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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. Learning by ear is just that. Listening to a song over and over till you figure out the notes. Some people learn it faster, for some it takes longer.

    There's value in more than one aspect. Regardless of if you play bass or guitar. Listening to a song and trying to decipher the notes that are played allows you to develop your ear and recognize pitches, rhythms and the nuances of the song and a players technique. Even if you don't know music theory you can still benefit from it, and if you do know music theory it'll help you understand how it is applied and in figuring out the notes that are played.

    To be honest, bass is pretty easy to figure out by ear, even in a mix where it is not so present. Just figure out the root note of the melody, or listen to the drums and you should be able to figure out the bass part. Having good speakers help or at last having an EQ that will allow you to boost the bass and roll off some of the other frequencies that may muddy it.

    Iv'e found that developing your ear will not only improve your playing and ability to recognize pitches and intervals, but you'll be able to enjoy music a whole lot better and recognize things in a song you may have not been able to hear before. Even in crappy speakers.

  2. ^ Haven't seen what happened on ellen, but I get what you're talking about. He's drawing a lot of attention in the U.S and it is weird how they're saying how huge he is, yet they always seem to hint that he's just fad, or don't take him seriously as an artist. Even if being silly and humorous is part of his artistic style.

  3. OB-UL979_0907ps_G_20120907001600.jpg

    Park Jae-Sang is a South Korean rapper, better known by his stage name, Psy. He is popular for his humorous videos and stage performances, and has appeared on numerous television programs, including Good Sunday: X-Man and The Golden Fishery. His "Gangnam Style" video on YouTube is the most viewed K-pop video in history, still growing massively, the video surpassed 160 million views on September 13. To date it's also the fastest-viewed K-pop video, accumulating over 80 million views in the first 45 days.


    You have to admit, he's pretty catchy. Love the bassline in Gangnam.

  4. Fighting games are super fun. Especially when versing your friends. Though recently I've been into a lot of shooter games. I haven't played that many games in the fighting style, except for the Marvel Vs. Capcom or all the other cross overs they do. I've played some D.O.A but mostly just stick to the Marvel Vs. The last one I bought was the Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And I agree, it was really enjoyable. I just hate how they released a newer updated version with new characters less than a year after its release for 30 bucks.

    Kinda interested in the new D.O.A 5.


  5. Looking forward to the new album and not just because of the Japanese title. I've liked pretty much everything they've released so far.

    Hopefully they'll release a single or something soon!

    There's a couple of new songs they've performed live floating around youtube. Like all deftone songs, they sound awsome.

    Roller Derby




    Don't know if these are possible singles, but love'em both. And I'm really looking forward to Koi No Yokan. I consider Diamond Eyes a masterpiece. As awesome as White Pony was, Diamond eyes surpassed it IMO, so I'm curious what they'll do on this new album. Sounds very promising so far.

    In an interview with Billboard last month, Deftones frontman Chino Moreno described the album as “not a super fast or slow record. It’s very dynamic.” He added: “Some of my favorite things about Deftones are the dynamics. Yes, we’re a heavy band, but we’re not just in-your-face aggro the whole time, punching you in the face. There’s a lot of aggression in some of the music, but there’s also this very soothing element where there’s a lot of soundscapes rather than attack, attack, attack the whole time. I understand that’s a big part of our sound, but I really feel like we reached a peak on our dynamics on this record with those two qualities — the beauty of something and just straight, ruthless aggression.”

    Want the album cover and track list.

  6. Responding to Pandabear, I don't know if you're saying foreigners directing that at me as well, but I live in the US and when I mean "crap music from US," I meant the usual music that is "popular" right now. I'm sorry, I have no respect for the American artists like Lady gaga, JB, all that, or rap other than Eminem. Sorry if I made it sound very aggressive but, there are many American music that is really good. Also, I have absolutely no respect for dubstep and I consider it to be noise, not music. I don't want to start anything here so let's leave it at that.

    Generally most people of the people I've come across who have the all American music is crap mentality, aren't from the U.S or are strictly VK listeners, but no I wasn't directing that statement at you, it was more of general statement. And I get now what you mean by your previous statement. I also agree with your point. Most popular and mainstream music in the U.S is crap. It's one of the reasons why I never turn on the radio anymore. I do like lady gaga, though I prefer other underground pop and electro-pop artists over her. It wasn't that your original statement was too agressive, but that it sounded like a very general statement and that you were saying every band and artist from the U.S puts out horrible music. Which obviously isn't true.

    So yeah. It was a slight misunderstanding.

    I should also state I do like dubstep too. Just from a production and composition stand point I find it really interesting. Especially since I've been getting heavily into the electronic music scene over the past year. I could see how one could simply view it as noise. Which is true when you think about it. :wink:

    And to go back on topic, I have to mention Asian Kung-Fu Generation. They were one of the first J-rock bands I got into and always have amazing albums..


  7. The title for their upcoming album and it's release date has been announced.

    Koi No Yokan is set to be released November 12, 2012.

    Gotta love the Japanese title.

    Dates for their north american fall tour.

    Deftones / Scars on Broadway Fall 2012 Tour Dates:

    9/22 Irvine, Ca. | Epicenter Festival

    9/23 Sacramento, Ca. | Aftershock Festival

    10/9 Ventura, Ca. | Ventura Theatre

    10/10 San Francisco, Ca. | Warfield

    10/12 Portland, Ore. | Roseland Ballroom

    10/13 Seattle, Wa.| Showbox SODO

    10/14 Vancouver, BC | Commodore

    10/16 Boise, Id. – Knitting Factory

    10/17 Salt Lake City, Utah| In The Venue

    10/19 Denver, Colo. | Fillmore Auditorium

    10/20 Kansas City, Mo. | Harrah’s

    10/21 Columbia, Mo.| Blue Note

    10/23 Chicago, Ill. | Aragon Ballroom

    10/24 Royal Oak, Mich. | Royal Oak Music Theatre

    10/26 Baltimore, Md. | Rams Head Live

    10/28 Philadelphia, Pa. | The Electric Factory

    10/29 Boston, Mass.| HOB Boston

    10/30 New York, N.Y. | Terminal 5

    I'm pumped for this new album.

  8. I third Buck Tick.

    And the few Japanese bands I can think of at the moment.

    Plastic Tree. - They never disappoint. They have a ton of amazing songs so it's hard to choose just one favorite song. I think Nega To Posi, Parade, Chandelier and Ammonite are albums you should check out. And if you're into VK definitely check out Parade. I think it's back when the band had some minor VK influence. For example the song sink.





    Abingdon Boys School. - These guys are like incapable of making a bad song. Their debut was incredibly strong and if you like Uverworld definitely check these guys out.

    Lost Reason


    Art-School - I enjoy everything they ever put out. Some people don't like their newer sound, but i do. Check out Acid, Baby Acid, 14SOULS and their mini's like Anesthesia.


    Anthem - Your awesome Japanese Heavy Metal band. Again, I don't think these guys are capable of putting out anything bad. You can't go wrong with any of their albums

    The Sign


    Fake. A side project of Ken Lloyd and Inoran. Inoran eventually left, but I haven't been disappointed by any album they put out. Check out Made with Air, Breathe In, and the Art Of Losing Touch.




    I would probably listen to the crap music being released in the U.S right now.

    You've clearly been listening to all the wrong bands or haven't looked in the right places. There are amazing bands and releases from the U.S. I will never understand why a lot of foreigners, or even a lot of VK listeners have this type of view toward the U. S music scene. Sure there's some crappy stuff, but there's a ton of amazing music from incredibly talented bands and artists.

  9. Oh No Ono sounds interesting. I'm going to go try their albums. And I enjoyed Zeitgeist. That's The Way My Love Is was actually one of my favorite songs of that album.

    These are my other favorite pumpkin songs that use that shoegaze and dreampop influence.

    The Smashing Pumpkins - Real Love


    The Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinoceros


    The Smashing Pumpkins - Today


  10. ^ Adding previews sounds look a good idea. Usually whenever I make a post in the DL section, I try to provide a youtube sample. But adding previews to the new/update threads might be more difficult since it really comes down to whether or not the poster goes that extra mile. Plus previews of the upcoming release might not always be available. But I guess one could always post earlier release previews.

    Also I think people might have missed the point of this experiment and don't know how to take a joke. Major LOL's for all the reuploads on blogs though.

  11. ^ I sort of know what you mean, but I'm going to wait till I hear the new ep in full. When I first took a listen to the Game Time trailer I thought it was good and not much else, but then I actually listened to the ep in its entirety and was totally blown away.

  12. 21cs5i.jpg



    The Faceless is a critically acclaimed American technical death metal band from Encino, California. They released their debut album, Akeldama in November 2006, and a follow-up, Planetary Duality, in November 2008. The band's most recent album, Autotheism, was released on August 14, 2012.



    The Faceless - Planetary Duality Part I & II


    The Faceless - Deconsecrate


    The Faceless - An Autopsy



    So these guys are pretty much my favorite technical death band. They've haven't put out a bad album yet and Planetary Duality is must listen tech death album. It's pretty much become a staple at this point. Highly recommend these guys if you're into tech death metal or extreme metal. The guitars are insane, so is the drumming and the vocals are brutal. And the compositions on each album just get better and better with each album they release.  






  13. Who...?

    Can anyone post any songs on yt or make a recomendation to get to know their work?




    I didn't become a fan till I heard 569. Love the surf rock influence on that album . Check out that release along with everything else they have.

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