in English)
    I rather prefer people wriiting in 4chan speak or reading through stupid youtube comments.
  10. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from nullmoon in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    Thank you for this post tbh.  And, sidenote, Ominous was the only song that stood out to me lol.  it's frankly nowhere near the level of DIM imo. Very good Deathgaze cover album though. 
  11. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to nullmoon in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    I still don't understand the DEUX love.
  12. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    well, the claim is more, that there aren't that many catchy choruses, and the ones that are there aren't any good, but that's of course subjective. 
    However, you may seem to notice, the main qualm people have with the album isn't that of lacking catchiness, but that of monotony.
    To elaborate on that, here my very in-depth, very scientific analysis, track by track:
    1: NIHIL                           80bpm, B-flat minor, intro, electronic
    2: Headache Man var. 1   100bpm, B-flat minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    3. Headache Man var. 2   120bpm, B-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    4. Headache Man var. 3   150bpm, B-flat minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    5. DERACINE                      75bpm, B-minor, Power Ballad or sth
    6. Headache Man var. 4   110bpm, A-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    7. Ruthless Deed v2.0        90bpm, A-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    8. Headache Man var. 5   105bpm, B-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    9. Hyena v2.0                   100bpm, C#-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    10. Headache Man var.6  120bpm, A-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song (with little ballady bits)
    11. Headache Man var.7  120bpm, B-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    12. Headache Man var.8  120bpm, D#-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song (with little ballady bits)
    13. Headache Man var.9  145bpm, B-minor, Heavy GurrGurr song
    14. OMINOUS                    90bpm, D#-minor, Song
    now, if i wasn't such an asshat i might give them, that Hyena 2.0 (i think it's real title is lucy?) is more of a punkrock track than gurrgurr, that maybe the gurrgurr/balladybit songs have a more suitable example than headacheman, but you get the picture. the overall impression of the album is, that more than 2/3 of the songs are more or less slight variations of sth like headache man, somewhere between 100 and 120bpm, probably in B or B-flat minor. On DIM you had one headacheman (maybe adding moth, leech and ogre to the same realm, but that's about it), which is why people loved it so much. Here you have a full album consisting of one single track, that in the end just feels like an hourlong forgettable slob of generic riffwankery.
    (which isn't helped much by the fact, that they once again fail to chime in on the possibilities of having two guitars. I mean, double-tracking is cool and all, but when the rhythm and the lead guitars are just carbon copies of each other for 90% of the time you really are doing sth wrong, or are being very lazy)
    Edit: Also, having listened to the album a few times more now, i change my rating from 6-7/10 to more of a 5.5/10 due to severe boredom
  13. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    well, personally I don't really care much for guren myself and find it just one of the more forgettable gazette ballads, but specifically and out of nowhere calling out a track (that doesn't really differ much from anything else gazette has done) that is immensly popular, from the album which is pretty universally (on this forum) considered to be gazettes best so far and calling it one of the worst songs written by mankind leads me to two possible scenarios.
    1. The poster desperately needs to make known, that his tastes differ from the peasant mainstream, which i would consider to be somewhat "hipster"
    2. The poster wanted to piss off as many people as possible, which is what i would consider the "troll". If that was the intention and seeing that I reacted to it, well done i guess?
    I mean of course it's totally fine not to like guren, but without any connection specifically slamming this track from that album makes it kinda hard not to come to these conclusions.

    well, and that ^^  
    sooo, to not be totally off-topic and trying to somewhat getting onto DOGMA, I probably aswell consider it a better effort than anything that came after DIM, but that doesn't mean much. In general it is very same-y over the whole length.
    most of the tracks seem just like minor variations of the same base formula. On top of it it doesn't really vary much in energy, even the tempos are pretty similar throughout all the titles. As a result there aren't really any standout tracks per se for me, which is not good.
    there are just little stand-out moments here and there, where i might think, nice riff / cool little vocal motif / interesting sound / nice groove etc. but that's about it.
    Nonetheless i don't dislike the standard-gazerock fare that much and as mentioned it has its fun moments, so i would probably consider it somewhat of a 6-7/10. might do a full review if i happen to listen to it more often (i doubt it though)
  14. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Pretsy in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    I suppose it's your use of hyperboles without further details that make you seem like someone fans shouldn't take seriously (not that I'd imply you being the one tho, lol).
    Rather impressed that only a handful of MH folks, incl. me, realized that DOGMA had so little to no variation as an entirety (DIM kinda threw you here and there but at least the album had various elements to keep your attention). Others who shared their own points of criticism were spot-on - just where was this "tremendous" improvement?
    Ps. Ruki still needs a coach, ASAP.
  15. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to enyx in [REVIEW] The GazettE - DOGMA   
    On first listen it seems like a decent album, but I think that's mostly because of the fact that this heavier, more aggressive style hides their weaknesses a lot better than the stuff they were doing from Toxic-Beautiful Deformity. For the most part the guitar-work is still extremely dry, Ruki's vocals are still very limited, etc. Basically, it's still very much a post-DIM GazettE album, for better and for worse.
  16. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Des in lost.fm   
    The 0 scrobbled artists are BACK!

    When you go to your library like here www.last.fm/user/*yourname*/library/artists?page=10 just change the page number of the URL to one of the last pages of your library and you'll see that the names you once added to your library but never scrobbled are back! They're just not counted anymore on your profile page with the total # of artists.
    And the new library is still clunky to navigate (why are the buttons to scroll back and forth only at the bottom of the way too large page?! 1/10 for design) but I'm relieved this part of my libary has been restored.
  17. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from Ro plz in Do you feel people complain about music they don't like more than talk about music they do like?   
    I think it is legit tho lol.  If you don't like what a band does, move on.  Idg the point of whining about it and going on and on about how terrible it is.  Like, boohoo, some band made an album you don't like, or some band offends you with their very existence. Who cares.  Find something you DO like instead.  Pretty simple.
  18. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from paradoxal in Do you feel people complain about music they don't like more than talk about music they do like?   
    I think it is legit tho lol.  If you don't like what a band does, move on.  Idg the point of whining about it and going on and on about how terrible it is.  Like, boohoo, some band made an album you don't like, or some band offends you with their very existence. Who cares.  Find something you DO like instead.  Pretty simple.
  19. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Ro plz in Do you feel people complain about music they don't like more than talk about music they do like?   
    A lot of what I see especially when it comes to the bigger bands such as Dir en grey, the GazettE, etc, is that people have these preconceptions or expectations about what their upcoming sound should be. Mind you, singles and interviews aside, NO BODY knows what goes through the minds of these musicians when composing and they ARE NOT mind readers. And even if they are, at the end of the day, what they make is what they make. When this expectation isn't met, its more of a nitpicking that's borderline going into complaining, that comes out of em. And they stick out like a sore thumb.
  20. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to トカゲ in What are you listening to?   
    9GOATS BLACK OUT - sink
  21. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in lost.fm   
    If Yoshiki owned last.fm they would make huge deals about updates with only slight changes from features they released years ago.
  22. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from doombox in lost.fm   
    lol @ dis thread title
    ETA - now this: http://www.last.fm/music/Remove+the+Last.fm+Beta+Website+Design  has showed up lol
  23. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Mr Bacon in LOW voiced vocalists!   
    A lot of people seem to confuse deep and low. Someone can have a deep and high voice(Ai, Yomi etc) or a light and low voice(Taama from Roach). Kyotarou as mentioned before just has a light and high voice, but raw. Not deep or low at all.
    Sugar's Loki has a low range, and a deep voice so he would count.
    Linda from Tokyo Heroes has a relatively low voice, but not really deep(but definitely not light!).
    Unsraw's Yuuki has a deep but high voice.
  24. Like
    evilcoconut got a reaction from Licio123 in lost.fm   
    I'm also too addicted to my stats to jump ship just yet.  Though, if they don't give me back my 100+ artists that they deleted from my library, Idkkkkkkk. :<<
  25. Like
    evilcoconut reacted to Licio123 in lost.fm   
    Too addicted to my stats to close my account, lol
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