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Posts posted by evilcoconut

  1. Wow that's a great list of songs lol. I was going to agree with your selection, but then I saw my favorite D'ray song and I have to go with that.


    1.ghostnote – 桜道
    2.ABSTRACT MASH – Displayed Mind
    3.Pop Shuvit – Anthem Revisted (feat.Vandal)
    4.陳曉東 – 失陪
    5.GUYZ – Tell Me Tell Me
    6.周渝民 – 記得我愛你
    7.Çilekeş – Askı
    8.THEATRE BROOK – 野蛮なローソク
    9.Phantasmagoria – Fairy times memory ~another tale~
    10.Mix Speaker's,Inc. – Secret Room
    Mine is less great, but I'll go with Pop Shuvit even though I'm having a Phantasmagoria relapse lately.

  2. ↑ Would probably pick the Penicillin track as I'm not really a fan of any of the other artists.


    01.OLDCODEX – Elephant over

    02.Slot Machine – หัวใช่เท้า

    03.Calmando Qual – Shadow

    04.io樂團 – 戀愛我不行

    05.JETSET'ER – Her Name Is Music

    06.Mariska – Kahellaa

    07.WEAVER – ネバーランド

    08.12012 – Over...

    09.Mix Speaker's,Inc. – S.O.Sロマンティック

    10.GOING UNDER GROUND – カウボーイによろしく


    This shuffle was decent, yet boring, until 12012's song, so it's obvious which one I'm picking lol.

  3. Hints:

    "Mr. Z, member of a Popular Rock Group"

    - One of the main members of a popular rock group who represents the 90s

    - Had a concert at Tokyo Dome and recorded million sellers

    - Also doing solo work

    - Married, but is living seperately due to circumstances

    - Has been taking drugs for over ten years

    - Has been going to DARC to undergo rehab for 5 years now

    - Treated as top secret within DARC (Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center - US)

    - Also receiving private treatment in his/her US vacation house



    I frankly think it's Hyde.

  4. Oh there's quite a few, but honestly, I have to say Zodia.  Just because I want to see what they could become if they hadn't broken up so quickly.  They sounded so fresh and awesome when they hit the scene and then BAM! gone.

  5. "A band's first album isn't automatically their best, in fact, it probably sucks compared to the rest of their disco."


    Unpopular because about 75% of the time I meet fans of bands I like, they always say their first albums were the best, like it's just an automatic, understood thing.


    Now, this is not exclusive to the J-fandom, I've observed it loads in Western music before I ever got into Japanese stuff.  But I've never gotten it.  Why does everyone parrot that the first album is omg the best ever and then they totally sold out desu desu one one.  I can name so many examples: D'espairsRay, MUCC, 12012, Gazette, Meth (for them it was actually their first single or something really stupid), L'arc (lmao) and on and on.  Me personally, I very rarely find any band's debut to be their best.  In fact, far from it.  Kinda like a writer's first novel is usually shit personified.  I don't mean first published, I mean actual FIRST.  Bands grow, bands get better at what they do and the same generally goes for every art form.  Some of them DO have uncommonly good debuts, but that is the EXCEPTION, not the norm.


    You are not extra edgy or indie for liking their first album THE BEST, thereby providing some kind of unsaid proof that you've liked them since ~forever~

  6. "Old-school/90's VK wasn't really much better" With so many people parading around old-school superiority, I'd say I'm in the minority with this opinion. As someone who has been in VK for ~10 years and collects tons of old-school stuff, I can certainly say without a bit of doubt that there were a TON of really shitty bands back then. Anyone who would say otherwise is looking through some pretty rose-tinted glasses. That being said, I certainly do miss some of sub-scenes in VK that no longer exist(soft visual/white-kei/proto-oshare) and don't exactly like all of the "sounds" that bands tend to get grouped into nowadays, but I definitely can't say that one era was better or worse than the other as they all have their ups and downs.


    Lmao, yes, I totally agree with this one too.  There aren't any more crap bands now than there were then.  People just tend to always be nostalgic for the ~old days~

  7. I agree with evilcoconut; I wanted to find heavy music and most of the Western stuff I found was so samey. I was attracted to VK because for the most part it's a unique form of rock/metal. I've honestly never really cared about the look of the bands I like :)


    Yeah, my story is kinda similar. I was a nu-metal head back when it was ~cool~ and then the scene kinda died and I basically found the sound again in VK.  I've branched out since then, but the majority of VK I liked when I first got into it was all the nu-metal-aping shit.

  8. I don't care about the visuals in VK:  I say this is an unpopular opinion because I've been told countless times that it's impossible not to care about the visuals and anyone that says that is lying and on and on.  But I don't and I never have. I have some kind of sick attraction to the music itself, but I don't give a flying fuck about the band's appearance and would prefer they didn't look so ridiculous if I had a choice, just so it'd be less embarrassing to point them out to people.

  9. I totally agree with your "Dir en grey is still VK" opinion lol.  I kinda can't help rolling my eyes when I run into fans who try to act like Diru is completely disconnected from VK and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.  Like you said, their sound is so rooted in VK that I can't separate the two. Bands in the same "sound profile" who were never VK sound different.

  10. I feel like Japanese regular edition CDs are not outlandishly priced, it's the freaking shipping that puts them up into outlandish territory when all is said and done. I remember when American CDs cost about 20 bucks on average.  Idk when they came down, but I paid that price and didn't like it, but I don't really think it's ridiculous.

  11. Do we count bands that aren't VK anymore? Lol.  Well, I'm not going to anyway (so no MUCC, Merry, Lynch, Giru, etc.).  Also, no hiatus or disbanded bands.  This is in order based on my Last FM plays. 











    10.LOST ASH







    *Honorable mentions in case any of those bands are on hiatus whatever and I didn't realize lol

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