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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. I’ve been actually wondering about this for a while now, but does anybody know or have a good estimate on how much VK bands spend on their attire/clothing and stuff like makeup and hair? I recall people saying it was a couple of thousands dollars, but I can’t say if that’s true or not. It seems kinda right. I’m mostly just curious.

  2. So what kinda of earphones or headphones do you use to listen to your music?

    I’ve been using the apple earbuds that came with my Ipod. They turned out better than the ones that came with my now broken Nano a couple of years back. However the sound quality has gone to hell and I’‘ll probably end up buying some JVC gummy earbuds or Sony earphones that are like $10. I like to use earphones for casual listening and when I go out so I’ve never really had a reason to spend like $50 or $100 on them. It always seemed kinda of a ridiculous amount of money to spend on earphones. Especially since most earbuds in that range are in-ears and I don’t like in-ears. They feel uncomfortable to me and they always ended up slipping out.

    On the other hand I can easily spend a good amount of cash for quality headphones. I use those mostly for home use. From listening to my computer to playing my guitar. I’ve gone through a couple of cheap ones. I’ll probably end up purchasing some studio quality ones for mixing down the road. I’ve still got a good pair of Shure headphones and I recently ordered some inexpensive Panasonic ones. They seem to have decent sound quality and are stylish. I can never find headphones at a decent price range that have good sound quality and are stylish. Most of the ones I come across are aesthetically unappealing. I like the look of the skullcandy brand, but I’ve been reluctant to try out a pair.

  3. So what does everyone use to make/record tracks? I use audacity and ACID PRO 5. I'm more of a live performer so I haven't had need for much. I quite like Acid for remixing tracks or when I'm using loops.

    However now that I am getting into recording, I've been considering stuff like Cubase and Pro Tool as sequencers for my DAW. I'm leaning more toward Pro-Tools but before shelling out like 600$ I want to make sure its worth it and that I'm not just buying into a popular name.

  4. Hmmm I actually know quite a few rock/metal bands that constantly use the F Word in at least of their songs.

    But back to the questions at hand

    How much do you care about lyrics? Do extremely stupid lyrics turn you off from a song, and would you listen to songs with lyrics that strongly go against your ethical/political/religious/etc world view?

    1. I do care about lyrics. Just like I care about the actual music. However music always comes first and there are a lot of bands out there who make great music, but have sub par or mediocre lyrics. So even though music will always come first, and sub par lyrics won't ruin a song for me, I respect bands who put as much effort into their lyrics as their music. Good songwriting serves to make songs even more awesome by adding weight, emotion and depth to the music. I believe this can range from honest simple lyrics to vivid poetic songwriting and use of complex wordplay, or syllabic patterns. I study poetry on a regular basis so I always enjoy a well written song or the occasional conceit or dactyl in a song. From this thread alone, I see a lot of people don't really seem to care for the lyrics in the music they listen to. Fortunately for me I enjoy all of the lyrics from the bands I listen to. Obviously some more than others, but to me they all have something unique to offer. Of course this all applies to songs I actually understand in my language. It doesn't really matter to me when listening to something foreign. The music does.

    2. Stupid lyrics won't necessary turn me away from a song. If the music is good or somehow complements the songs I'll listen to it. However that being said I won't say any song I have on my hardrive or Ipod has stupid lyrics. Actually I may just be lucky and haven't come across a song with stupid lyrics....yet. I think I'm more likely to be turned off by a song with amazing lyrics and crap music. And I'm especially likely to be turned off by a song with crap music and crap lyrics.

    3.I would listen to songs that go against my ethical/political/religious/worldview. In fact I pretty sure once in a while I do. I think it mostly because the bands that write lyrics that go against the masses or society do it for shock value, I'm fine with it. I don't think any band out there would actually advocate violence, or something shock value like. And I'm fine with bands like RATM. They're fun and again I like their music. I think the only real examples of music I wouldn't listen to are songs I actually first came to know about on the news. Stuff that bashes homosexuals, or is clearly intolerant of other peoples race or religious views. I mean stuff like that just promotes hate, ignorance and perverts music IMO.

  5. I will always choose soul over technicality. There's needs to be emotion, passion and feeling in a song for it to be good. Technicality can emphasis this, but i don't feel its the main goal in creating music. It's more of means to an end. Average people don't listen to music to hear an 8 minute long super fast technical guitar solo that uses a complex composition. Stuff like that is only useful for music study. And though I do think you have to posses a certain amount of experience and know how in order to play what ever instrument you may choose you don't need to spend decades playing them. Hell some of the best music in the world (both modern and classical) uses the most simplest melodies and chords that any beginner could play. Even their compositions and arrangements are pretty straightforward and simple.

    So yeah, I chose heart and character.

  6. The Killers have recorded four songs for their next album, tentatively titled Battle Born.

    Speaking to in the new issue of Q, Brandon Flowers explained that the Las Vegas band have been working in their hometown.

    "I think we want to get back to the music that is really us," the singer explained of the feel of the new material, adding that recording in Vegas was not only inspiring their music, but it was having an impact on their lyrics too.

    "I am writing about the world that I really know," he declared of the songs so far which currently includes a seven-and-a-half minute epic called The Slot Tech.

    Apparently they've been in the studio since October. I'm expecting a release sometime in the spring of next year.

  7. Saw them play for the first time at a sold out show at Irving Plaza. They totally rocked. The crowd was pretty chill and cool during their performances of their new material but then hell broke loose whenever they played their harder and faster songs. The band actually played songs from all of their 7 albums which I thought was great since bands with several albums usually omit a good portion of their songs from live performances.

  8. Back on track, I just got over a bad cold and fever over the weekend so I haven't recorded anything yet. And my overdrive pedal just died. I'm planning on picking up a new one along with some cables sometime this week. Hopefully I'll be able to send you my guitar part by the weekend.

    Also checked out your gear and you have a sick drum set. One question though, you wouldn't happen to have a couple of dynamic microphones set up for recording would you?

  9. I am not going to say that I know a ton about building a studio, but I can give you some advice. Recording sessions take a SHIT TON of space. Seriously. If you are going to be seriously about this, expect to pick up several TB's. I have talked to my cousin and he says that is band's average studio data per session is about 80gb.

    Upgrade your ram. Ram is dirt cheap, especially since your machine is older. Keep in mind, though, that on a 32bit OS the system can only read up to 3.2gb. I would check your mobo and then by 4 1gb sticks...Your system will prolly take DRR2 ram (CHECK), but seriously...

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6820146580

    If you are going to be anal about this, buy some new fans and get some rubber mounting screws, you are going to want to reduce vibration as much as possible. Also, look into getting your system shielded to reduce noise.

    Next thought, you are going to want to get a nice audio card. Really spend some time researching this, as this is important. You are going to need to decide how you are going to record shit. How is it getting to the computer? USB compressor mic? Or are you getting a small sound board? I would do this before deciding on an audio card.

    Also, please tell me you are not using the Bose for monitoring. I will argue that Bose are crap speakers, but it is personal preference if you like them. However, what is not up for debate is these speakers are crap for monitoring. The response curve for Bose aren't even close to flat. If anything, sell them and buy a pair of M-Audio speakers.

    Yeah I'm not sparing any expense in building my DAW. I want to get as close to having a pro studio quality sound. And I'm one of those people that doesn't like to go and do something half-assed.

    I probably will end getting several terabytes for recordings, but I had no idea RAM was so cheap. For some reason I had the idea that it was expensive. I'll definitely be getting at least 4gigs of the stuff once I know which ones are compatible with my mobo. And I like to have options and the window to experiment with recordings so I'll probably be getting a soundcard that best fits my need and an audio interface both of which will be at the front end of my pro mixer. Chances are I'll probably have the mixer at the back end as well and connected to sliders for some old school mixing.

    Hadn't given thought about getting my system shielded but I'll be looking into that. And there's no way I'm using my current Bose speakers for monitoring. I haven't bought my monitor speakers yet but I was looking into a M-Audio speakers among others.

    Also you have a pretty kick ass system. It's a reminder how much mines has to go.

  10. 2mq3z41.jpg


    Periphery is an American progressive metal band from Bethesda, Maryland formed in 2005. The band is known for their heavy, modern, and progressive sound that includes polyrhythmic patterns and soaring melodies. They are regarded as one of the pioneers of the djent movement in progressive metal.. They are also noted for having three guitarists.
    After several lineup changes during its history, the band now consists of guitarists Misha Mansoor, Mark Holcomb and Jake Bowen, vocalist Spencer Sotelo, drummer Matt Halpern, and bassist Adam "Nolly" Getgood. Periphery released their self-titled debut in 2010 and their follow-up, Periphery II: This Time It's Personal, on July 3, 2012.






    They’re probably best known for having Misha Mansoor and having the whole Djent thing going on, but W/E.

    Jetpacks was Yes! was the first song I heard from this band. I was impressed with Spencer’s vocal range and technique and the bands experimental elements. Liked the album version of Jetpacks Was Yes! better since it has growls during the bridge but version 2.0 is pretty cool as well. Anyway gave their album a listen and thought it was a damn good debut. Totally became a fan of theirs after that..

    Another thing that impressed me about this band was their use of their 3 seven-string guitarist in complex music compositions. Both vocally and instrumentally they are quite technical, but retain a great sense of melody and forward movement. Love their epic sounding tracks like Letter Experiment , Light and the 15 minute long Racecar. Saw them on their headlining Frak The Gods tour and they were awesome.

  11. Show off your tweaked and modified computers.

    These are my current specs


    Windows XP Home Edition

    Inter Pentium 4 Processor 3.00 GHZ

    504 MB of Ram

    180 GB Harddrive


    Basic Keyboard

    Logitech USB laser mouse

    BOSE computer speakers

    Sony SDM-HS73 17'' LCD screen with 1280 x 1024 display

    Yeah I know it’s not impressive but that’s because I have yet to upgrade my machine. I will be building a home studio but first I really need to make some modifications to my PC in order for it to handle the demands of being an audio processor. Plus I’m down to my last 30 gigabytes of memory and one of my drives has been broken for the last 4 months. I will be probably be getting a terabyte or at last 500 Gb of extra hard drive memory since all the music software I’ll be installing, in addition to all the loops and music samples will easily take up a couple of gigs and I need to take into account all the space the raw format of songs being recorded will take up. Will probably upgrade my RAM to at least 1 gig or maybe even 2. I also need a good pair of fans that are efficient at cooling and are quiet. The ones I currently have are stock fans and are really noisy. Will probably install a basic drive to replace my broken one and might get an Audiophile soundcard or PCI to hook to my monitors. Not sure which yet.

    Actually if anyone knows some good products of the items I just mentioned, recommendations would be welcomed.

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