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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. Incase anyone one was wondering what happened:

    After days of worldwide suspense, NASA declared Saturday that its six-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite came apart during a fiery fall over the Pacific Ocean.

    The space agency said the decommissioned spacecraft fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. ET Friday and 1:09 a.m. ET Saturday. NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs said the Joint Space Operations Center, headquartered at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base, reported that the satellite entered the atmosphere over the Pacific.

  2. I keep finding conflicting reports as times goes by. This is the latest I found.

    On Friday morning, the space agency issued an update about its defunct Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, which is dropping out of the sky more slowly than anticipated.

    “Re-entry is expected late Friday, Sept. 23, or early Saturday, Sept. 24, Eastern Daylight Time,” NASA said. “The satellite’s orientation or configuration apparently has changed, and that is now slowing its descent.”

    A day earlier, NASA said it expected the satellite to re-enter Friday morning.

    The six-ton satellite circles the Earth on a tilted orbit, and as the planet turns each day, different locations pass underneath. The satellite’s orbit on Friday afternoon will not take it over any part of North America, but by Saturday, parts of the United States will again be in its path.

    Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44632366/ns/technology_and_science-space/

  3. article-0-0DC39D7700000578-189_634x512.jpg

    Nasa scientists are working round the clock to tell us where and when a six-ton satellite will land this week - but the only thing that's certain is that pieces of it will hit the surface of the planet.

    The 20-year-old satellite will, Nasa estimates, break into more than 100 pieces on re-entry, and some will burn up - but it's estimated that around 26 of the heaviest metal pieces WILL hit the surface - in lumps weighing up to 300 pounds. In total, 1,200 pounds of metal will hit.

    Debris could be scattered over an area up to 500 miles long. Nasa says there’s a 1 in 3,200 chance pieces could hit someone. It would be the first time in history someone was injured by space debris.

    The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, ran out of fuel in 2005 and could land on any of six continents. NASA says it could land at any point between 57 degrees north and 57 degrees south - which includes almost all the populated areas of our planet.


    Pinpointing where and when hurtling space debris will strike is an imprecise science. To calculate the orbit, N2YO.com runs information from the U.S. Air Force Space Command through a series of algorithms, and overlays it on mapping data from Google.

    For now, scientists predict the earliest it will hit is Thursday U.S. time, the latest Saturday.

    I know there's virtually no chance anyone will get by this, but the percentage isn't exactly zero. I'd be totally pissed if I'm walking down the street and all of sudden I see a giant bus sized satellite hurling toward me.

  4. New album leaked earlier last week.


    Sucks for the band, but I haven't heard it yet. I pre-ordered the special bundle that comes with the deluxe edition, a T-shirt and a mystery gift that ranges from silly things like stickers, Tom's used shoes, Travis' s broken cymbal. granola bars to really awesome stuff like autographed guitars and basses from the band and free unlimited Blink-182 concert tickets for life. It's only 20 bucks so I thought it was an awesome deal.

    However I wouldn't be surprised if they made the bundle more enticing to offset the damage caused by the leak. I won't bother listening to the leaked version since I already ordered the CD, but from the reviews I've read the albums seems to be great.

  5. A thread for discussing comic/anime conventions.


    I”ll be going to this year’s Comic-con. The NYC one not the San Diego one. I’m going with some friends and one of them is entering the cosplay contest. It’s my first time going so I’m excited. It seems like it’s a lot of fun and it's a good chance to try out my photography skills. According to the site this year big guests are the actors from Conan the Barbarian. Plus they got they seiyuu from Naruto, other voice actors from the Fairy tale anime and Makoto shinkai of 5 centimeters per second And there’s a ton of more cool guests and comic artists.

    Don’t know who this year’s musical guests are, but I still can’t believe I didn’t go when they had Boom Boom Satellites and T.M Revolution.

    So has anybody else gone to an event like this or is planning to go on one? Right now my only worry is waiting in line for hours.

  6. Very cool indeed.

    I'm sorta heading in the same direction as you. I was in a lot of death metal and dethcore bands the last couple of years but now I'm working on a Trip-hop indie rock project. One the of the obstacles I'm trying to overcome is the whole programming and working with samples, loops and all the electronic and atmospheric elements in Trip-hop. Didn't really have to deal with that when all I did was vocals or guitar before. So I'm always up for listening to any type of electro type stuff.

    My fav track has to be Even Out The Computer.

  7. Previous albums and this one aren't to be compared. The first two have a lot of clean vocals (I do like these albums). I personally wasn't a fan of the third, but I loved Zombie. Dead Throne is amazing, though I still think I prefer Zombie over the full album.

    Yeah I found this out. I liked some of thier songs but dead throne and zombie are definitely the best.

  8. That singers voice is just so annoying to me. ;__;

    Going to go out on a limb and say you're talking about Tom. He has that effect on certain people for some reason. Particularly his vocals on earlier Blink albums like Chesire Cat or Dude Ranch. Or his work on Angels and Airwaves. Personally I never found it annoying, though his vocals and vocal technique did significantly improve with later albums. And I prefer his Blink Vocals or over AVA. He seems to be using a combination of the two on their upcoming album.

    Another new single from their upcoming album was released today - After Midnight. It's got a nice intimate feel to it.

  9. Manson has had some odd titles for songs to be honest. Musically they always work. Like Born Villian as an album title. I'm still not sure what to think about the band's upcoming album. They said it's suppose sound like a punk rock Mechanical Animals. I loved mechanical animals. Then again Manson described the high end of low as heavy and it really wasn't. I at least hope the lyrics will be stronger. I feel that the wordplay and lyrics on their last album didn't have as much weight to them as they usually do.

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