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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. I'm liking how this isn't straight out buckets of blood and limbs flying everywhere for no apparent reason. Its good a combination of tame but interesting character and plot development with action and brutality. IMO the normal scenes enhance the grotesque and blood curling action, particularly since it seems to come out of nowhere. Like getting killed by flesh eating acid spray and then being crushed by a giant tank like machine.

  2. I was never a piercing type of of guy so I thought about getting a tattoo..I actually was going to, but i was having second thoughts and decided to completely hold it off for the moment. I'd like one and I'm probably going to one, but I've decided its going to be a simple but creative one. I don't really want some elaborate complex tat taking up an entire limb or back or something. Also some of the users here have some really cool looking tattoos.

  3. I'm one of the few who actually loves working out. I love all type of physical exercise. We could live in a world where everyone is in perfect health and has the perfect body and I'd still work out. I've never actually had any sort of weight problem and have maintained and normal and healthy weight growing up. I'd starting working out when I was 14, mostly doing cardiac and push ups. then I started to include weight lifting and core workouts. It was a bitch when I first started and I could barely do 10 push ups, but I can easily do over 100 in under a minute now.

    I'm not weight obsessed, image obsessed or even look like a muscle bound dude. I go for the lean and toned muscle type of look. TBH I look like a normal guy with my clothes on. And the only real reason I started to work out in the first place was because I I found it hard doing certain physical labor at the time and I found it really frustrating. Another reason was just to be healthy. I have a crap ton of energy now and I sleep better. I use to suffer from chronic insomnia but exercise pretty much cured that.

    So pretty much for me its always been about being healthy and happy. I don't care about society's or the media's model image of a male body.

  4. New artwork, and tracks reveled for their upcoming album.


    In an interview with MTV Germany, it was revealed that the new album will be called The Hunter in honor of Brent Hinds's brother who unexpectedly passed away while hunting during the making of the album. Speaking to AOL's Noisecreep, drummer Brann Dailor described the new material as not so much proggy as riff-oriented and "a little more stripped down," akin to that of Leviathan (2004) and "like a really super-heavy Led Zeppelin or something." Asked if Brent Hinds is again responsible for most of the initial songwriting, Dailor replied, "I think it's a little more collaborative, with everyone chipping in."

    Confirmed Tracks:


    The Octopus Has No Friends


    Curl of the Burl

    All the Heavy Lifting

    The Sparrow

    The Ruiner

    Dry Bone Valley

    They also released a music video for a song called Deathbound. The song does remind me of older mastodon. And LOL at the Mr.Roger reference and the puppet genocide.

    Deathbound -

  5. Also never really got into their older material but Zombie EP was great. Zombie apocalypse concept album with horror movie synths and death growls = Automatic awesomeness in my book.

    I'm kinda interested what their upcoming album " Dead Throne" will sound like. It's supposedly incorporates their new aggressive and heavier side except with expanded melodies.

    So far I'm digging Born to Lose 


  6. IlariaGrazianoilariagraziano134656-1.jpg

    Ilaria Graziano (also known as "ILA", born in Naples, Italy) is an Italian singer and vocalist. She gained popularity with the release of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and the subsequent original soundtrack, written by composer Yoko Kanno.

    Graziano started playing violin and singing at a very young age. In 1997 she first joined Italy's female pop group, Salsaruba. She has since participated in several projects of various artists in Italy including the album, FLUX, with DJ Miele in 2002. After her studies in a painting school, she took an opportunity to leave Italy for London. Few months later, she performed the words and vocals with Kanno for the Wolf's Rain O.S.T.. She also appears on Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex O.S.T. 2.

    In 2003 she joined the live band called Rainbow 4et, with Francesco Forni on guitar, Sergio Quagliarella on drums, and Fulvio di Nocera on upright bass. Recent work includes performing songs for the new release of Stand Alone Complex O.S.T. 3 (featuring Christmas in the Silent Forest, Dew). Graziano has also performed songs for the 2005 Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, Tank! THE! BEST!.

    She is currently working on a solo project in London where she resides.

    Valse de La Luna | Somewhere In The Silence



    I love her voice! :wub:

    Obviously I got into her through the GITS OST, and I've pretty much been a huge fan of hers since then. I try to get as much stuff of hers in my hands as possible. Her voice is pure awesomeness and works really well regardless of what genres she does. Be it New age/Electronic, jazz, piano ballads, pop, orchestral arrangements or even folksy sounding stuff. She's trilingual and sings in Italian, French and English. I have no idea when her solo album is coming out but I'm definitely going to purchase it.

  7. Loved everything the bands put out and they always do amazing cover songs. You can’t go wrong with Anti-christ Superstar which had a abrasive industrial metal sound that supposedly influenced D’espairs Rays [Coll], the retro futuristic sound of Mechanical Animals, or the political Holy Wood. Mechanical Animals is still my top favorite album of theirs. I love the dark lyrics and themes, the whole concept, the futuristic sound and pop influences combined into industrial rock. I think its an album everyone can enjoy even if you aren’t a Manson fan or haven’t heard one their albums before. I liked the glam rock look the band adopted, plus Manson played an androgynous alien rockstar with boobs. What's not to like?


    This is still one my favorite Manson songs and music videos. :wub:

    Coma White


    I’m curious to see what the bands upcoming album will sound like. I liked the High End of Low, but at the same time was disappointed it sounded below the bands standards. It wasn't hard or heavy and sounded more like a combination of their previous albums. Eat Me, Drink Me was like 10 x betters than that.

  8. I stand by my most of my previous review except now I’m going to call this a great album not just good album and bump it up to a 8.5/10

    I’m not sure what happened the first couple of times I listened to this album, but I was up one night at 2 am lying in bed and unable to go to sleep. So I start listening to the album on my ipod and all of sudden Sophia’s vocals fall into place. They were the one thing that were keeping me from really enjoying epsilon, but now they complete the music. I’m glad I kept listening to the album because it was grower for me and its now one my favorite releases of the year so far.

  9. It's good album, but to be honest I was expecting a little bit more awesomeness.

    I always liked Gothenburg Metal so naturally I like bands that are influenced or use that sound. BSC do a good job of adopting it into their own format. Sophia's vocals are very full and operatic sounding and work really well on their more electronic dance songs. Like Electricity or Dedicated To Violater. The fast guitar riffs and death growls that compliment those songs just make them more awesome. However on their heavier fast past metal songs, I feel like her vocals almost throw the songs apart. I don't feel there is a strong cohesion between her vocals and the music. I mean it's enough to get by on, but they don't bring the music full circle for me.


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