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Posts posted by evilcoconut

  1. Some ten years ago people really had to struggle to get a release. I remember wanting this rare rammstein single collection box for 200€, but eventually I never got it.




    ..Nowadays people are crying about not getting immediately what they want. And no, the "ignoring" part isn't much of a difference. No one is obliged to share anything, so if people ignore you, guess what. Shit happens.


    ..What has this world come to...


    1.people are entitled shits


    2.they weren't around when getting even ONE release from stupid obscure indie vk band was your lucky freaking day

  2. Singles....I don't keep track of singles, but i have been keeping track of albums. So far for Jrock, my favorite albums are: 


    - 小林太郎 - IGNITE

    - INORAN - Somewhere
    - THE BACK HORN - Akatsuki no Fanfare
    - OLDCODEX - A Silent, within The Roar
    - The Madcap Laughs - The Midnight Love
    - Nothing's Carved In Stone - Strangers in Heaven
    - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - Catcher In The Spy 
    - FoZZtone - Stomp the Earth
    - YUKI - FLY
    - exist†trace – WORLD MAKER 
    Yeah it's a lot, but I listen to a lot so.
    Don't watch PVs and Idrk to the other questions either lol.
    ETA - lemme just add the new ALSDEAD album to that list. What a great album.

  3. I'm also one of those that typically ignores share requests from random people I don't know. I frankly think it's rude to put someone on the spot like that so they have to come up with something other than "I don't want to". And it's also on my Last FM profile, so if you can't read and ask me anyway, I'm definitely not going to feel obligated to respond.


    If I'm hoping someone might share something, I might post a general ask in the band's shoutbox or an artist thread (if it's a forum) or something like that. But I'm not going to put people on the spot to respond.

  4. Annabyss Coast or Phantasmagoria out of that list. :3



    02. Galileo Galilei – Sex and Summer

    03. 張惠妹 – 海闊天空

    04. フジファブリック – 同じ月

    05. heidi. – ヤサシイウタ

    06. FUSION乐团 – Summer Run

    07. day after tomorrow – Show Time

    08. Shing02 – 芯鉄

    09. 丁噹 – 爱情没有答案

    10. コブクロ – overflow


    I love D†SHADE, they're so underrated. And Galileo Gailei.

  5. I'm getting sooooo tired of the freaking forced autocorrect on Last FM ruining all the unicode tags. Wish VK fans could get together and come up with something to tag these bands with like how Cmusic fans tag Chinese groups with the same name as other artists with the characters for "band", whether simplified or traditional.  There's gotta be something dammit because obviously Last FM isn't going to fix this.

  6. Amazingly I'd probably pick the Diru song out of those lol.


    01. MoNoLith – ガルシア
    02. Sonar Pocket – 光り
    03. The Koxx – Truth or dare
    04. LAID BACK OCEAN – サーチライト
    05. アンダーグラフ – 風車
    06. 卍LINE – Be My Girl Friend feat. BIG BEAR
    07. DOES – ウォークマン
    08. 八十八ヶ所巡礼 – 脳ハ寝テナイ
    09. 夢中夢 – 哭
    10. トーマス – 罪と罰
    Between LAID BACK Ocean and The Koxx for this one.  Both bands are fantastic.

  7. It definitely changed my musical life so to speak. Since getting into it, I've gotten into genres and other countries' music that I would have never even bothered with before Japanese music.  I never had a huge range of taste before, but it was probably based on exposure since in Murrica, everything is so divided by genres, but especially 10+ years ago.  Further, I got back into genres that I'd abandoned before due to their increasing crappitude.


    Also met a ton of people through it, etc.


    I was in a musical wasteland right before getting into Japanese music.  Sick of nu-metal, kinda into goth, mostly not listening to anything at all because I was bored of it all lol.


    Only benefits I can see is not spending 40 bucks on a CD and probably being into things that people IRL have heard of, but those are pretty negligible from my pov. 


    6ft.Down – Resonance

    Closer乐团 – 慘綠青年

    SoundWitch – Candy

    GUYZ – 귀뚜라미의 노래

    MAN WITH A MISSION – Lithium

    ストレイテナー – Blue Sinks In Green

    Empty Slow – Wake Up

    Chicago Poodle – Baby my “Jenny”

    capsule – REALiTy


    I love that MWAM cover of Lithium.  And Capsule is almost always brilliant

  9. 1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not?

    Not FREE music per se, but digital music.  It pisses me off that the industry has not 100% gotten behind digital music and Japan keeps people outside the country from buying it. I don't want to jump through a bunch of damn hoops just to PAY for music I want to download.  Main reason I download, because these idiots won't make their music available for me to purchase. Their loss. *le shrug*


    2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band?

    It sounds self-righteous tbh.  Personally I share music, if it's not already in a million places, so that other people will get to listen to something I obviously like enough to go out of my way to acquire.  Not sure if your one CD that you won't share is better than exposure to hundreds that might end up in several CD purchases at the very least.  But hey, do whatever you want if it massages your ego.


    3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it?

    Lol, I'd tell them where to stuff it.  If I want to share it, I will.  You can sit on your precious CD all you want, but you won't tell me what to do with mine.


    4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities?

    I guess it's the fandom I've been in the longest, so yes, definitely.  They all say they're not entitled, yet they bitch and whine when things aren't shared to their standards.  So what I think they think they're entitled to is a certain template for free music to be shared in.  If you complain about the format of free music, you're entitled, period.


    5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD?  Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip?

    Again, self-righteous.  Slacktivist attitude, thinking that you can do something so simple and lame and it will change people's opinions or actions.  If people aren't gonna buy it, they aren't gonna buy it.  I won't personally complain, because complaining about free music is stupid, but I won't buy it either.  I have more important things to worry about than whether I have music in 128 or 320.  And for me personally, I'm not going to specially rip a 128 to share when I'd need to rip a 320 for my own library.  Extra work for no reason.


    6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction?

    Yes, I usually just ignore them.  They can react however, I don't give a crap.  Most of the time it's probably not that I don't want to share, but that I don't have the time or whatever to go through all the zipping and uploading crap.


    Additional thing about credit.  I don't care about that either.  Biggest reason I uploaded Hilcrhyme's FIVE ZERO ONE on JPS was because there was a huge-ass bounty on it lol.  Don't care that it showed up on aichuun the next day and my handle wasn't attached to it.  Internet kudos are for losers.


    In conclusion, people who have too much time for fandom on the Internet inevitably complain like their petty concerns are actually important.  Just share and listen to the music and shut up. :)

  10. ↑ I think I'd actually go with STP up there lol


    黃義達 – 專屬密碼

    J – I Feel You


    カジヒデキとリディムサウンター – SLOW MOTION

    鴉 – 帰る場所

    vistlip – Pinocchio

    Bodyslam – แสงสุดท้าย

    Local Sound Style – Get Out

    Do As Infinity – Piece Of Your Heart

    蕭亞軒 – 轉眼之間


    Really random shuffle lol.  Going with the Bodyslam song as it's pretty awesome and from a great album.

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