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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. Yeah, that new single is disappointing. It sounds like some filler track from the High End Of Low. I really hope the rest of the album isn't like this. I love bands that put effort into their artwork, lyrics, music videos and everything to do with their music, but none of that really matters when the music itself is lacking.

  2. So I bought a pair of Panasonic RP-DJS400-K DJ style headphones about 3 months ago for cyber Monday.


    These turned out to be some of the best headphones I've bought for $20. They're clear, have good mids and highs and actually have good bass. I originally bought them for practicing my guitar, but I ended up using them more and more for listening to music.

    Slapped on some cool skull graphics to their sides - skull_2_sticker-p217744399342952164z74qp_152.jpg-

    And I got a pair of awesome sounding and awesome looking headphones.

    To hell with skullcandy.

  3. Okay so I've been "sampling" some of the mentioned sequencers and I really like cubase. Although for the mixing and mastering I found pro tools to be better. So I'll think I'll be using a combination of both. Also I tried Fruity Loops Studio and I freaking love it. I always loved electronic music and wanted to make some cool beats for some dance/electro-pop stuff and I think I've found my secret weapon.

  4. ^ You should check out the album after that, The Sun and Moon. It's a great continuation of their first album.



    Stir The Blood, which is the most recent album they put out is awesome too. There's a bit more experimentation on that release and it's got a cool dark retro-futuristic vibe and sound to it.

  5. I’m one of the people on this forum that actually likes screw. However, Biran was really disappointing. Out of the 12 tracks on the album there were 4-5 okay tracks, with DEEP SIX being the best of the bunch. I actually like the vocals on that single, and it’s got a tight guitar solo. The rest of the songs felt really uninspired and descended into typical heavy riffs and breakdowns. There were generic growls and the songs suffered from weak choruses and bad vocal delivery. (Or maybe I just don’t like Byou’s vocal technique.) From that group, I found nothing memorable or anything that I would come back to and play again.

    My favorite song of the whole album is DEEP SIX. And to a lesser extent I liked Sakura no ame, daring driver and Jashin. I would have loved Styx just as much as DEEP SIX if not for another weak chorus and its horrid bridge.

    It’s a 4/10 for me.

  6. Gemeni Shemeni this album does trumps GEMENI. An album which I enjoyed, but still think it was way overhyped. What’s more impressive is the time 9 was made after GEMENi. Which was just little over a year. The cohesive nature of 9 is more of a strength than a weak point in my opinion. The superior composition and musicianship the members have acquired over the years really shows. I feel the songs are really well made and refined and don’t suffer from being over composed. And there’s enough interesting sounds going on to keep them from being stale. Like the intro drums on heavenly tale, or the keyboards, double bass and Shou’s vocal deliverance on the Arc which gives it a very power metal sound at times.

    The only downside I found on 9 was Blue Flame and Niji no Yuki. I didn’t think they weren’t as strong as all the other songs , but I’ve grown to like them.

    This is their best work to date IMO.


    Could have been a 9/10 if it wasn't for some weaker songs.

  7. This was a great release.

    I’ll get right to it.

    Table of the Mortal Sins - Love the groovy beat, the wailing riffs of the guitars and the dynamics of the vocals. At first glance I thought it was some sort of instrumental, but at 2 minutes and thirty-six seconds this manages to do what other songs at 3-4 minutes can’t do, be amazing.

    any - A piano intro, the use of acoustic guitars and strings sections. The song is a ballad but an awesome one.

    nude - Starts of haunting with a guitar melody, hushed vocals, a solid beat and bass work. However midway through the song the calmness of the song explodes with rock guitars and piano chords. Another great track.

    Melancholy and the loneliness- "憂鬱と孤独" re-mix- - I found this to be the most interesting song of the whole album. A trip-hoppy beat, distant echoed vocals, a guitar melody that progresses to sounding very Spanish like, use of string sections and experimentation with ambient noise.

    Wish you - "願い" re-mix - It clocks in at just over 7 minutes but Ryo's vocals keep the listener engaged and I found the song to be very relaxing.

    This get’s a well deserved 9.0 from me.

    One of the best J-rock releases I’ve heard in a while.

  8. So what did everybody think? I thought it was a pretty decent release, but nothing spectacular or bad for that matter. I thought it was just good. Which is the same feeling I have for most of the songs on the album. I feel as though the band played it safe with this release and as a result it's not the awesome come back album it could have been. I might have also been impressed more if they hadn't gone all Vk and released like 5 singles that would later make up most of the album along with their B-sides.

    Favorites songs have to shade of season and SHINE.

    I give it a 7 out 0f 10.

  9. ^Chino's side Project -Crosses- released a free EP online. It's pretty awesome. Favorite song has to be Thholyghst. It sounds very deftonish.

    Also Chi finally awoke from his coma after 3 years. This is great news. He's still got a long road to recovery, but he's awake.

    Edit. Nevermind. It appears there seems to be some kind of confusion on the above matter since a headline blew the circumstances out of proportion. Chi's still in his semi-comatose state, but not fully awake.

  10. Brave.jpg?t=1328827213

    The Bravery is an American rock band from New York City that consists of Sam Endicott (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Michael Zakarin (lead guitar [also known as Moose], backing vocals), John Conway (keyboards, backing vocals), Mike Hindert (bass, backing vocals), and Anthony Burulcich (drums, backing vocals). Their music is a synthesis of both post-punk revival and New Wave.

    The Bravery - Honest Mistake


    The Bravery - No Breaks


    Any fans? I turned into one after hearing Honest Mistake and checking out their debut. They're amazing. And everytime I go see them live, their concerts always turn out to be the most fun shows I end up attending all year. They're like the Killers combined with new wave awesomeness and dare I say more fun?

  11. After actually playing this, this was easily one my favorite games of 2011. Sadly it seems most people either forgot about it or overlooked it after the storm of game releases during the last couple of months of last year. With only a handful of flaws, it's almost perfect.

    Awesome storyline, characters, graphic's and gameplay. And a staple release for the cyberpunk genre.

    If they ever make another GITS game, I expect it to be in an epic dark world as this one.

  12. Yeah, the FDA has been doing a horrible job since like ever. This might make things worse, but the food and "safe" drugs for human consumption have been pretty terrible for the past couple of decades. It's an issue the public really needs to be made aware of, but they don't really seem to give a crap. So you have millions of people suffering from diabetes, obesity, and dying from prescription drugs which should have never been on the market.

  13. The Manson pics are okay. Don't love them, don't hate them. If he did do a full photo shoot. I except some quality stuff.

    It's also kinda neat how much promotion he's doing for his upcoming album. Considering he did very little with his last album. Especially after it was released.

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