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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. I have to disagree with Arithmetica on the BABYMETAL not being metal. To me they are. Sure they may not be your typical metal band, and are on the poppy side, but they still are metal. 


    Which brings me to my other point. Metal is metal. Djent is metal, VK is (can be) metal, progressive metal is metal, metalcore is metal, deathcore is metal,  alternative metal is metal, death metal is metal, industrial metal is metal, grindcore is metal, symphonic metal is metal, powermetal is metal, black metal is metal. Electronic-posthardcore-bleep-bloop-w/e is metal. 


    I’m so tired of metal fans bashing other sub-genres of metal and refusing to acknowledge them as metal simply because they don’t fit their own personal description of the genre, or because they don’t like a certain band. I see people bashing any type of metal that has clean vocals as utter crap simply because the band chooses not to use BROOTAL growled vocals all the time. Likewise I see death metal gets flak for “generic,” or “indistinguishable” growled vocals. Technical/progressive metal bands with crazy instrumental and composition skills get crap for “useless instrumental wankery”, symphonic for lack of heaviness, metalcore for breakdowns/pedal point riffs, and metal fusion bands for using other genres of music that aren’t metal, electronica, post-hardcore, pop etc.


    This type of narrow mindedness is even present in the Japanese music scene. More traditional heavy metal acts from Japan don’t consider VK bands who actually play a style of metal (usually a variation on metalcore) metal simply because said VK band may use poppy choruses or dress in colorful visually striking attire. It might not be traditional metal, but VK can certainly still be metal, as can any other sub-genre can. 


    The numerous incarnations metal has taken is actually what I love about the genre. The crazy amount of sub-genres it has and how each sub-genre has its own awesome interpretation and take on metal. Sure there are crap bands in each scene, but that goes for any genre. More importantly, there are plenty of amazing bands from each sub-genre. And I don’t except everyone to like every sub-genre of metal there is, or every metal band out there, but to be open minded enough to respect and accept other sub-genres. 


    I will never understand when people say “that’s not metal”, when clearly the band is, or “that’s fake/poser metal", There’s no such thing as fake metal. It’s either metal or it’s not. So yeah, that’s my opinion. Metal is metal.     

  2. Cool, guitarist here, I fit your criteria. I've been looking to start/join a band. I'm not all that big on vk but I am big on rock and metal. Also I like some of your influences, mostly the personally stuff like despair's ray, blood stain child and the gazette.

    I do have some questions. Like is your sound vk or is it your image or both? Would there be rehersals and what would be your goals for the band? To put out out a ep, an album, do live shows etc.. And when would writing begi and will the vocals be in English or Japanese?

    Also can't mention spanish rock and not mention Mana. They're like the biggest modern Spanish rock band out there.
    Mana - Angel de amor
    Mana - En el muelle de San Blas
    Some Powermetal
    Warcry - Que vengan ya
    And this one is in English.
    Dark Moor - Maid Of Orleans

  4. I actually know a bit since I was curious about Spanish music a few years ago. Discovered a lot of good stuff, but it was mostly pop-rock stuff. However, spanish rock music from the 80's and 90's is totally magical.




    Caifanes - Viento


    Love the bass playing on this track.

    La Union - Hombre Lobo En Paris



    Enanitos Verdes - Lamento Boliviano



    Hombres G -  Te Quiero


    Soda Stereo - Persiana Americana

  5. ^ Album of the year for me is Rings Of Saturn's Dingir. I always keep coming back to that release. I haven't heard any other album that comes close to topping in its perfection. So much technicality, speed, brutality, and general epicness with just the right amount of melodic touch. Love the sick artwork for the cover too.

  6. Yeah, I find this to just be an okay album. There wasn't any song that caught my attention or made we want to go back to listen to it. I could play the album from start to finish and completely tune it out because of this. I don't get the overwhelming pop influence on this album. I like pop, when it's done right, but here, it's just meh. And even Miyavi's acoustic guitar playing isn't that great, it again is just meh. It took a back seat to the pop when it should have been one of the highlights of the album. The guitars weren't used in any unique way or had any engaging riffs or passages. There are lot of worse albums out there, while this album is just okay. Nothing special, which in of itself is a bad thing and it's greatest weakness.



  7. Lots of new stuff been released since my last original post.


    The Awesome


    Ling Tosite Sigure -  I'mperfect

    Tokyo Shoegazer - Turnaround

    Kylesa - Ultraviolet

    Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods

    Rings Of Saturn - Dingir

    Queens Of The Stone Age - Clockwork

    Kerli - Utopia

    The Flaming Lips - Terror

    Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal

    Chunk! No, Capatain Chunk! - Pardon My French

    Alice In Chains - The Devil Put Dinosaurs In Here

    The National - Trouble Will Find Me

    Volbeat - Outlaw Gentleman And Shady Ladies

    Perfume - Magic Of Love

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito


    The Good


    Bullet For My Valentine - Temper Temper

    Filter - Watch The Sun Come Out Tonight

    Black Sabbath - 13

    Killswitch Engage - Disarm The Descent

    August Burns Red - Rescue and Restore

    Alkaline Trio - My Shame Is True

    My Bloody Valentine - MBV

    BABYMETAL - Megistune


    There's a bunch of other stuff I haven't heard yet and more upcoming releases I'm really looking forward. I assume Perfume, Babymetal, and Kyary Pamyu will release albums sometime this year. ANd I want to hear new Blood Stain Child, Crossfaith, I See Stars, Asking Alexandria and The Devil Wears Prada. Then you still got The Gazette, A Day To Remember, Arcade Fire, Animals As Leaders, Kings Of Leon, Nine Inch Nails, and Karnivool releasing new albums. 


    Overall, I'd say this is another awesome year for music. 

  8. Whether you can play used games and share them is not up to SONY. SONY has said that the third party game producers will get to decide if they will use DRM and put protection on it or not. It would be fairly possible that producers like Ubisoft and EA (mostly the big ones) will still secure their games and you won't be able to buy it used or share it with your friends.


    It's basically going to depend on the producer of the game when it comes to the PS4. Pretty bummed about this.


    They should clear that up, they didn't mention that in this video.


    Either way they still have an advantage over the Xbox one since it's not universal for all games and you can play offline. I guess we'll see in due time.

  9. I believe the SPX90 was actually secondary to Shield's twin Midiverb II setup, which produced the majority of the reverse reverb stuff. I remember reading an interview that explained most of the stuff on the albums at least was a Midiverb II patch 45 set to 100% wet signal. I have one and it does sound extremely similar to what he uses. Also fairly confident the SPX90 was heavily used by Slowdive as well, so that's tight.


    Funny you mentioned slowdive, since I've been trying to get close to their shoegaze sound. They're my fave shoegaze band and I've been looking at their guitar/amp setups but still haven't been able to close to their sound with the gear I have. But good to know about the MidiVerb II and sick amps. They must sound huge. 




    Holy hell, I'm jelly. I wish I had access to all that gear. And those mixing consoles! And i have to ask, how does that blackstar ht5r perform?


    Since I've been becoming quite a gear head, I've also loved to own a pair of drums. Will probably be electronic drums since an acoustic set isn't possible. 


    My last recent addition to my instruments was a tambourine.




    So many uses for such an inexpensive and easy to play percussive instrument. 

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