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  1. Like
    Spectralion reacted to nekkichi in Overrated/underrated Jrock singers   
    you know mashiro is damn underrated when at 20 replies in no one still remembered THE LEGEND
  2. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Tokage in #resurrectVK   
    imagine some shady-ass weirdo trying to look for a hitman online and accidentally stumbling upon a bunch of of MY DRAGON pvs
  3. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Technology has come so far   
  4. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Seimeisen in BORIS will release new album "DEAR" in July   
    After nearly three years since "NOISE," BORIS will release their next album "DEAR" in July 2017. It will first be released in Japan through Daymare Recordings, on 2CD (¥3,200+tax) and 3LP (¥7,000+tax), on 12th July, 2017. Then, Sargent House will release a regular 1CD/2LP version on 14th July, 2017.
    According to NPR, the band was originally planning to release this as a final album and then disband, but they felt a presence of new energy during the PINK TOUR in 2016. The album reportedly contains "10 tracks culled from three albums worth of material."


    1. D.O.W.N -Domination of Waiting Noise-
    2. DEADSONG -詩-
    3. Absolutego -絶対自我-
    4. Beyond -かのひと-
    5. Kagero -蜉蝣-
    6. Biotope -ビオトープ-
    7. The Power
    8. Memento Mori 
    9. Dystopia -Vanishing Point / 何処へ-
    10. Dear
    Daymare Recordings bonus CD/LP
    1. More
    2. Evil Perspective
    3. D.O.W.N -Domination of Waiting Noise- (Full Version)
    Sources: NPR, BORIS OHP
  5. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Karma’s Hat in DADAROMA - 「dadaism ♯3」⎡"review"⎦   
    DADAROMA is, by all accounts available to me, one of the handful of bands from the new crop that have skyrocketed in stature and popularity to the levels previously held by the mid 2000’s indie stalwarts, crashing the party with probably the best case of intuitive visual kei marketing since conditional disbandment by first releasing Oboreru Sakana on Youtube for all gaijins to easily enjoy. Immediate hit in the west relatively speaking, due to its accessibility both in sound and availability, they’ve been on a continual upward surge since. And now two DADAism’s later, the third in the series has just dropped coinciding with the third year into their run.
    Having now amassed a decent amount of bulk into their discography one can finally make some observations what DADAROMA is, and what they are about. What to note specifically, is that the overall image of their sound is uniquely scattered, and yet aesthetically consistent. Ever since their debut a polarity has been attributed to them; a struggle between the metalcore influence against their wacky, almost The GazettE-esque light-heartedness and a tendency to stick to more traditional nu-metal visual kei riffs and vocal stylings. At this point, three years on from their debut, it can probably be said that this is a false observation. Out of a discography of 47 or so songs, only about 4 or 5 put on their striped deathcore socks, while the rest tread the line of either appropriating the odd stylistic trick from the style or settle comfortably into the visual kei ballad/mid-tempo song territory. What does remain consistent however is their imagery of clowns, sex, clichéd visual kei political commentary and a very loud production that’s as slick as it gets. Looking at the entirety of their output from the past three years one notices that they’ve always been kind of the same; looking, sounding and acting pretty much like they’ve always done and whatever had been mistakenly attributed as a stylistic shift was merely a case of someone being unfamiliar with them. The palette of DADAROMA just happens to be very broad, and they happen to divulge in all the different aspects of it cyclically.
    What I do think is true however, is that they do some things better than others, and DADAISM 3 is a prime example of it. In the third release of their EP series we see a band distilling all their worst traits into 20-minute slog that’s everything I hope this band will not be about in the future.
    In their prime DADAROMA uses the interplay of their ability to use metalcore and traditional visual kei’s melodramatic potency to a great effect. In their first PV tracks Oboreru Sakana and Ame no Waltz they bang out a Suicide Silence 101 knock-off and whispery vk vocals at exactly the right times, and climax like the sinking titanic with a lazy vk fade out for the centuries. If perfect 2010’s visual kei was engineered in a laboratory, it’d sound like these two songs did. Fucking tremendous.
    While for some of the subsequent PV’s they’d showcase their knack for doing other things, I believe that even if they didn’t continue chugging like before, at least they always stayed fun and sexy. When in form, Yoshiatsu gives a degree of gravity to everything he is on and there is no denying what a technically able band there’s behind him; so even when appropriating INSIDE BEAST or being really tacky with Nightmare Before Christmas Tim Burtony jingles, they’re awesome. With DADAISM 3 being something which they haven’t been before: boring.
    Oddly enough starting out with a high note, DADAROMA’s PV cut this time is MASTURBATION that horrified a segment of the people on this board, and here I’ll make a case for it: MASTURBATION is interesting, loud and very obnoxious. One valuable life lesson I’ve learned from a childhood of watching pro-wrestling is that any reaction is better than no reaction. There’s an inherent value to the over the topness, and especially when it’s quite fitting for a band that’s always been kind of carney, and most importantly sincerely self-aware. Could I do without another mid-period Marilyn Manson dance live song? Yes, but I don’t hate it either and I kind of appreciate it for what it is. Despite everything it still bangs hard and remains true to the band’s spirit.
    Things halt to a standstill right afterwards however, when DADAROMA apparently decides to churn out a EP’s worth of mid-tempo ballads and nu-nu-visual kei bangers, channelling pop Lynch and the worm-eaten corpse of that version of Girugamesh nobody liked. I’m making it sound worse than it is, but for a band that’s been so consistent a lull like this is both alarming and a curious choice. Before in songs like Yume Tarareba and Zouka what worked in their favour is both their colourful concept and the contrast in the sound of all their elements. Things that were generic were made cool by their skill and unique character. When a band like this then slows down and makes a collection of energetic live songs and heartfelt bittersweet ballads, I become disaffected when they fall short of the grand theatre of what they could be. Romance Gray is immediately forgettable compared to other songs structured the same way with the sampled rainfall and everything; Itoshi teru doesn’t hold a candle to the songs they’ve made before in a similar style either, and in fact every other song on here can as well be categorised into “they’ve done it before, and they’ve done it better.” Sincerely it is the first time this band has done something twice, and now it’s an EP full of very matter of fact diddies that lack the edge of their prior material, aside from the PV cut that’s a Risley Circus B-side with crass lyrics as its saving grace.
    When this band takes its foot off the pedal, they can start sounding very generic and tired. This can be circumvented by doing things different. Working with your unique concept, not ripping off Lynch and utilising the tools at your disposal in ways that hasn't been done in the scene before. DADAISM 3 is a paint by the numbers EP from a very professional band no matter how you look at it; it doesn’t hit even close to as hard as 1 or have the diversity of 2. If they’ll settle on treading the same ground like a DOGMA Gazette junior, then they’ll absolutely have to bring back the deathcore for some desperately needed flavour, or otherwise we are due for redux of NOW and GO era Girugamesh. If the history of this band is anything to go by then they'll rebound shortly, but there's always that doubt...

  6. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from emmny in ice (Black Gene for the Next Scene) new single, "雨は次第に弱まる" release   
    ...and the contestants are
    1. Gackt
    2. Takanori
    3. Ice
    4. Tzk
    Damn, I can't think anyone else. 
    Sorry for off topic. 
  7. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Zeus in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    The end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 has seen a lot of arrests of visual kei members. While band members skirting the law - and sometimes even breaking it - is nothing new, it is rather unusual to see so many high-profile cases in such a short time span. So today, let's indulge in some visual kei drama both past and present and look at some other famous cases and arrests. Grab some tea, because this topic is going to get delicious.
    Disclaimer: While the title says "Bad Boys" of visual kei, some of the stuff covered here is particularly heinous. It's one thing to be a "bad boy" and it's another thing to be a rapist. Please don't read into the title too much.

    Sakura (The Madcap Laughs, ex-L'arc~en~ciel)

    Dai (Himitsu Kessha Kodomo A (秘密結社コドモA))

    Kisaki (Lin, Phantasmagoria)

    SHINTARO (ex-アイヲロスト)

    Miyawaki Wataru (ex-12012)

    Tomioka Hiroshi / Dynamite Tommy (Free Will president)

    Manew (ex-The♡Valentine)

    Akinori (ex. lynch.)


    RIO (ex--LONDBOY)

    shia (chanty)

    Daishi (ex-Psycho le Cemu)
  8. Like
    Spectralion reacted to tetsu_sama69 in #97: シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) - "中野行進曲 (Nakano Gasshukoku)"   
    1. 中野行進曲 (Nakano Koushinkyoku)
    2. GOKUMI
    3. 路地裏に立つ女 (Rodjiura no Tatsu Onna)
    4. 本能 (Honnou)
    5. 残響 (Zankyou)
    6. 都会迷路 (Tokai Meiro)
    7. 人生はマンネリだ (Jinsei wa Maneri Da)
    8. 月姫 (Tsukihime)
    9. White regret
    10. 羞恥遊戯 (Shuuchi Yuugi)
    11. 二重人格 (Nijuujinkaku)
    12. ユメ風船 (Yume Fuusen)
     | Everything you wanted from visual kei band including taking out the trash
    Now generally シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) is known for their off the wall strange antics and a vocalist that dresses with the style of top notch drag queens, but if anyone had forgotten they also every once in a while release some seriously bad-ass music. Something about シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) just hits the bulls-eye of my soul with its visual goodness with 中野合衆国 (Nakano Gasshuukoku). It's understandable that Izumi's voice isn't for everyone, but for me along with the cacophony of music put together by guitarist marya, bassist Yuuto, and drummer rei it is a mess of perfection. I was ready for this album from the first day they announced it and every single released before it's arrival left me wanting so much more. 中野合衆国 (Nakano Gasshuukoku) is something that stands out from the mess of visual music and isn't afraid of it's message even featuring a track about the regret of American voters after the recent election. 
    The album is hard to figure regarding that it's a strange infusion of punk, pop rock, and pure visual insanity. Even it's opening track "中野行進曲 (Nakano Koushinkyoku)", is a groovy start for the album and it's dam difficult to fight off the urge to let it's catchy rhythm take hold of you. It's a perfect lead into super infectious "GOKUMI", which is one of the best songs they've ever put together. It's a track that anyone should have a hard time forgetting as it's so well infused with a simple beat and a chorus that you can't get out of your head. "路地裏に立つ女 (Rodjiura ni Tatsu Onna)" a much faster paced track comes up next, and the bass lines provided by Yuuto outshine the rest of the song and show off a lot of his talent.  The album starts to become much more twisted with "本能 (Honnou)" which starts to take on the form of シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) that fans are more familiar with as it's more demented and messy, much like the rest of their work. 
    "残響 (Zankyou)" transitions the album takes the album further down the rabbit hole. The twisted guitar, played by marya, is so wonderful and borderline trippy that it feels like something you shouldn't be listening to, yet you want more.  And the album continues to impress with musical merit thanks to track "都会迷路 (Tokai Meiro)", which gives you a taste of シビレバシル (Sibilebashir) candy that you feel you need so much more of. "人生はマンネリだ (Jinsei wa Mandela)" definitely sparkles with rhythmical lusciousness with a dash of the great drumming provided by rei. The album carries you straight into "月姫 (Tsukihime)", a previously released song, that is placed so perfectly in the track list. "月姫 (Tsukihime)" is very memorable especially with it's extremely fetching instrumentals and clean vocals.
    "White regret" is a song filled dissatisfaction over recent world events with current presidential standings. Despite it's topical theme it's a harmonious delight of sorrowfully haunting guitars and anguished vocals that emit pure disappointment. 中野合衆国 (Nakano Gasshuukoku) shifts to a harder gear with "羞恥遊戯 (Shuuchi Yuugi)" with discordant melodies and chaotic vocals that add a bit more of a deranged spice to the album. The only issue with the album is "二重人格 (Ninjuujinkaku)" which admittedly is a beautiful song all on it's own, but it's placement in the track list feels very out of place as if it they weren't where exactly to put it. The release ends with "ユメ風船 (Yume Fuusen)" which would have felt better like a much better track if it's weren't for the previous song.. Nonetheless, it's a perfect ender to the album, and it's a super upbeat bass line party with guitars providing the drinks, drums throwing confetti everywhere, and vocals taking the night to it's close.
    中野合衆国 (Nakano Gasshuukoku) is something that feels so very シビレバシル (Sibilebashir), which is a band that seems to have no definition or clear genre. And that's what's so lovely about the band and their work. If you feel the need for a release that's messy and so close to being well put together then look no further. 
    Support the band!
    Amazon (JP)
  9. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Zeus in #96: ザアザア - 不幸な迷路   
    01. 入口
    02. 不幸の始まり
    03. ぐちゃぐちゃ
    04. 排水口
    05. 気付いて
    06. 人殺し
    07. ラストダンス
    08. 恋人ごっこ
    09. 寄り道
    10. 落とし穴
    11. 交尾をしてよ
    12. ユメオチ
    13. 最後の歌
    14. 出口
    | One of the most promising visual kei albums in recent memory.
    After nominating their mixed bag of a collection album 中毒症状 (Chuudoku Shuujou) as one of the best of last year only to be greeted with a three consecutive singles campaign I would sooner forget about, the announcement of 不幸な迷路 (Fukou na Meiro) didn't strike me as anything particularly noteworthy to check out. I knew that ザアザア (XAA-XAA) had to bring the heat, but I didn't expect an album of this caliber from them. It falls a bit short of becoming a classic for me, but 不幸な迷路 is the most fun I've had listening to visual kei all year.
    Ask me to define what visual kei is and what you will get is a lot of stammering and gesticulation, and maybe a comment on the style or popular genre of choice. Ask me for an album which embodies all things visual kei, and I'll point to 不幸な迷路 immediately. ザアザア has combined all the visual kei tropes in a familiar but new way, including some unfamiliar ones. For example, the band spared no expense in ensuring their disjointed album opener and closer SE's have nothing to do with the tracks they sandwich. Also for good measure, the album switches gears halfway through in a misguided attempt at showing diversity, starting with the very girugamesh reminiscent "ラストダンス" (Last Dance). They at least stopped short of including their sub par singles just to pad the running time. Some seasoned visual kei veterans would roll their eyes at these, but I embrace them all with open arms. It lends an undeniably last-decade visual kei feel to 不幸な迷路 without leaning on novelty or the band's laurels, and as a result its very easy for me to get lost in it. I can play the whole album without pausing once.
    One point of contention I had with 中毒症状 was how lazy many of the bridges sounded. Bridges hold a song together, and often it was just one word or one phrase repeated eight times. I'm happy to report that this sin is only committed once on 不幸な迷路 with "落とし穴", and that a large majority of the tracks have well thought out, even memorable choruses at times. Ironically enough, my favorite track,  "排水口" - an undeniably MUCC-influenced slow burner that could earn a spot on the aforementioned 2004 album 朽木の灯 - has no chorus to it. I like most of the songs even if the vocalist Kazuki works within a very small tonal range, I don't remember actively hating or skipping through any song, and after five or so listens I consider this to be their best release yet. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, and maybe it has a few too many toppings, but it's a damn good sandwich for those with the corresponding taste. Only time will tell if future releases can maintain the same balance of familiarity and inventiveness.
    I expected nothing at all, but 不幸な迷路 resonated with my stodgy, old soul in a way I haven't felt for some time. It strikes with an intensity and charm that took me back to my nascent years in visual kei almost immediately. I implore them to follow whatever creative workflow resulted in this album and not their consecutive singles release, because this works for them. Most importantly, in a time where there isn't a clear leader in the race to the top of the indie visual kei charts, 不幸な迷路 provides a compelling reason to choose ザアザア.
    Support the band!
  10. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from NICKT in ice (Black Gene for the Next Scene) new single, "雨は次第に弱まる" release   
    ...and the contestants are
    1. Gackt
    2. Takanori
    3. Ice
    4. Tzk
    Damn, I can't think anyone else. 
    Sorry for off topic. 
  11. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from platy in ice (Black Gene for the Next Scene) new single, "雨は次第に弱まる" release   
    ...and the contestants are
    1. Gackt
    2. Takanori
    3. Ice
    4. Tzk
    Damn, I can't think anyone else. 
    Sorry for off topic. 
  12. Like
    Spectralion reacted to nick in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
  13. Like
    Spectralion reacted to emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    +1 on kyo holding sukekiyo back
    also...this might be a surprise coming from me but....i miss nagoya kei
  14. Like
    Spectralion reacted to flamingditto69 in A question to everyone   
    What the Muk did you just Mukin’ say about me, you little pidgey? I’ll have you know my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattatas, and I’ve been involved in numerous gym battles with Brock, and I have over 300 confirmed Rattata catches. I am trained in Normal-type warfare and I’m the top youngster in the entirety of Pewter City. You are nothing to me but just another trainer. I will wipe you the Muk out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Route 3, mark my Muking words. You think you can get away with walking past me on your way to Mt. Moon? Think again, Muker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of youngsters across Kanto and your Pokedex is being traced right now so you better prepare for PokeBattle, Magikarp. The PokeBattle that wipes out the pathetic little Pokemon you call your Bulbasaur. You’re muking fainted, Kakuna. I can stand right here, and only right here, and my Rattata can make you black out in over 700 ways, and that's just with tackle. Not only am I extensively trained in Rattata combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my comfy cargo shorts and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable Abra off the face of the region, you little Spearow. If only you could have known what a PokeBattle your little walk past me was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in Viridian Forest. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you pants wearing idiot. I will tail whip fury all over you and you will faint in it. You’re Muking blacked out, Red.
  15. Like
    Spectralion reacted to SilverEspeon__ in A question to everyone   
    Oh fuck off. I'm not trying to lower your reputation. Are you fucking stupid? What I've been doing is not lowering your reputation. I came up with this name first. Besides, this username is way too nice for someone like you who follows me everywhere.
    Also "respecting others's opinions" my ass. You got offended by my posts under "your" username? Come on.
  16. Like
    Spectralion reacted to nick in A question to everyone   
    They both have the same IP address. I bet TheDragonCharizard11 is his cousin from the upstairs.
  17. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from suji in A question to everyone   
    First of all, please let this blow out of proportion first... 
    I need some drama here X) 
    Secondly, that's username isn't even original or unique. It's friggin' Pokémon's name. Everyone who watch the show could use the name. 
    But, you may continue your Pokémon battle, while I prepare for my coffee and cracker
    Edit : I just remembered that Charizard isn't even a Dragon. Damn, the irony. 
  18. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
  19. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Kathy in Kiryu new single release !   
  20. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Zeus in Memorable Millenial Kei Vocalists   
    As we celebrate Monochrome Heaven's 10th anniversary, ORZ will take a moment to reflect on the last decade. One thing we all have in common is that Monochrome Heaven was instrumental in helping us shape our tastes, so we're going to share with you some vocalists we really like. These aren't necessarily the best vocalists per se, but they are ones that we enjoy and that we hope you will too!

    郁磨 (Ikuma)
    Years active: 2005 to present
    Notable bands: アンド (And) and REIGN

    Years active: 2005-present
    Notable bands: TRIGGAH, THE GLADROW, 壱-hajime- solo project

    Years Active: 2008 to present
    Notable bands: Sel'm

    一葵 (Kazuki)
    Years Active: 2012 - Present
    Notable Bands: Belmosaic, ザアザア (XAA-XAA)

    Years Active: 2007 - Present
    Notable Bands:  Mix Speaker's, Inc., リライゾ (Liraizo)

    芥 (Akuta)
    Years Active: 2008 - Present
    Notable Bands: Administrator, Chanty

    Years Active: 2006 - Present
    Notable Bands: BORN, RAZOR
    Thanks for reading and feel free to share yours too! (Please put all videos in spoilers so the page doesn't slow to a crawl)
  21. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Alkaloid in UNiTE. new DVD release   
  22. Like
    Spectralion reacted to saishuu in The Album that Defines Your Time on MH   
    The "[Coll:set]" option is obvious, but I'll actually go with RENTRER EN SOI's "MEGIDDO".
    I still remember coming home, loading the forum and seeing the news of their disbandment (in 2008, I believe?). What was most striking for me, however, is how there was a general consensus here (which you know it's difficult to come by) about how terrible their breakup was and most importantly how everyone acknowledged they were going out at their peak. It was a very bittersweet period here.
  23. Like
    Spectralion got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Currently watching Little Witch Academia TV series.
    And Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V just finished yesterday. Expecting Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS next week. 
    I like to watch dude with ridiculous hair X) 
    ...and I've been holding up on watching the latest episodes of Gundam IBO 2nd season. I plan to binge watch the last three episodes, even though I already read all those spoilers X))
  24. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Flame-X in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Last night, a friend invited me to go see the SAO movie. If you're a fan of the franchise, you'll enjoy it. But for me, it gave me brain damage. At least the tickets were paid by my buddy.
  25. Like
    Spectralion reacted to Original Saku in Dark/mature/adult-themed anime   
    91 Days
    Prohibition era mafioso revenge story, really dark and bloody and goes the extra mile in character development. perhaps the best thing about the show is it's a short series (12 episodes) and it has a definitive ending.
    Supernatural series about demi-humans. Has a lot of morality conflictions and goes into how demi-humans are treated in society. Dark and gory as fuck. Also It's CG animation so if you want something that looks a little different from the norm, that's a plus.
    Supernatural Fantasy with flesh eating demons called youma. Badass female protag with vengeance on the mind and a pension for bloddshed, very heavily inspired by Berserk (imo).
    Death Note
    It's hard to believe there are people who haven't heard of this show, but for the sake of new comers. Pretty much one of the most popular anime over here in the states. About a high schooler who finds a notebook called the death note, he soon finds out that any person who's name he writes down in this book will die mysteriously. With this power the protag decides to do good in the world and meat out "justice" as he see's fit, none the less there are other's with this power and a lot of mysterious surrounding the whole thing. Also there are demons, yes. Hands down one of the best psychological thriller series ever created, a must watch.
    Sci-fi series with a a lot of super natural elements. without spoiling too much, the main characters die but then are brought back to play in a "game" of sorts, along with other "dead" people. together they are forced to fight aliens and other sci-fi entities tot he death, if they are not victorious then they die for real. Deals heavily in psychological themes such as societal acceptance and what it truly means to want to die.
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    Super natural horror mystery where... quite honestly shit just goes wrong over and over and over again for the main characters. Desperation and psychotic breakdowns, violence to the extreme, and psychological themes a plenty.
    Mousou Dairinin (Paranoia Agent)
    Possibly the weirdest series on this list. Goes into a lot of bizarre themes of paranoia and the the story can be a bit on the complicated side to follow if you're not paying extra close attention. Not gonna say anything about the actual plot because I feel it would lessen  the experience when you watch it.
    Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor
    Post apocalyptic mecha show with some serious shit going down. Hidden gem of the mecha genre in my opinion, very similar to Evangelion except you'll actually care when these characters die, and die they will, tons of them in fact, in horrifying and sick ways. Which is the problem, this show has A+ character development, you get so attached to characters but so many die that it hurts inside You want a dark mecha series with lots of gore and terrific plot? here you go.
    just what came to mind, that's all for now.
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