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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. This is the most active band I hear nothing about.


    I'm not silly enough to believe that we have anything to do with the complete radio silence on Initial'L. Lycaon was around for a few years and they were known and loved by many. I also believed that they "disbanded" to get away from their label, and Initial'L was simply the continuation of Lycaon. I know they didn't part ways with their label very well as Lycaon, but usually new bands that form from the core of an existing band keep some momentum. This is a notable exception. Are these guys blacklisted by a portion of the industry or something? It doesn't make sense that they've released all this music and I didn't know about anything past their second single until right now.


    How depressing a turn of events. I used to love these guys. I still spin early Lycaon on occasion. I like Yuuki's voice when he doesn't force it. I just can't get into a majority of their post-eve stuff.

  2. 2 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    Nice setup! I was gonna go with a modmic wireless but then I saw the price tag and it kinda scared me away (too much for something that could and probably will crap out after a few years), for around the same amount of money I got a Blue Yeti Desk Mic instead.


    How do you like the HD 600? I have the 6xx (basically a 650) but have never tried the 600. Might be getting one soonish though if I can find a good price used, Heard they are amazing on a OTL Tube amp like my Darkvoice.

    I've had them for a few years. I've got the HD 600, the Corsair VOID RGB headset, ATH M50xs, the HD 518's and the HiFiMan HE 400, and the 600s are my favorite pair to use. They sound just as good as the planars and they're a lot lighter on the head. Velour pads are a god send for long listening sessions in humid weather. That's why I ended up modding those headphones and not a different pair that I barely use. Never had the pleasure of owning a tube amp, so I can't say how they sound with those, but the Magni/Modi 1 drive them just fine. Sound very neutral and that can either be an excellent thing or a bad thing, depends on if you like flavor in your  music. But honestly that's something a bit of EQ can fix. I like the neutral sound, even if it can be a bit revealing at times.

  3. Speaking of Schiit stacks, @colorful人生 inspired me to get my own Magni/Modi set up. I was having trouble getting Windows 10 to recognize the device as something that plugs in but doesn't communicate with it. I think I need to avoid USB 3.0 ports or something because the Magni/Modi 1 doesn't play nice with them.



    And here's what it's attached to, Sennheiser HD 600 with a Modmic Wireless attached.


  4. 5 hours ago, Disposable said:

    I don't know if you've someone's alt or have been lurking here for how long exactly, so in case you were not aware I was referencing the way people here write circles around the production of some shitty Japanese mallcore as if dicking around with a few sliders and switches would've made it any different. Even if The Insulated World didn't sound shitty it'd still thoroughly retain it's fundamental essence, which is shit. 

    That whole album was recorded on $10 earplugs Die picked up at the corner store.

    Someone passed me a copy of The Insulated World that they did where they adjusted a few things and the end result was so much better. Not good enough to fundamentally change opinions on the album, but enough to make me wonder why that wasn't done before the album was pressed. It only took ten minutes! For fuck's sake, if I can sit down and take a compressed MP3 version of the track and make it sound better than the studio master, there's a problem with the production part of the pipeline. Do any of their ears work? I haven't revisited the album since I got this copy, since tracks like "Devote my Life" hurt to listen to, and I still think the second half of the album is stronger than the first half, so in essence I guess I agree with your hot take???

    Despite my high end equipment, I'm also terrible at noticing these problems in the moment, but I can very easily A-B them if someone gives me a cleaned up version, so if I start noticing issues almost instantly then that's real bad. Real good example of how ignorance is bliss.

  5. On 7/21/2019 at 8:12 PM, Cereal Killer 13 said:

    It's  being reported here  that he had a couple grams on him and they got him at his home. Kaneko Nobuaki has made a comment about it http://neotokyo2099.com/2019/07/20/rize-drummer-kaneko-nobuaki-posted-on-instagram-regarding-the-arrests-of-rizes-jesse-and-kaneko-kensuke-kenken/

    If they got him at home, then he was probably smoking. Bro get a candle!

    Also "a couple of grams" is not an insignificant amount of weed. If he cops in bulk, it's possible he had an eighth to a quarter on him (3.5-7.5g). Even in decriminalized states that's enough for some time.

  6. Guess I'm emotionally and mentally weak then lmfaoo

    but I'll take my crutches anyway. life's gonna life whether i smoke or not. i'd rather be high for the bullshit then be sober and angry to appeal to ideals. marijuana makes me feel good. quotes are just feel good words that don't mean much to me most of the time. as long as people are responsible and courteous with their drug use i don't really care if you wanna blaze up or snort rocks. it's their life and they can fuck it up as badly as they want, as long as they know they're responsible for the consequences.

  7. 17 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    Alcohol and drugs, recreational or not are for the emotionally and mentally weak and are just a crutch and outside of the real medicinal benefits of marijuana, it's all just a way to desensitize yourself from the world and dull the experience that is living because people aren't happy with their lives for one reason or another. This is why I'm straight edge after having experienced both of them and opting out of the social trends of getting drunk and high as the means of having fun has helped me live a more fulfilling and genuine life.

    but what if you abuse marijuana??

  8. 6 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    The super hero bubble will burst, and soon and people will be very tired of them and the MCU will see a significant hit in popularity which will make room for a film renaissance like we have never seen the likes of. 

    Is that an unpopular opinion or inevitable outcome? Some friends and I joked between the release of IW and Endgame that all the B-list heroes are out to play because the A-list heroes got Thanos'd...but there's a bit of truth to it surely? Short of adapting all the comic books arcs for every hero into their own separate movies (and even this I would argue works better in an HBO-style format) how many soft and hard reboots can you do? How many hero movies is too many? And how does one even top Endgame, the movie that's gonna be used as the yard stick for measuring all hero movies going forward? I think we are closer to this pop than it appears.

  9. This post has been locked for violating the following rule:


    After much discussion, future topics concerning non-Asian politics are hereby banned on MH. This means that NO new discussions about the upcoming USA 2020 election, Brexit, the Republican or Democratic parties, mass American shootings, acts of terrorism, or any other content tied into politics and not in Asian countries will be allowed in the future. In addition, future topics concerning the intersection of sexuality and politics, current events concerning China and it's policies/politics, and anything related are going to be prohibited as well. 

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.

  10. 50 minutes ago, YuyoDrift said:

    It's all a part of "being in the know" with social media, even though you don't know what you know. Also a reflection of the celeb life, so there's nothing new there.

    It's also how I know who to keep around. Shouldn't be too mad at people making a fool of themselves, but I should be concerned that the behavior doesn't become normalized.

  11. Just now, ghost said:

    Care to share any of them?   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    I think too the more you write down your dreams, the easier it gets to write about them. When I first started out writing down my dreams, I usually only wrote down like a sentence or two, and in some cases just words. 

    I've actually always wanted to animate or create a video of a few dreams I've had because it's just too difficult to put them into the words to describe the feeling or event. But I can't animate and can't imagine trying to get a crew to reenact a shot dream, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    They are absolutely horrifying and undescribable which is why I draw pictures. And I am no artist.

  12. I'm going through my Facebook nuking any trace of my thoughts because I'm not in the business of digital archaeologists of the future digging through my records because they have a bone to pick with me, and I'm surprised by how much the ancient contents of my news feed are a graveyard of dead links. Some of the links don't even indicate what the content originally was, and there are some links that look live and lead nowhere. It is interesting how we take for granted that things stay around on the internet, but clearly only certain things stay around. It will be troubling in the future to go back and find news articles about events that are happening today if companies can purge articles from their website once they figure they aren't making enough money off of it. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    no, i'm quite busy, and i'm sure the crush stemmed from the later period in my relationship where my mind went "hey you're in a real shitty relationship, look at this other person that you get along with really well and treats you better than your partner does, develop feelings". but as i said, it's never been a complete crush and i doubt it will be, because they're unobtainable anyway due to their orientation and my only option is to suppress it (plus, relationships now terrify me)

    You may be busy, but your mind can wander. At least mine has the propensity to. I thought I was busy until life kicked me in the gonads so hard I didn't have time to worry or think. I just had time to do. I was in survival mode then. Before I knew it, I went two years without thinking about relationships in the most neutral zen state of mind ever and because of that I stumbled into my current relationship. By that point, I didn't even want it. It was hell, but it was also tranquil. I don't suggest you put yourself through hell to suppress your feelings, but just beware of where your mind wanders when it goes off. It can come back with thoughts and feelings you don't need and aren't prepared for. 

  14. Social awareness is fucking bullshit designed by armchair activists who want to feel good by doing nothing. It started with the manipulative posts asking for likes in the name of Jesus, exploiting the homeless they seek to help to fuel their ego boners, and now it's devolved into virtual shit slinging at different corners of the internet with a zero tolerance policy on disagreement. For example, half the people championing for mental health awareness don't even know how to spot depression lurking in their friend group. No one needs to be "aware" of breast cancer because we already know it exists; what we need to do is kick its ass. Facebook statuses about environmental awareness on Earth Day doesn't clean up the plastic bottles you walk past on your way to and from work every day. Social awareness is a cheap and lazy way to decorate yourself with feelgood medals while doing fuck all to change anything.


    Representation has strong armed its way into every corner of society, and it's supposed to be such a good thing to see yourself reflected in entertainment, but I don't think it's a good thing. Considering what trash ends up in the media today, not being in the media is a good thing. "Everyone's story has to be told" but history is full of the stories of the forgotten, and most of them are not worth telling. Odds are, your story isn't worth telling either. Certain members of our society have an exaggerated sense of self-worth wrapped in a cloak of self-doubt and depression, and they've pushed the barometer of conceit so far out to the left it's redefined what it means to be a self-absorbed narcissistic prick. With the advent of social media and the acceptance that everything will be recorded for future use, people are downright obsessed with claiming their little speck in history, at whatever cost possible. Representation is cherry-picked points of view to weaponize social agendas through various mediums, because the fastest way to earn your paragraph in a history book is to engage in thought revolution, and everyone thinks they're a blessed prophet sent from God with words that make angels cum when they sermon.


    Social media was a mistake. It has convinced me reading minds is the worst super power one could wish for, especially if you can't turn it off. There are things I'm seeing on a daily basis that would horrify me if I were standing in line scanning someone's thoughts and came across them. The dumb shit people think is acceptable, the horrifying things people daydream about doing to others, the lies people internalize while they lie to your face, all of that would come crashing down if I could read your thoughts, and her thoughts, and his thoughts, and they would all smash together in my mind until I'm not sure what is real anymore. The description sounds like the wonderful back story for a villain in a novel somewhere if you needed a legit reason to explain acquired insanity. The worst part about social media is that it's an addiction that has wormed it's way into culture right next to high fructose corn syrup and caffeine.

    Everyone has a self-serving agenda.



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