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Posts posted by Pandabear

  1. The edge of the storm is now entering NYC. And they issued a tornado warning. Seriously, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes in New York all in one week? Wtf? Talk about crazy weather. There's even talk about the city shutting down the electricity.

  2. As a NYC resident, I will say that NYC residents don't know how to deal with inclement weather.



    Earthquake? SHAKEPOCALYPSE!

    While I think this will be a serious thing, I don't think it will be that bad, if you know what I mean.[/quote

    Haha. I know what you mean. I remember the blizzard we had last year. It shutdown the whole MTA and there was no train or bus service. Not to mention how many cars got stranded and abandoned on the streets. It made the plows job of clearing the roads more difficult. I recall foolishly trying to go to work and it was impossible walking on the streets.

    But yeah, I don't think it will be as bad as they are saying.

  3. i wonder if they ever make any joke songs anymore?

    those were rude but so funnay + random.

    Or if it is safe to say they have leave that behind for good now.

    Their last full album, the self titled didn't have any,

    so maybe they will follow the path with this upcoming album.

    and i just finish with viewing the video, thanks for the heads up.

    And yeah, it was cool. It's still rebellious and having some story line.

    i really love the cinematography, how the pictures were taken, it was fab!

    I'm not sure if they will ever put toilet humor back in their songs. Probably not. They still use to do it live. Saw them on their reunion tour and they had a good backforth play. Tom made a few dicks jokes and switched out some lyrics in favor of rude stuff. But I recently read they stopped doing that too. That they want to play songs like they should sound.

    There's a contest now announced on their Facebook page concerning thier music video. You're suppose to pick a frame and explain why you likely. The winner will be user who gets the most likes on their chosen frame. They're giving away a signed rabbit and some other thing.

    Their new album is also available for pre order on amazon. I don't really like the pricing for the normal edition. It's almost 15 bucks. Deluxe is 16. I'm going to wait to see other pre order offers and possible bundles. I'm getting thier deluxe edition so I suppose it doesn't matter.

  4. I have so many friends in New York and the surrounding areas so I'm extremely worried for them. :(

    I'm not sure how badly this is going to be, but the government isn't taking any chances. I guess they learned their lesson from Katrina. Lots of places in NYC and other areas have already been evacuted. The mayor also shutdown all trains and buses. I've never expected for a place like NYC to get hit directly with a hurricane. A lot of people are taking precautions though. Hopefully no one gets hurt.


    Yeah that earthquake really freaked people out. I actually didn't feel it. On the otherhand my neighbor said his room shook so badly he thought his apartment was going to cave in.

  5. hurricane-irene-nasa-photo-537x357.jpg

    A 500 mile wide hurricane is tearing it's way along the east coast as we speak. News is making a big deal out of this. It's suppose to hit major cities like NYC and boston. I live in NYC and I'm not even prepared for this yet. This is as weird as the earthquake that happened along the east coast this week.

  6. The live action movie is finally getting its north American release on august 30. Found a two disc special edition pre-order for 15 bucks that I'm so gonna get.

    Kishimoto looks awesome with that super time delay gun


    And in her leather suit


    Gantz looks pretty cool too.


  7. They had a song that was 6 minutes long on their last album. And they had 2 others that were around 5 minutes and a couple of others that were 4 minutes long. Of course they had some that were less than 3 minutes but their last album had 14 songs.

    The music video for up all night premiered last night on fuse, vevo and their official site. it's pretty cool!

  8. Got it a couple days ago. Actually I'm playing it right now as I type this :D but yea I'ts awesome, really into it. I've barely been able to put it down. The main mechanic that I love the most is the entire freedom to do whichever play style you feel is the best suited for yourself and based on your actions have it change the outcome of the quest, or affect the story and the world itself. Pretty much it works as it was advertised to work which is an awesome thing because when i first seen it in action in some of those Dev. trailers I had my doubts about whether or not they were gonna be able to pull it off. Basically I can see my self doing quite a few playthroughs before getting tired of it.

    That sounds great. Can't wait to start this.

    btw seems you forgot putting the [games] tag though :mrgreen:

    i thought this was a movie before.

    I forget sometimes. Fixed.

  9. Tracklist out

    1.Ghost on the Dance Floor

    2.A La Mode

    3.This Is Home

    4.Snake Charmer

    5.MH 4.18.2011

    6. Even If She Falls

    7.You Too

    8.Up All Night

    9.After Midnight


    Deluxe edition bonus tracks


    12. Fighting the Gravity

    13. Heart's All Gone

    Wanna hear MH 4.18.2011, Even If She Falls, After Midnight and Natives. Was surprised there's only 10 songs on the normal edition of the album.

  10. So epic it needs its own thread.



    Used to plug in hours and days of gameplay a couple of years back. I don't have that much time for games now but this is so a game I'm getting. Along with gears of war 3. Haven't picked up a copy just yet.

  11. Always thought they were crap, but then I was recommended Nega to Poji, and I turned out LOVING that album. Love Mirai Iro as well. Can't wait for the new album!

    Ammonite was great. Liked it better than Don Dona and Utsusemi.

  12. ^ I'm assuming for electric guitar?

    Don't know what you searched for on Google but I typed in Jrock tabs and got a bunch of results. You could probably sift through those.


    Or check something like this out: http://cleantab.com/tag/visual-kei-guitar-tabs/

    However I can't say how accurate those tabs are

    And as beginning guitarist, it's probably a good idea to maintain a good work ethic. First song I learned was twinkle twinkle little star and simple riffs like smoke on the water or Iron Man. Of course that was in addition to the basic chords and scales I was learning. Moved up pretty fast from there to really technical orientated stuff. But I started off on acoustic which made playing rock and metal songs a bit harder or certain pieces near impossible. I had to actually stop playing for an entire week because my fingers hurt so bad at the start. It took while for the callouses to develop and dealing with the acoustic guitar action was another bitch. But I had already been taking music classes and playing other instruments beforehand so I had a slight advantage. I actually don't really like tabs. I prefer sheet music. Or in the case of the guitar both.

    If your really serious, even if you don't find the tabs you're looking for you could probably figure out the songs yourself. You just need a good ear, some guitar practice and basic knowledge on music theory. Depending on the actual composition and difficulty of a song. I don't if you have any music background or experience but if you don't, it would be a good to start with the basics. Like learning to read music, counting beats and all that. After all You can't really be musician if you don't know how to read music. 8)

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