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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. Redline


    REDLINE is a racing film created by studio Madhouse (Paprika, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars). REDLINE is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car - all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other elite rival drivers in the tournament, JP falls for the alluring Sonoshee - but will she prove his undoing, or can a high speed romance survive a mass destruction race?


    Apparently it took 7 years before the film was actually completed, but it was worth the wait. I picked up a copy this week and it's one of the best anime movies and movies I have seen in a really long time. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet. It's amazing.

    So much eye candy. :DUUR:











    Their actual band name is pretty stupid but these guys are awesome. I really enjoyed their Mini. Can't wait for their album. Also are these guys major or indie? They have a pretty awesome sound production if they are indie.

  3. yeah, seems like Ben is an asshole.

    well, we'll see what's gonna happen after a couple of shows... I bet there'll be shitstorm between fans and stuff like that (I remember that thingie about DEG and BMTH).

    Like most people I have found shitstorms are inevitable when it comes to Dir en grey.

    Their fans have always gone into hissy fits everytime they tour with a “mainstream” band. The earliest example I can think of is Korn, and others notable bands have been Deftones :wub: , Bring Me The Horizon and the most recent,The Birthday Massacre. Yeah, fans from both sides of the bands can act like close minded douchebags for frivolous matters that usually have nothing to do with the music, but I have found a large majority of them come from the Dir en grey side.

    I’ll site my own recent experience at a Diru concert for example. A really good portion of the people attending went their to see the Birthday Massacre. (There were so many Chibi look a likes.) And a lot of them had never heard of Dir en grey. Yet a lot of the TBM fans were really open to giving them a try and even some cool diru fans were kinda enough to give them the lowdown on them. However there were a lot of Dir en grey fans that were just being totally A-holes and ragging on TBM. It’s one thing if you don’t like their music, but these people were going out of their way to bash TBM. Even after they performed, there were so many people making rude elitist comments and jokes about them. It made me ashamed to call myself a Dir en grey fan.

    Another thing I don’t understand is how all these diru fans bitch about the bands they tour with as kid bands because they appeal to a teenage base or because they have a certain image that appeals to a young audience.Well guess what? So does Dir en grey. The majority of their fanbase started off and still is teenagers. And perhaps people are forgetting that they were once VK and used the whole image gimmick as well. Who the hell cares if Diru plays with a well-known metal band, which for some reason must make said band automatically Screamo with an entire fanbase of emo’s, scence kids or whatever other stupid label ends up replacing those trends. Seriously, have they even ever played with a Screamo band?

    Diru fans needs to stop acting like elitist douches. It just makes them seem as unappealing as the rabid fangirls they constantly dump on. As if people really needed anymore reasons to hate Dir en grey fans.

  4. Kinda wish they were playing at a normal venue rather than a ginormous event like Madison Square Garden. I prefer the intimacy between the band and fans. But I guess it's L'arc~en~ciel so that's to be expected. Still not sure if I'll go or not...

  5. The Smashing Pumpkins is always a great alt band. :'D

    I second this.

    Try their greatest hits collection to get a good sense of the band as I feel you can't truly get a good listen of what their music is like by listening to one single song.

    I also second stuff like the Killers, Red hot chili peppers and the strokes. Gonna add Interpol to that list as well.

    Other bands I recommend:

    Deftones :wub:


    Brand New - Check out Deja Entendu. Their masterpiece.


    Alice In chains




    The Offspring


    Kill Hannah


    Some more bands:

    Silversun Pickups

    The Drums


    The Bravery

    Pink Floyd

    Blink 182


    She Wants Revenge

  6. I actually intrigued to try their recent works now.

    I am gonna try to check it out soon. The YT sampler up there is alright sounding :>

    I recommend In the Black. It's the first album with their current lineup since they gone through a ton of bass and guitar players in the past. It's my second favorite album by them. It's got no filler. Then again they've never made a bad album.

  7. This is somewhat a little embarrassing to admit but during my moody teenage angst gawf phase I cut my hair like the lead singer's. I mean it's not that bad of a hair cut, I recently had a similar cut like that last year. I guess it's just embarrassing because I had it done specifically because of this lady.

    I think it's cool looking. Actually for some reason it reminded of Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop at first glance.


    You can sorta of see some of the resemblance.

    They're O.K, i didn't hear much of them after Oracle.

    In fact, Oracle is the last CD of them that i bought.

    I remember hearing the remake of Run Like Hell by them on a radio one night.

    And swooned by it, and i bought SPIT and Oracle the next day.

    Yeah, I found there cover of Pink's Floyd Run Like Hell pretty cool. Oracle was pretty decent too, but you could already tell their was a significant departure from their sound on Spit which will forever be my fav album by them.

    I actually prefer some of their more recent melodic work over most of their death metal stuff. Though they can successfully pull off some broOtal tunes.

  8. ^ Yeah I've really grown to appreciate the sound on that album overtime.

    Seems these guys have really exploded into the scene this past year. And they've got that new tour with Dir en grey.

    Plus new album is suppose to be out by September of this year.

    According to frontman Danny Worsnop, their next album will be “a musical baby of Mötley Crüe and Slipknot.”

    Sounds like an interesting combination.

  9. Well there actually will be a single released it's just that it will new after the album. And the new album won't have any old songs, all new songs

    Sounds cool/interesting. :) Good to see a Japanese band employing this kind of method (like in the West), hopefully it'll be quality stuff!


    I liked their last album, it had some good songs and I don't think it was as horrible as some people seem to think it was. You never know for certain what a band will put out, and hopefully this new album will be a pleasant surprise.

  10. Post your music statistics

    According to my computer I have...

    90.4 GB of music in 3,946 folders(for some reason I think this might be wrong.)

    77.07 GB of which I listen to and consists of 12,083 songs

    The total amount of music playback I have is

    Three hundred and four thousand, nine thousand and thirty-seven hours and twenty-five minutes of music.

  11. 3.jpg

    Kittie is a Canadian heavy metal band formed in London, Ontario in 1996. A quartet of women, the group rose to success in 1999 when the track "Brackish" from their debut album Spit became a hit single. The band has toured with multiple famous acts, including Slipknot during the early 2000s on their UK tour.

    I love these gals. Ever since I heard Spit I became a fan. It’s probably one of the best things written by fourteen year-old’s. IMO it’s probably one of the best metal albums by an all female metal band. Tears down most modern day metal stuff by female fronted bands. They may have been seventeen year-old who dressed like goths back then, but the music on Spit is dirty, dark and above all else heavy. Love stuff like Paperdoll, Charlotte and the classic Brackish.

    They’re new stuff is good, but they’ve taken a more death metal direction. Morgan growls better, but I feel the band has fallen into common death metal pit. Where the music is good, but it doesn’t really offer something new. I guess you can be the judge of that.

    Awesome Early Kittie

    Kittie - Brackish


    More Modern Day Kittie

    Kittie - Cut Throat


  12. Meet Lollipop Chainsaw's Villain swan , Inresting plot


    Don't like Swan's voice, but the game just seems to be getting even more fun. Guessing the zombification process was caused by an evil spell or supernatural way rather than a virus. And that trailer proves how much a metal soundtrack would work for the game, along with some hilarious dialogue.

  13. Okay, I finally gave their album a listen and it's great. It definitely turned me into a fan. They're a bit more poppish than I was anticipating, but it's not overwhelming. My favorite track off the album has to be STEADY. Love the feel of that song.

  14. ^Never played No More Heroes so I can't compare the two. Plus there hasn't been much revealed about the Lolipop Chainsaw gameplay other than what you can see in the trailer. But I love anything to do with zombies or zombie bashing. Wouldn't really care if the main character was male or female as long as the game was still fun to play and looked interesting. But sexy content does seem to be what the game was going for. It doesn't seem to be too over the top though. I also like the fact that Tara Strong does the voice for Juliet since she happens to be one of my favorite voice actresses.

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