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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. I never understood people arguing over whether the American or British version of the office is better. They can't just seem to enjoy the comedy of both. >.> To be honest I haven't watched the British version but its looks just as hilarious. IMO I don't think either one sucks. But I do understand if people started off watching one in particular and then have a hard time watching the other version because they get use to the characters.

  2. I'll started off by saying that I'm not really a lynch fan and had only listened to 3 singles by them. I didn't like one, thought the other was okay, and only really liked one single.

    However that being said, their new album is pretty good. It took me a second listen to really appreciate the album. There are a lot of good songs and interesting things going on to enjoy and hold your interest. I'm glad they're not just being heavy for the sake of being heavy. They have some very awesome melodic guitar riffs and song melody's going on.

    There are a few problems. One of them is Hazuki clean vocals. I enjoy his growls and everything else, but there are instances where his clean vocals have a tendency to sound dragged out. Which can be off putting to the listener. Another thing is the choruses of certain songs. They're not as strong as they should be. The band did an excellent job with the verses, guitar solos, bridges and breakdowns, but I feel some choruses fell just a bit short of that standard.

    Overall score: 7.5/10

    If your into rock, heavy stuff, or a lynch fan you'll probably end up enjoying this. And even if you aren't a lynch fan I think at the very least it is worth a listen.

  3. ^ Yeah I haven't actually seen all of the seasons myself. It is kinda sad Steve carell is no longer part of the show. He was one of the best characters/actors on the show. They got will ferrell guest starring at the moment.

  4. In an interview during the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise, vocalist Burton C. Bell revealed that Fear Factory is planning to write and record a "full-on concept" album, likely to be released in 2012.

    I'm already excited for this. They've got their work cut if they want to top Mechanize. I do hope they keep Gene Hoglan. He's a monster on the drums.

  5. 100438646_72488630-ad8c-44a3-8813-40ef02b67efa-the-office.jpg


    The Office is an American comedy television series broadcast by NBC. An adaptation of the previous BBC series of the same name, it depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. To simulate the look of an actual documentary, it is filmed in a single-camera setup, without a studio audience or a laugh track.

    The Office was adapted for American audiences by executive producer Greg Daniels, a veteran writer for Saturday Night Live, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons. The creators of the original BBC series, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, are executive producers and also co-wrote the pilot episode with Daniels and wrote the season three episode, "The Convict". It is co-produced by Daniels' Deedle-Dee Productions, and Reveille Productions, in association with Universal Media Studios. The show debuted on NBC as a midseason replacement on March 24, 2005.

    The series has completed its seventh season, which was lead actor Steve Carell's final season on the series. Despite this, NBC renewed the series for an eighth season on March 17, 2011.

    Heard a lot of good stuff about this show but I didn't start watching it till a year ago. Its freaking hilarious. Basically it's a show about a camera crew that follows the lives of the office employees who I'm surprised get actually work done. Usually they're way busy setting the office on fire, throwing parties, putting staplers in jello, playing call of duty, holding fake ceremony awards, gossiping and whole bunch of other shenanigans. Steve carell's character is one of my favorites and has some of the most hilarious and socially awkward moments ever. I also love the rivalry between Jim and Dwight and the constant pranking that takes place.

  6. Longest relationship I was in was 3 years and that eventually ended. My gf at the time turned out to be really immature, and had a whole list of things of what a proper couple should be like and all the expectations of what a good boyfriend should be like. Then there was fights over ridiculous things and it was pretty disastrous. I was the one who actually ended up breaking up with her.

    I haven't been in a serious relationship since then. I'm open to them but I'm not actively seeking them. I don't feel I need to have someone to feel validated or happy. I mean if I feel insecure or lonely I'd rather address the root of those issues and try to resolve them rather than just bring those problems into a relationship or have them be my basis for the relationship in the first place.

    Although I'm open to dating, I don't automatically see them as leading to somewhere serious, but more in the vain of liking someone and getting to know them. Maybe I will find that special someone, maybe I'll just make a good friend, or maybe I'll just have a fun time with someone even if I don't end up seeing them again. I pretty much have the same approach with my love life. I'm not looking for love, but If I find it great for me, If I don't still great for me. I'll continue enjoying my life the way it is.

    There is a stigma associated with both the single life and being in a relationship. I mean if your single you can be automatically considered socially inept, unappealing or that there's something wrong with you. From what I've seen it's usually the opposite and most single people are just independent, have different desires in life or just haven't found the right person. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but on social and cultural level it may seem so. The very fact that society and culture may deem it wrong provides the pressure to conform to what is accepted as "normal". Be it being in a relationship, or getting married.

    I've actually never understood the whole concept of marriage. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me who I love. And I don't need the government or church to tell me who I'm in a loving union with. No institution on the planet can govern such affairs because love is a wonderful and intangible concept. I don't really plan on getting married. but if I ever do meet that special someone, and they want to, I might. Of course that would be after years of spending time with each other, and living with each other. It's not something I would ever rush in to and I don't understand why people do. I feel if you really love someone, that no matter what happens you will continue to do so forever, and therefore there is no reason to rush into it.

  7. This was a definite improvement for me over the last album heard from them (Crystal Children). Besides the longer song count and disc duration, Maiko’s doing much more screaming. The album itself does a good job at showcasing the bands expanding sound and direction. There’s a few songs that have their typical heavy sound like Reason and Like I’m Not Real, but even those have elements of their better polished sound. Cooler riffs, better composition and the inclusion of guitar solos. In fact there’s quite a few songs that contain guitar solos. They’re pulled off fairly well and get the job done, and overall the guitar work has improved. I particularly enjoyed the guitar outro to 12月 And the intro to 月??太陽. A really unexpected song they did was Miss Cinderella 2. It has a real funky feel, organ like synth's and a throbbing bass line. It’s easily one of my favorite tracks.

    Overall this must be the best work they have done so far and it’s my favorite albums of theirs now. I haven’t listened to a lot of J-rock albums for this year so far, but this is one I actually liked and will probably end up replaying rather than just listening to it once and then forgetting about it. Now if only the album had better sound production.

    キラリ - 8.5/10 A balladish like song that grows rockier and has maiko's screaming at the bridge followed by a guitar solo and a ringing guitar outro.

    REASON - 7.5 Starts out like your typical heavy song, but after the chorus it's toned down to a more rock feel.

    Like I'm not real - 8/10 This is actually a lot harder than the previous track. It's done better and more interesting with a good breakdown, chorus, and a airy acoustic guitar at the bridge.

    ??ラ??ラ雨 - 8/10 It's got the feel of a ballad but without the length. There's a rippling guitar melody played through most of the song, and at times when the heavy guitar chords come in during the chorus.

    - 7. 5 I don't really consider this a full song but more of a transitional piece. It's fast electronic beats played over different strings sections and maiko's child like speaking.

    Miss Cinderella 2 - 9/10 Strangest song they've done sonically. Sounds really jazzy at times.

    One for all, All for one - 8/10 And it's back to the heaviness. The songs starts off fast paced with industrial like drum beats, heavy guitar and bass riffs, and a metallic twangy sounding legato that gives the song a much more darker feel. The verses are mostly maiko screaming and the pre chorus is a call and response between maiko's muffled projecting vocals and a sometimes present cheering crowd. The chorus itself fits well and even appears hopeful compared to the darker feel of the song.

    12月 - 8/10 There's a nice sounding guitar riff with maiko's vocals at the start which than both switch into heaviness and screaming. The chorus, the subtle string section at the slowed down bridge, the screams placed after the bridge and the guitar outro save this song from just being your typical straight out heavy song.

    ゼロ - 8.5/10 The intro to this song utilizes a bit of a jazzy feel. It has a bit of mellow verse that gradually grows and transitions into a big sounding chorus followed by a jazzy rock post-chorus. Near the end, the song actually speeds up and after another jazzy sounding post-chorus, it ends with a short but awesome metal breakdown.

    CONTINUE 8/10 This is a lot better than ∞. It's got the actually band playing their instruments and maiko singing. There's a nice guitar melody, harmonics and the song is very atmospheric before fading out. It's a good transition into the next song.

    月??太陽 - 9/10 I really liked the main guitar riff here, the songs flowing pace and maiko's carrying and near ethereal vocals. Another of my favorite tracks.

    - 8/10 I guess this would be the actually ballad of the album. It's done pretty well and includes some sparse use of piano. It's a decent way to end the album.

  8. I was somewhat aware of their tendency to write about dark subject matter like sexual perversion and cannibalism, but I see what you mean by weird lyrical construction. I guess they're not first band to force lyrics with no other purpose than to resolve a rhythm.

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