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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. The release date of her album keeps getting pushed back. It's kinda of annoying. >.< I hope this will be the actual time they release the album and don't change it again.

    The Lucky Ones is a good song, but it's the most mainstream sounding song she's done in her career. Kinda preferring the collaboration she did with tyDi better.

    This sounds pretty amazing...


  2. Glad to hear it's good game and about the multiplayer. That's always tons of fun with friends. I'm definitely getting this now. What about the story line? is it any good?

  3. Halo_4_box_artwork.png


    Any halo fans here? I've never been huge hardcore fan like the ones who wait on long ass lines at midnight openings, but this game looks pretty awesome. Never got the hype surrounding this game, but it looks like this installment will be boss. I don't have it yet since I want to wait a few weeks and just it get for $30 on black friday. Will probably also pick up a copy of Call Of Duty: Black Ops II for the same price.

  4. Wow, really great stuff. I enjoyed all of this. I've been into a lot of instrumental stuff lately too since I'm such a guitar and composition nerd, so this is up my alley. And I have to agree with bonsaijodelfisch on the drumming. It sounds way too mechanical and stiff at times which is a problem with drum programming. Humanizing them with different velocities should improve things and if you can, try to better EQ them as well. Or get someone to do that for you. This should particularly help with the kick drum when performing double bass.

  5. today a song from an anime opening, horray :D

    i actually prefer this short version of it to the actual songlength one so i'll just link the anime-opening itself

    Band: Kishida Kyodan & the Akeboshi Rockets

    Album: H.O.T.D (Single)

    Song: "H.O.T.D"

    Genre: Rock


    Nice. Love that song too.

    And screw all the haters. I thought LP's new album was great.

    Linkin Park - Lost In The Echo


  6. I've been into Whirr a lot recently.

    Whirr - Junebouvier


    Some of my other recent discoveries.

    Your basic Japanese indie shoegazing band. They've got some really good stuff.

    Cruyff In The Bedroom - Loved


    An indie based band from Philadelphia playing on the shoegaze and pop rock sound.

    PET MILK - Chery Outline


    A shoegaze supergroup featuring members from Slowdive, Jesu, and others from the metal world like Kralice, and Katatonia. Amazing stuff.

    Sailors With Wax Wings - Yes, I Have A Thousand Tongues, And Nine And Ninety-Nine Lie


  7. ^ Thanks for the info. I always wondered why Junpei had to quit singing and exactly what mysterious disease he had. Kinda sucks since I loved his vocals and he and the band really came into their own on Pray For The Future.

  8. New album's out. It's amazing. What does everyone else think about it? It seems like a good follow up to their last album. As a whole, I think it's actually better. I like the more frequent use of folk passages too. Favorite tracks have to be Thoughts Like Hammers, Death In The Eyes Of Dawn, Vielburner, Roots Of Mountains and Forsaken. Definitely in the top metal releases for 2012. They never disappoint.

    ENSLAVED - Veilburner


  9. Official artwork work for the album.


    Looks vague, modern and beautiful.

    And while Leathers had a more aggressive feel The Tempest had more of metalgaze tone. It slowly built up and had all the dynamics shifts the band keeps saying will be more prominent on their new album.

  10. Just bought the Killers new album.


    I was going to buy all of Greenday's new upcoming albums so I said the hell with it and pre-ordered the box set.


    Pre ordered the new Birthday Massacre album


    And also pre ordered the new enslaved album.


    Would have thrown the new Deftones album in there but that's still not available. (So much music goodness is coming out.)

  11. ^ Awesome news. I was hoping for a late 2012 release, but I guess I can wait a bit longer for an early 2013 release. I really love the new electro-pop style she has adopted. And Immortal sounds awesome. I like Tarja's version too, but Kerli really made that song her own.

    Also I know she's estonian, but I don't really hear any accent when she speaks or sings. I always figured that was just her natural voice. What I do hear is a Bjork influence in her singing which is no surprise since Bjork happens to be one of her major influences. Listen to a Kerli song and then a Bjork song and you should be able to catch a similar style.

  12. Okay, so anyone heard this yet? I'm really happy with this release. It was worth the wait. It's a good continuation from Day and Age and it still has those DA moments and others from Sam's Town, but there was also an expansion from those sounds and some pleasant surprises. There's more of synth presence, but it's well done and fits the music. Really love the guitar work too. Another strong release for the band.

    Miss Atomic Bomb


  13. Already mentioned the headphones I use in the other earphones/headphones thread which are

    Panasonic RP-DJS400-K DJ style


    They're easily some of the best headphones I've tried in the affordable price range of $30. They beat out other higher end headphones I've tried and unlike other headphones their frequency response is actually accurate. 10hz-27khz. Good mids, highs and even bass. And not the kinda of bass that muddies up everything else, the good type of bass.

    Other then this, I use $10 gummy earbuds. I have no use for super expensive headphones that cost a couple of hundred of dollars. That's what my sound setup is for. And there's no way in hell I would ever take such expensive headphones out.

    Currently my CPU soundcard is a M-Audio Audiophile 2496. Much better than the stock soundcard the computer came with. There was an instant increase of sound quality without any other changes.


    I've also been running some BOSE speakers for the last couple of years. They're pretty decent. For the most part they get a good balance. Tons better than any stock computer speakers.


    I've currently been looking into upgrading to some studio monitors for some mixing. I was looking into getting some KRK"s but ditched the idea. I've narrowed down my choices to these:

    JBL LSR2325P


    Fostex Powered Studio Monitor Pair


    Tannoy Reveal 501A Channel


    Maybe even some Yamaha's


    I'd like to try the nuBox380's, but I haven't found these in the states. Also bonsaijodelfisch did an excellent job explaining the importance of sound treatment to a room and speaker placement.

  14. A thread for discussing Korean music (not just K-pop) I’ve been meaning to get more into the Korean scene but I’ve been too lazy and don’t know where to start. I’m not really a fan of K-pop since to me it sounds just like mainstream western pop music and I highly dislike mainstream western pop music. Naturally there are some exceptions. I am open to any K-pop recommendation if it’s got an electronic influence to it .Like electro-pop, which I’m a sucker for.

    The few Korean bands I do listen to are some of which the user’s here are surely already familiar with. Like Donawhale, Seo Taiji, or Nastyona. And for anybody who isn’t familiar with these bands, go listen to them now.

    Donawhale - Echo


    Donawhale - Nana


    Nastyona - Rumor


    Seo Taiji - F.M Business


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