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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. Crosses - Crosses EP


    Side project of Chino Moreno. It's awesome. Just listen to the above sample.
    Download: Here Scroll down and look at the right corner.
    She - Various Albums

    He's an electronic artist. He's got some good stuff with quality production. He has several albums for free on his website.
    Download: Here
    Fudgecakes, none of the samples are appearing >.<

  2. Intervals - In Time


    This is a spectacular release. If you don’t know these guys, you probably will in the not so distant future. They play technical progressive metal with heavy Djenty rhythms. They’re instrumental only, but the musicianship is highly technical and the production is super clean. You can download this for free, or you can pay what you think the EP is worth and help the band out. 
    Download: Here
    The Cherry Wave - The Cherry Wave EP

    An EP by a shoegaze band. It’s very lo fi and sticks to the conservative form of the genre.  
    Download: Here

  3. I realized I often come across cool and even amazing releases by bands who generously give away their material for free. So I thought I’d make a thread dedicated to all sorts of musical goodies that are completely free to download. Some do require you to enter your email address, but they're all legit. If you contribute just make sure that what you’re posting is free and that you’re not openly pirating music.

    Some of the amazing releases I’ve come across for free.

    Revocation - Teratogenesis



    In a sense you can consider them fusion metal. They mix technical, thrash and death all into one.
    The drums are sick, the vocals are devastating and the guitar solos will melt your face off. If you like your metal extreme check them out.
    Download: Here


    Borderlands - Awaken Dreamers



    These guys remind me of the current incarnation of the Devil Wears Prada, but a bit more technical and minus the clean vocals. A solid EP debut with a good quality sound production. 
    Download: Here


  4. This thread needs more love for My Bloody Valentine! They recently released Yellow Loveless, basically the original Loveless but covered by various Japanese bands. 


    And here I thought you were going to mention that MBV just recently released their first album in over a decade and is the follow up to Loveless. But yeah, Yellow loveless was awesome. Lemon's chair was a highlight for me.


    Some other shoegaze bands I discovered.


    Clams - from japan. Awesome female vocals with pop melodies and tons of fuzzy guitar noise. 



    Sugar Plant  - Again from japan. They're stuff is more dreampop. Really ethereal with female vocals and warm synths. 


  5. JOAN JETT! I got there super early and got to be right up against the bar in front of center stage.

    plus I got to meet her after the concert!


    That's awesome! I love joan jett too. She rocked everyone's face last time she was here.



    Last night I saw Tamaryn. They were awesome and they had some very good indie shoegaze/dreampopish bands open for them. Rex is a master when it comes to creating shoegazey riffs and chords. His reverb and analag tape delay setup is sick. I have no idea how he can create entire walls of sound with one single guitar. Love that their live versions of their songs have dreamy extended intros and outro's.  


    Tamaryn is beautiful in person. She has such gorgeous blonde hair.  *-*








    Picked up some of there merch and just had an awesome shoegazing night.


  6. Same, I tend to categorize my music by favorite bands. It's the quality of a work and personal taste of course, which determines which bands end being my favorite. I can easily do the same with albums. Instead of giving out a list of my favorite bands I'll give out a list of my favorite albums by my favorite bands and other bands who I may not favor equally, but who have put out at least one stellar release. I can't stick to something like genres, because I like all types and can equally love music of different styles. 

  7. I said I was going to see this movie, but then I ended up not going. There was a blizzard outside during the weekend this opened, Nice to know it was a good movie. Think I'll read the book and buy the movie when it comes out on DVD.

  8. They're awesome. I came to know them cause Leda's (DELUHI) always mentioning them. "Just Another Star" somewhat reminds me of Orion Once Again.

    idk maybe its just me.


    I went to check out each song after the other and you're right! Especially some of the screaming parts. I never noticed that before.



    Tears Don't Fall (Part 2) is really awesome! The arrangement is exactly the same as the original. lml


    Yeah I noticed that too. And the intro riff is the same as the original but played backwards.

  9. New album came out today,


    Temper Temper.



    1.Breaking Point
    2.Truth Hurts
    3.Temper Temper
    5.Dirty Little Secret
    7.Dead To the World
    9.Saints & Sinners
    10.Tears Don’t Fall, Pt. 2

    11.Livin’ Life (On the Edge of a Knife)

    It's like Fever but with sprinklings of the Poison. I was worried the label had totally watered them down. And I'm glad they didn't mess up Tears Don't Fall Part 2.

  10. Who's got one? Post it if you do.


    Just made one the other week. Add me here.


     I don't have anything done, or anything that meets up to the perfectionist standards I set for myself, but I did upload a few samples I've been working on. Wouldn't even call them demos since they're just bare bones and were hastily recorded as a guide to see how things stack up. I just wanted to have something up.

  11. Mastodon's last album wasn't so horrendously mastered. At least to my ears. The music was epic and it was listenable so I have no problem with it. There was some overproduction going on with it, even for a metal album.



    The bridge is so elevating and fun in this song.


    A Candlelit Dinner With Inamorta

  12.  Scion is awesome with those free downloads. And I had chance to see them last year but I missed out. I wanted to go check them out this time around, but I won't be able to due to conflicting schedules. The day they're playing in NY happens to be my B-day. They have Animals As Leaders as an opening act which is a huge plus. I love those guy. 

  13. No. You don't. There are professional critics out there who have never touched an instrument or know anything about the music process, but make a living out of it.  It certainly does help if you are a musician since you can bring more to to table if you do have knowledge of certain instruments, the recording process or whatever else. But to me, it's more important to have a good ear, an open mind, be unbiased and be good at writing so you can explain your opinion in a logical and engaging way.


    As a musician myself, I do find that the knowledge I have picked up over the years come into play when reviewing music. In general i get a greater sense of appreciation for music since I can recognize technical ability, good composition, good songwriting and good sound production. It allows you to recognize when all of these things are correctly executed, when they are not, or when and what individual aspects are. However in the end, what constitutes as good or bad music in a review, does come down to a matter of opinion. 

  14. I like clothes, but I don't care about fashion trends and what's "in" or "out". I just buy and wear what I like. 


    Don't really spend a lot of money on products either. I do like to use hypoallergenic soap, but that's because i have super sensitive skin. And I use Aveeno Clear Complexion strictly as a face wash since everything else I tried irritates my skin.  I use a silk drop liquid thingy to style my hair and keep the frizz away. Also I use palmers cocoa butter as a lotion. It's keep your skin healthy and helps reduce the look of scars and blemishes. Plus it makes you smell like chocolate.


    I haven't dyed my hair. I like the color and style it is now , but I would like to try a different color. I've been thinking something along the lines of an auburn shade.

  15. I feel like scums is somewhere in between being an okay album and good album. Average comes to mind. And here’s why.


    The main problem with Scums is that there are a too many tracks that are just average. They’re not necessarily bad but they’re just okay. And it isn't that the entire songs are average, because there are interesting parts, but that the rest of those tracks fail to maintain the engaging aspects of those unique parts.  And okay songs means they don’t stand out on the album, aren’t memorable and don’t get played as often as the songs that are good. They end up being filler tracks. And with the album being nearly an hour long, it dilutes the stronger tracks and makes the album drag. 


    I don’t care for the tracks with the overdone weird playful synths, and think they are detrimental to some of the songs, take Riddle for example, or the chorus to Assulater. I enjoy Nightmare better when the band takes songs more seriously, or rather makes more serious songs than I do when they’re just mucking about with sounds. The electronic programming on the album is well put together, it just isn’t cohesive with the music. Also I don’t understand the filter they put on Yomi’s vocals on the last track. I dug that song but it could have been better without that vocal filter effect.


    I do like that the sound production on the album wasn’t messed up, like on other Nightmare albums. There are great bass licks and great guitar riffs. The lead guitar playing is the best thing I enjoyed about this album and is second only to the bass playing. It’s melodic, dynamic, and displays the elements of a guitar virtuoso. It makes me wish the guitars would stand out better in the mix.


    My top tracks for the album





    I’m not

    Deus Ex Machina  


    Some of the above tracks make the album at least worth a listen. 


    I say overall its a 6.5/10

    but the guitar playing adds another .5 so it's a 7/10 for me.
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