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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    My little cat walks on my keyboard all the time, as well as lays on it while I'm at my computer. She also steals straws out of drinks and hides them somewhere.
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    Isn't umei also the same melody of God Palace's middle theme?
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    They seem to be awfully busy lately
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    Versailles song choice would be prefect if he replaced Destiny with literally anything else from his solo works.
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    Was that ever released while they were major? Sony-signed Lariene includes like fiançailles, fuyu tokyo, Billet, Métamorphose, etc, up until Pain / Grand Pain. Reine De Fleur collection albums are after Kamijo started Applause Records.
  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    Jewish cheese illuminati
  7. Found CAT5' belated birthday gift http://analogwatchco.com/ant-watch

    1. nekkichi


      made me think of a tarantula hourglass concept by some reason.... ;____;

    2. CAT5


      Bcuz Nic knows i'm too hipster to get the apple watch <3

    3. nekkichi



    4. Show next comments  342 more
  8. What's the point of anti-idol if they're doing the same thing but without cute costumes?
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    Jupiter is pretty much his solo project pt. 2, so at least this tour is just calling it like it is.
  10. Like bear, if it fits the song then I'm down for whatever. My biggest problem with female vocals in Japanese music, especially in pop, is when they're too squeaky.
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    Is that the name of a card game?
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Yeah, that took off like 30 years
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    12012's impact on the Japanese music industry
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    Excited to potentially get FF-type-0 if I ever get a PS4. I watched a demo on youtube of someone trying out the way summons work, but it was some of the worst narration I've ever seen and completely uninspiring. I also did a personality test to see which if the 2034032402345252 playable characters I am most like, and I got the battle flautist. http://finalfantasytype0.com/quiz/
  15. Wow cat is old

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      I'm young 5ever just like gackt....no wait, on 2nd thought, I think i'll just accept the aging process lmao. Thank Piisukun!

  16. At least they have like 30 other members to replace them.
  17. Does anyone have any recs for bands that are new wavy but modern? Similar to this would be fine:

  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    That low budget foli with the girl hammering at the beginning is terrible.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Hakuei looks like Shiina and I don't think it's accidental
  20. Based on those sample, this mini has a lot more influences going on than I expected. Excited!
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    They actually did go major in December.
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

    It's probably a new single. I'd love it to be some sort of Werkmare revival, but I highly doubt that would ever happen.
  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    Title track could have been really really good if Sui didn't yell-sing. Second one I'm not familiar with, but it could have benefited without Megaromania's go-to drum structure. Edit: just listened to the first one and the sample is pretty close to the original, so I guess my first reaction isn't valid. I expected it to be a ballad with a phantasmagaromania face-lift. Third track sounds like the only memorable / great song based on the samples.
  24. If someone could send me both Purity Ring albums, that would be great.

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