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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. I gotta say, their name kinda me put me off from giving them a listen, but I checked out RedRum and it was pretty decent. Also surprised they have so much material out. Are all those singles? Or does there happen to be an album among them?

  2. AI_Lollipop.jpg


    Lollipop Chainsaw is the 'un-deadly' story of sweet and killer zombie hunter Juliet Starling and her quest to uncover the root of a colossal zombie outbreak. With her wickedly awesome chainsaw in hand Juliet slices dices and splits her way through hordes of the undead but soon realizes the horde is only the opening act to a festival of zombie rock lords determined to take her down. Players will hone their cheerleading acrobatics and chainsaw skills to string together devastating combo moves taking out hordes of the undead. Celebrated game developer James SUDA 51 brings his unique creative style and vision to the gameplay design taking players through a wild ride of zombies chainsaws and rainbows.

    This is the 2nd game for the upcoming year that I'm really excited about. A highly stylized action game about a cheerleader with a chainsaw who hunts zombie. Hell's yes. Look's really fun. I hope this isn't a letdown. It's "suppose" to be released March 31st. At least this will give me some time to beat FF XIII-2.

  3. Pre-ordered Final Fantasy XIII-2 :)

    (Limited Edition + Steelbook)

    I was thinking of pre-ordering it as well, but I would order the regular edition (still got to save money for the new Naruto game coming for Xbox360)

    They've got it at Toys R Us for 45$ if you pre order the standard edition. Plus some other places have other offers with the standard edition that comes with a steel case and booklet as well.

    As for me I had to pre order the Collectors Edition. It's too damn nice and only $20 more, and you get all the nice artwork and 4 disc soundtrack.


    Also bought some exist trace tickets. :domo:

  4. I love most of the stuff these guys put out. Except their last self titled which was just good. I felt something was missing from it and the sound production was questionable. Favorite albums definitely have to be their first self titled album with Jesse still on vocals and As Daylight Dies. Howard gave epic vocal performances on that album. Sucks he left the band.

    On January 4, 2012, KSE announced via the band's official website, along with their other official sources, that Howard Jones had left the band after his nine-year membership with them

    "To our family, friends and fans: We have decided to continue on without Howard Jones as the singer of Killswitch Engage. We love Howard and are thankful for the nine years that we've had him in the band. Out of respect for everyone involved we will not be discussing the specific reasons behind this decision. Howard is a part of our family and always will be, and we wish him well. He has left big shoes to fill, so we certainly have our work cut out for us to find the next singer of Killswitch, something we plan on making priority #1 going forward. Most importantly, thanks to all of you for all the support throughout the years and for sticking by us for all this time. We really do appreciate it and we very much look forward to having a new record for all of you in the not too distant future that we can all be proud of. Sincerely, Adam, Joel, Mike & Justin."

    So I guess this means the new album will be delayed and they have to find a new singer. I wouldn't mind if they let Jesse back in the band after his stint with Adam on Times Of Grace.

  5. ^ to me ethnicity doesn't matter. But whoever plays the major definitely has to have that strong leader, bad ass vibe. Same thing with Batou. i could see Stana Katic as Kusanagi though. I'm also curious if the movie would be exclusively adapted from the characters in the SAC series, the movies or manga.

  6. Well this is cool news. She's teamed up with Francesco Forni and formed From Bedlam to Lenane. I can't tell if it's a new project or if its part of her solo endeavor. Either way can't wait to hear their full release. Previews sound amazing so far. Love Francesco's acoustic guitar playing.

  7. Just realized she released another new song at the end of September. It's great. Really relaxed and has sort of a oriental feel to it. Of course that could be because the track is in Chinese. W/e. I'm just glad she's releasing new material and is being active again. I hope this means new releases and a possible album for this year.


  8. I own all 3 movies, both of the animes and the soundtrack so obviously I'm a big fan of the series. I was excited about the live action movie but I'm also worried about it since Hollywood tends to fuck live action movies. I liked that they have Steven Spielberg as director but if they make a live action one it's going to be challenge to say the least. Not just because of the special effects involved, but because they need a good quality plot and script. Especially for a series like this that revolves heavily on dialogue and touches upon political, social and philosophical topics. I think casting will also be hugely important to get the right actor to accurately portray the main characters. Then of course they have to capture that futuristic cyberpunk world. Usually in order to properly pull of the live action movies a lot of things need to be pulled off right and in this case everything needs to be right, which just means there's a whole bunch aspects where it can fail.

  9. Finally gave The Hunter a listen and it's another solid masterpiece for the band. It does have a Leviathan feel to it but with a bit more maturity and refinement. Easily gets my vote for one of the best metal/album releases of 2011.

    Brandon's drumming is as sick as ever.

  10. Evanescence - Evanescence

    Girugamesh - GO

    Those 2 albums were pretty disappointing. I don't really care if a band changes their musical direction as long as the music remains good, but both of those albums were so bland and boring.

  11. I always take a couple of pictures and videos at all the concerts I attend. It serves as a memento for me. However I won't take videos and pics for the entire concert since I won't be able to enjoy the show and I use a pretty good camera so I get really good audio and video quality. I think most people have access to decent cameras now. They even got affordable camcorders that shoot HD. Maybe getting good audio and video quality may have been harder in the past, but i its a lot easier now. Personally I wouldn't shoot pics or video from a crappy cellphone cam or ipad. One is pointless the other is just rude.

  12. Yeah I pretty much don't care as long as the performer gives credit where credit is due. And I'm much more tolerable of the practice with pop artists than anyone else. I mean with a rock band, I feel they should know how to make music. They spend a crap ton of time perfecting their playing and then they can't write decent music? That seems highly unlikely since most musicians will learn about music theory during the course of playing or curiosity will eventually lead them down that path. And it also depends if its simply lyrics or the actual music. I'm totally fine with someone in the band writing the lyrics to a song and then having the singer sing it. Maybe the singer can't come up with decent lyrics, or someone else in the band is a really good songwriter but doesn't have the voice to sing his songs.

  13. The name got me and i just had to click on the link. Good stuff!

    They are one of the bands out there with a cool and interesting name. But you should check out some of their albums. I recommend Dirt. Or you can check out some of their greatest hits compilations. For some reason they have a tons of those even though they've only put out 4 official studio albums. i guess that's what labels do when you become one of those "legendary" bands.

  14. Engineers1.jpg

    Engineers are a British shoegazing/dream pop band. The band was formed in London in 2003 by singer/guitarist Simon Phipps, bassist/guitarist/keyboardist Mark Peters, bassist/guitarist Dan MacBean, and drummer Andrew Sweeney. After the release of their second album Three Fact Fader in 2009, MacBean and Sweeney left the band, and were replaced by Ulrich Schnauss, bassist Daniel Land, and drummer Matthew Linley. Engineers' sound has been described as "hazy, ethereal, and atmospheric," and the band often cites the works of Brian Eno, Cocteau Twins, Spiritualized, and Pink Floyd as influences.

    Engineers - Sometimes I Realize


    Anybody listen to these guys? They're great. They play some really shoegazey stuff you can lose yourself in. I think my favorite album by them has to be Three Fact Fader.

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